Konacno imam novi video na hrvatskom jeziku, za sve vas koje ste to trazile :)
Odlucila sam zapoceti novu seriju videa na mojem hrvatskom youtube kanalu, radi se o Make Up Skoli za Pocetnike, a prvi u nizu videa jest tutorijal u kojem govorim o starter kitu sjenila.
Video mozete pogledati ovdje:
Nadam se da ce vam ova serija videa koju pripremam biti zanimljiva i poucna!
Ukoliko vec imate iskustva u nanosenju make up-a, videi ce biti zanimljivi i vama, vjerujem, jer cu podijeliti sa vama neke od mojih omiljenih, "Go-To" proizvoda za uljepsavanje i dati vam dobre preporuke za proizvode koje mislim da je vrijedno imati u vlastitoj make up "kolekciji".
Mala skola sminkanja by Sonia Verardo:
Kako pravilno nanijeti rumenilo?
Mora li lak za nokte uvijek biti uskladjen sa ostatkom make up-a?
Moji omiljeni proizvodi, male tajne za ljepsi izgled...
Kako istaci svoju prirodnu ljepotu sminkom...
A sve to biti ce popraceno i make up tutorijalima!
Nadam se da ce vas to potaknuti da se pretplatite na moj kanal!
Recently I had an exciting opportunity to be interviewed for womenspersonalfinance website, where I talked about myself and my blog, fashion, and shared some money saving tips with you! :)
Thank you so much to all my lovely subscribers & followers ♥ Another huge THANK YOU to the lovely Cath from womenspersonalfinance.net for taking interest in my blog & for interviewing me! :)
When I was in Croatia, I went shopping with my Mum & hubby and we went to Lush!
At the time, Lush was having this crazy sale, 50%-70% off all their gift boxes (as the holiday season was behind us!).
The offer was too good to pass on, so, even though, originally I went in Lush to get some other products, I ended up purchasing this "White Christmas" gift box, which contained seven Lush products, all amazing, all honey, vanilla, cocoa, marzipan scented! Those are all my favourite scents and I literally go crazy over them!In fact, I couldn't stop smelling the gift box and all the products, my nose was glued to it!
I've decided to wait until filming, to actually open up the gift box for the first time! So it was pretty exciting! Even when I was filming, I got pretty distracted by the amazing scent of the products and just couldn't stop smelling them...and trying to describe to you guys, how awesome they smell! haha! :)
Opening the gift box in front of the camera was quite fun!
You can watch my video here:
What do you think, did I remove the wrapping paper nicely, or did I just tear everything to pieces? ;)
Inside of the box you'll find 7 beauty products:
- 70g Snowcake Soap
- 25g Popcorn Lip Scrub
- 100g Vanilla Dee- Lite Body Moisturiser
- 100g Honey I Washed the Kids Soap
- 45g Ro's Argan Body Conditioner
- 100g It's Raining Men Shower Gel
- 30g Soft Coeur Massage Bar
Snowcake Soap
marzipan scented soap
Popcorn Lip Scrub
A sweet and salty scrub for lips
Vanilla Dee-Lite Body Moisturiser
Delightfully soothing, creamily smoothing, vanilla scented lotion for your body and hands.
Honey I Washed the Kids Soap
This Honey soap smells delicious to attract those with a sweet tooth.
Ro's Argan Body Conditioner
Condition your body like you condition your hair with this incredibly popular argan oil, rose, lemon and vanilla shower lotion.
It's Raining Men Shower Gel
Honey and toffee fragranced shower gel for silky soft, sweet-smelling skin.
Soft Coeur Massage Bar
Melt the natural butters, honey and cocoa in your hands for a sensual massage :)
"Baby, it's cold outside- so stay in and unwrap this selection of comforting, cosy and warming treats instead." Lush
I'll be doing more detailed reviews on my favourite products from the gift box, soon!
Do you have a Lush favourite, a must- have product that you always like to recommend?