Showing posts with label garnet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garnet. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

My ARM CANDY by Muwae Jewellery & Giveaway Winner!

ENG: Hi guys! I already talked to you about my collaboration with Muwae jewellery, so today I'd like to present you another two bracelets that I'm loving from their collection.
Especially in summer time, when I can wear short sleeves, or sleeveless tops, I like to have my arm candy, always stacking different bracelets together, for the unique and cool result :-)
I find that this summer season, I always use these two lovely pieces by Muwae. They're very pretty, and easy to combine with other jewellery pieces that I have.
Both bracelets can be used as necklaces too, or even anklets! You just need to be creative :-)

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Vec sam vam pricala o mojoj suradnji sa Muwae nakitom, a danas vam zelim predstaviti jos dvije narukvice iz njihove bogate kolekcije.
Pogotovo u ljetno vrijeme, volim nositi narukvice, jer dolaze do izrazaja kada nosim majice na kratke rukave, ili ljetne topice. Stoga se ljeti volim poigrati svojim narukvicama i kombinirati vise njih, kako bi rezultat uvijek bio originalan i cool :-)
Ovog ljeta, najvise volim kombinirati ove dvije Muwae narukvice, uz ostale narukvice iz moje kolekcije nakita.
Obje narukvice mogu se nositi i kao orglice, treba vam samo malo kreativnosti! :-)

"Dalliance de Bella" bracelet $ 34.00 shop here
"Dalliance de Bella" bracelet is made of materials: Garnet, Lapis lazuli, canary stone and silver accessories.
Check out the rest of Muwae jewellery collection here!

In my video review I also announced my Muwae jewellery winner!

U novoj video recenziji Muwae nakita proglasena je i sretna dobitnica mog darivanja, pa ju molim da mi se sto prije javi :-)

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