Thursday 31 August 2017

Breastfeeding with inverted nipples? How I switched from formula to exclusively breastfeeding!

The most beautiful, magical, yet such a natural thing. 
Being able to nurse your child and seeing him grow and prosper on something your body produces, to me, is everything. I'm so grateful that I'm able to breastfeed my son for 7+ months now and I'm hoping these precious moments will go on for a little bit longer!

Find out more about my breastfeeding journey and how I switched from formula to exclusively breastfeeding, overcoming my inverted nipples problem, in my recent YouTube video here:

Please share with me your breastfeeding story!

Monday 28 August 2017

My Baby Boy's Clothing, Food & Essentials Haul in Croatia!

Hi guys!

Recently I went with my little family on a short trip to my home in Croatia. It was sort of a mini vacation and we all enjoyed it pretty much!

When I was there, I went in a few stores that sell baby clothes & other essentials, and I picked some items that I want to share in today's post.

My dear long time friend Fatmira came to visit us, and she gave me a gift card to use in S. Oliver's store (as she said, she wanted to get to my little Sebastian some cute bits from that store, as their clothes is really cute and nice quality.)
This is actually the first time I was shopping for my boy in S.Oliver's store and I can say that I was very pleased with what I picked out!

My little son already has quite a big selection of summer clothes (and babies grow fast), so I decided to pick a few things in bigger sizes, that he's going to (hopefully) be able to wear next summer!
Aren't these T-shirts and a little bandana adorable?

I also went to Drogerie Markt and Muller drugstores and I picked some yummy baby food and hygiene essentials:

I'm still breastfeeding, but my baby is 7 months old now, so he does eat some solids too. I usually cook his meals (I got the Philips Avent blender & steamer that I'll be reviewing soon), but I discovered these delicious Frutek meals that you can offer to your baby as a breakfast or dessert, and boy, does he love them!
They're made in Slovenia, and...well done! They're super delicious (can mommy have one too? lol), and I even went back the next day, to buy some more (as I haven't seen them here in Italy).

I also bought some baby hygiene essentials, such as Penaten creme (recommended by my Mum. She said she used Penaten products on me and I never had any irritations or nappy rash), Water Wipes (probably the best wipes on the market, as they don't contain any chemical ingredients, only water and fruit extract), great for sensitive skin. I like to buy them whenever I'm in Croatia, because I can't seem to find them here where I live in Italy :-(
You can get them in DM and Muller, but in Muller they're more affordable!

I also picked some cute bath products and his first toothbrush (by MAM). He only has 2 bottom teeth so I think it's still a bit early to start brushing his teeth (he doesn't even know how to spit yet!), but I'd appreciate to know your experiences and advices, when did you first start with your baby's oral hygiene?

You guys know that I don't share pics of my baby on the social medias, but here are a few "candids" where you can see bits of him and his daily life activities.
He's such a good and dear boy, he loves to play and he always smiles! I love him more than life!

You might have noticed that, since I became a Mum, my blog has been moving into a slightly different direction...Well, I started my blog a very long time ago (has it been 7 or 8 years now?), and it never started as exclusively fashion blog, but it had a mixture of everything (fashion, beauty, lifestyle...)
A few years ago, I started posting mostly outfit photos and my blog was taking almost exclusively that fashion direction. I got to work with numerous fashion brands and I'm not going to lie, I loved it.
Some really cool outfits and fashion posts were created in that period.

But since I gave birth to my precious boy this January, taking outfit photos has been pretty much impossible to me! I would try to "steal" a moment whenever we were out as a family, but those photos never looked as professional and put together as they used to (we used to go on a hunt for the perfect location, and my stylings were always carefully planed days ahead).
I don't say that I miss that, I'm just saying that, being used to delivering one type of content, it felt quite frustrating knowing that I took a step (or two) back in the quality of the content that I'm currently producing for you guys.

