Monday 1 February 2016

Valentine's day perfect gift!

Hi guys!

As Valentine's Day is coming up, I thought I'd recommend you some cute, little gift ideas I'm sure everyone would appreciate!

Gearbest is on-line shopping destination for everyone who is on a lookout for a perfect gift to give, as they have in their offer so many cool gadgets from all sorts of departments: Starting from mobile phones, tablet pc & accessories, toys & hobbies, to apparel, and many, many more...there you can find a perfect little something for all your family members and loved ones!

I browsed through their Apparel section where you can find things for men, women, kids and also bags and accessories.

I found a few nice bits that can serve as a hint to my hubby ;-)

This cute "Meow" sweatshirt is very simple, but it looks great paired with denim shirt underneath, and some ripped skinny jeans. It's great for everyday, casual looks!

I also loved this cute Panda hoodie, with fluffy ears! It's great for those casual days, or for lounging around the house.

Next cool thing is this cotton, maxi grey dress. Very comfy, casual and chic. I love the print and the possibility of adding statement jewellery to accessorize this outfit and create your unique signature look!

As I'm actually on a lookout for cute and warm pajamas, I thought this one could be the perfect gift!
I like to wear cute, warm and relaxed clothes when I'm at home, and this one looks very cozy and comfy to me.

I think this web store has got some really unique pieces, and the prices are very affrodable too! Definitely worth checking them out :-)

Another cute item that caught my attention is this zebra print, onesie pajama! I was looking for a onesie everywhere, and I'm glad I found it in this fun design. I bet it's super warm and ideal for those cold winter evenings, or weekends in the mountains, curled up in your bed with a cup of a hot cocoa and a good book, while outside is snowing!

How do you like my picks from Gearbest?  Which one is your favourite item?

If you're searching for a little something to give to your loved one, I'm sure you can find it there! They'll make it easy for you with their deals and presale sections, as well as cool and gifts recommendations :-)

Let me know what are your plans for this Valentine's? How do you usually like to celebrate this day?

* sponsored post

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Zovem te krikom, gubim glas...

ENG: I spent the roughest couple of days. This Saturday, my Grandmother almost died. I was driving home from work when I received a phone call from my Mum, telling me what happened. My Grandmother got very sick, all of a sudden, she had a massive heart attack. I felt like my whole world was crumbling down and I wished so badly that what I was hearing wasn't really true!
Sunday, my hubby and I rushed in the hospital to see her. She seemed very weak, but better...but then, she started having another crisis, and we were asked to leave the room.
Her doctor told us that she could die. They're doing everything possible to save her, and she managed to get out of the crisis. But now she's on a slow way to recovery. I'm worrying sick about possible complications (older people take longer to recover, and sometimes they can develop complications...). I tried to keep myself busy by cleaning my house like crazy and doing long walks with my dog. The highlight of this week was when my Granny actually phoned me and I heard her voice being a bit better, not so tired and out of breath as it was a few days ago.

I will be staying in my hometown for some period because I want to stay as close to my Granny as possible and visit her in the hospital every day. She's like a second Mum to me, and although she's almost 84 and have lived a long life, it's never the right time to say goodbye forever to your loved ones. I'm not prepared on loosing her just yet. I know she's a fighter, and has the biggest wish lo she said, at least one more Christmas with us.

I don't know how often will I manage to post during the next week, but I'll try to upload some outfit photos that I already have ready :-) I truly love you all for being here & showing your support!

HR: Prolazim kroz jako tesko razdoblje u mom zivotu. Zadnjih par dana bili su nocna mora. Proslu subotu, dok sam se vozila s posla kasno navecer, dobila sam telefonski poziv od moje mame, u kojem mi je rekla da je mojoj baki jako pozlilo i da su morali zvati hitnu pomoc. Moja baka imala je teski srcani infarkt. Tu noc radili su joj koronarografiju i spasili zivot.
Muz i ja pohitali smo u Rijeku vec iduce jutro, kako bi baku posjetili u bolnici.
Zatekli smo ju u bolnickom krevetu, vrlo slabasnu, ali doimala se bolje. Tijekom nase posjete imala je jos jednu veliku krizu, lijecnici su nas zamolili da napustimo sobu dok su joj ubrzano nastojali pomoci i spasiti zivot. Tada nas je doktor izvjestio da je bakino stanje tesko i da bi mogla umrijeti. Cijeli moj svijet srusio se u tom trenutku. Zeljela sam svim srcem da ovo sto prozivljavam nije stvarnost. Nakon sati neizvjesnosti, baka je ipak izasla iz krize i stanje joj se stabiliziralo.
Sada je pred njom dugi oporavak, kojeg se bojim jer starijim ljudima teze se oporaviti, a moguce su i komplikacije.
Ovih dana, briga me izgrizala iznutra. Nastojala sam se okupirati ciscenjem kuce i setnjama sa psom, ali nista nije pomagalo...