That's why I decided not to stress out about impossible situations, but to "adjust" my blog to my current lifestyle. As I truly enjoy being a Mum and I believe that my son is the greatest blessing in my life, I really want to share with you more of "Mum" related topics here, and tell you more about my & my son's journey :-)

You were already able to notice that I posted more beauty topics and reviews in the past week, and I'm planing to continue in this direction.
So from now on, there'll be lots of more beauty topics, lifestyle and Mum & baby related topics! Of course, fashion is still my love, so I'm going to try and surprise you with an outfit post whenever I can, and also "New In/ Haul" type of posts.
Since I'm doing this blog update, I also wanted to be honest and straightforward with you and let you know that sponsored posts and "wish lists" are also welcome here on my blog, as they're giving me the possibility to earn some extra $$$ to invest in my blog/ youtube and to provide better quality content for you. This is the only reason I say yes to those type of posts, as every single $ earned, I like to invest in my blogging/ vlogging. However, I always state, at the bottom of the post, when it's sponsored.

I hope you enjoyed this post! I really feel better about blogging again and I feel more motivated.
I think I really needed to pour my thoughts into this post, as everything looks clearer now!

I hope you'll keep following my (blogger/Mum) life journey :-)

Friday 25 August 2017

My Anti- Aging Secret: Snail Gel Cream!

Hello beauties!

Today I'd like to reveal my anti aging secret to you.
When you're in your mid 30-ies, and you're a new Mum with a constant lack of sleep, you need great beauty products to come to your skin's rescue!
Now, when I say "great products" I don't necessarily mean "high end!"
As a beauty blogger, I tried many skincare brands, from high end to drugstore to lesser known, "local" manufactures and I can tell you that the price doesn't always mean quality!
First, you need to know your skin type and your skin's need, then you got to focus on the ingredients that a certain products provides; the name of the brand comes last.
Lately, I've been loving snail gel (as gross as it might sound), for my face care!
I picked this product at Drogerie Markt drugstore in Croatia, for a very modest price of cca 5€ ($5.75 USD) and I can honestly tell you that I'm loving it!
My skin has become quite dry and thirsty (especially now that I'm breastfeeding) and this gel really moisturizes and soothes my skin! It works well even as a serum (used before another, even richer, day or night cream).

It's a German product, by a brand Jardin Naturel and it's quite a little gem! It's actually suitable for multiple things: From skincare to body care (it's also great for treating acne prone skin, wrinkles and fine lines, stretchmarks, sun burn etc.)
It contains vitamin B6, allantoin and collagen, all great for your skin!
The only "negative" product is the smell: Well, it's not really pleasant! I mean, I don't like my skin care products to be too fragrant as I think that's too artificial, but this one...I don't know, it's even too natural! When I'm putting it on my face, I can imagine this is what a snail stinks like! 
But the good news is that the smell fades away almost instantly, so it's something I can definitely overlook at (but I'm sure that not everybody can!)
Because the benefits are so high, I decided to go on using this unusual beauty product, until I finished the entire container!
The packaging itself is nothing fancy, but it's the content that matters, right?

The formula is a gel consistency that absorbs really quickly and it's non greasy.

Have you ever tried snail cream? Or any other similar, "weird" beauty products (such as viper's poison cream that should act as natural botox)?

I'm curious to hear about your experiences!

If you have really dry skin, you can use this gel in the mornings (it's good even as a makeup base) and at night time switch to a thicker consistency, more nourishing cream (such as beauty sleeping masks or similar).
I like to bring this gel all the way to my under eye area and I put it on top of my under eye cream (for that extra anti aging effect).
When it comes to this product, I really am a satisfied consumer, as it delivers great results for such a modest price! There were more expensive snail gel creams available, by other brands, (I guess there's a lot about marketing too), but I'm quite pleased with this one by Jardin Naturel and since I don't think it's a hyped up brand, I thought I'd be the one to praise it a bit.

You can read more of my Glam Express articles here
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