Najsvjetlija tocka tjedna bila je kada me je jucer baka nazvala na mobitel! Cula sam njezin glas, koji je zvucao snaznije i vedrije, na putu oporavka. Poljubila sam telefon nakon razgovora sa njom.

Boraviti cu neko vrijeme u svojem rodnom gradu jer zelim biti sto blize baki i posjecivati je dnevno u bolnici. Ona je za mene druga mama i iako ce ove godine navrsiti 84 godine i prozivjela je svoj zivot, nikada nije pravo vrijeme za pozdraviti se zauvijek sa svojim najmilijima, neovisno o tome koliko oni godina imali. Zivot se okrene u jednom trenutku, a ponekad nismo ni svjesni prolaska vremena i ogranicenosti vremena koje nam je dano da ga prozivimo na ovom svijetu...sve dok se tako nesto alarmantno ne desi. Ja znam da je moja baka snazna zena, borac i da ima veliku zelju za zivotom...rekla nam je da zeli sa nama docekati bar jos jedan Bozic.

Ne znam koliko ce cesto ici outfit postovi u iducih tjedan dana, nastojati cu ipak objaviti par postova koje imam vec pripremljene :-) Volim vas svih!

Outfit info:

DRESS: Second hand shop in Italy
BOOTS: Coolway ("The Vampire Diaries" collection, "Love Sucks")
BAG: Zara
NECKLACE: Pull & Bear
WATCH: JORD, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green 

"Neko sa svojim bolom ide ko s otkritom ranom: svi neka vide.
Drugi ga cvrsto u sebi zgnjeci i ne da mu prijeci u suze i rijeci."

Dobrisa Cesaric, Sakriveni bol

"Sunce, daj mi topline, nebo, daj mi vedrine,
ti, more, mene u plaveti prostrane rasiri..."

Tin Ujevic, Uresi zemlje

Wednesday 13 January 2016


ENG: Hey guys! In this period of time, when outside is quite cold, I like to dress quite casual, warm and comfy! Staying warm is my priority, that's why I always carry a hat and a pair of gloves in my bag...even when outside is sunny, because it can still be quite chilly, or, when the sun sets and if I'm still out & about, I know I'm gonna need my warm winter accessories :-)

Recently I started collaborating with another on-line company and from them I received many cool & casual items...this grey cardigan is one of those items! I like to wear it on top of my denim shirt, and the slouchy fit that it has makes me feel really comfy in the clothes I'm wearing :-)

HR: Bok ljudi! U ovom vremenskom razdoblju, primjetiti cete, volim nositi dosta casual odjevne kombinacije. Moj prioritet jest topla odjeca i udobna, ali koja ce izgledati moderno i lijepo.
Sa sobom u torbici uvijek nosim toplu zimsku pletenu kapu i par rukavica, cak i kada je vani sunce, jer, sloziti cete se sa mnom i suncani dan moze biti hladan, a kada se sunce skrije, a ja sam jos okolo i naokolo, onda ce mi moj zimski asesoar biti neophodan!

Nedavno sam zapocela suradnju sa novom on-line tvrtkom koja radi za vise brandova, tako da mi je na kucnu adresu stiglo puno paketica i vecina odjevnih predmeta koje sam dobila jest bas u tom nekom casual- komfornom stilu. Jedan od njih je i ovaj sivi kardigan koji odlicno izgleda povrh traper kosulje i toliko je mekan, sirok i udoban, da se bas volim "zamotati" u njega! :-)

CARDIGAN: Sammydress
SNEAKERS: Peppe Jeans
BAG: Zara

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