Friday 7 October 2016

How to style culottes

ENG: Hi guys! In my today's post I'm giving you one outfit idea, on how to style culottes! These model of pants were super popular, and I would have wanted to wear them more this summer!
My original plan was to prepare a whole lookbook video with them, but it turned out that at some point of my pregnancy they started to be very unflattering on me. Even though they have an elasticated waist band, I was getting wider in my belly area, and these pants are already wide as it is, so I ended up looking not pregnant, but huge! I came to the conclusion that this model of pants will suit only very thin women (as I used to be, lol). Now I packed them away for the next year, hoping I'll eventually have my figure back...and that by then, culottes are still going to be on trend! :-D

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! U danasnjem postu dajem vam brzinsku outfit ideju- kako nositi popularne culottes hlace! Ovog ljeta, taj model bio je pravi must have, a ja sam ih zeljela iznositi malo vise nego li sto sam imala prilike! Moj plan bio je pripremiti za vas cijeli lookbook video sa razlicitim outfit idejama vezanim uz culottes hlace, ali...pocela sam se siriti i trbuscic je poceo rasti... :-)
Buduci da je ovaj model vec sirok sam po sebi, rezultat je bio da sam i ja izgledala, ne trudna, vec...siroka! haha Otkrila sam da je ovaj model namijenjen za izuzetno vitke zenskice (kakva sam ja bila), i iako ima elastican struk, jednostavno su mi postale neudobne i "not pregnancy friendly"!
Vec sam ih spakirala za iducu godinu, nadajuci se da cu kad-tad povratiti svoju liniju i da ce kada se to desi, culottes hlace jos biti u trendu! :-D

U novom lookbook videu mozete pogledati par outfit ideja kako nositi "cold shoulder" topice!
Ostavite mi vase prijedloge, sto biste voljeli vidjeti u iducim lookbook videima!

ENG: In my new lookbook video you can check out some ideas on how to style cold shoulder tops!
& leave me your ideas / requests for my future lookbook videos!

CULOTTES: Gamiss here
BOOTS: Primadonna
BAG: Zara
HAT: Ina market, Italy

Shooting location: Crikvenica, Croatia

Check out this vlog from Crikvenica for Glam Express!

At the end of my post, I want to recommend you an amazing online wedding and prom dress store.

Red Bridesmaid Dresses

Tuesday 4 October 2016


ENG: The title of my today's post is "campesina", because in this cold shoulder dress, pom pom sandals, and in this environment (the corn field), I really did feel like I'm trying to portray a "campesina" from mexican telenovelas, lol!
But seriously, this dress was so cute & comfy to wear, especially during the hot summer days in my second trimester of pregnancy.

This is probably going to be the last summery outfit of this year, as I already started working on my fall lookbook video and posts! I'm excited to share with you some of my favourite fall looks and the hottest trends of the season! :-)

HR: Naslov danasnjeg posta, "campesina" nastao je zahvaljujuci tome sto me cijela ova outfit kombinacija, a i sam krajolik gdje smo snimali (polje kukuruza), neodoljivo podsjecao na ulogu neke meksicke seljanke iz njihovih telenovela, haha!
Ali salu na stranu, ova denim haljinica bas je slatka i bila mi je super udobna i odlicna u vruce ljetne dane tijekom mojeg drugog tromjesecja trudnoce.

Ovo ce vjerojatno biti zadnji takav ljetni outfit post ove godine na blogu, jer pocela sam raditi na jesenjem lookbooku i outfit postovima! Bas sam uzbudjena sto cu sa vama moci podijeliti omiljene mi outfit kombinacije za jesen i vruce modne trendove sezone! :-)

Cold shoulders denim dress: Gearbest here
Sunglasses: Zara
Pom pom sandals: Kitten
Choker necklace: Mikey London
Arrow necklace: Infinitine jewellery
Wooden watch: Jord, mod. Sully in Natural green
Bracelets: Muwae

At the end of my post, I want to recommend you an amazing online wedding and prom dress store.

Red Bridesmaid Dresses

Monday 3 October 2016

My new make up tools :-)

ENG: I want to get more creative with my make up looks! And we all know that, having the right tools is half the work done :-) So I decided to treat myself with a brand new set of make up brushes!
I went to Light in the Box web store (yes, they do sell beauty products too, didn't you know that?), and picked my set here.
This particular set has 11 make up brushes, you'll get 5 face brushes + 5 eye make up brushes that are very similar to the famous Sigma "Sigmax" brushes. The eleventh brush in this set is one of those funny looking brushes, all the world has gone crazy about! I have to admit, it has got a very innovative design and I'm looing forward to trying it out!
Other brushes from this set I already tried out and have to say they're amazing quality and they do deliver fabulous, impeccable results! For the price of € 9.30, they're true bargains!

HR: Zelim postati kreativnija u svojim make up lookovima, a to je nemoguce bez dobrog alata! Ne kaze se uzalud: "Bez alata nema zanata"...jer istina je da kada posjedujete pravi "alat", pola posla je vec obavljeno! Stoga sam se ja odlucila pocastiti novim setom make up cetkica! Narucila sam ih sa "Light in the Box" web ducana (da, oni prodaju i "beauty" stvarcice, niste li to znali?), a bas ovaj set izabrala sam ovdje.
Znaci, u ovom setu dobiti cete 11 kistica, od toga 5 je za lice, a 5 za make up ociju. Oni neodoljivo podsjecaju na poznate Sigma kistove iz njihove "Sigmax" linije!
Zadnji kistic u setu je onog inovativnog dizajna za kojim je poludio cijeli svijet, pa sam i ja znatizeljna i jedva ga cekam isprobati! Ukoliko mi se svidi efekt, mogla bih naruciti i ostale takve kistice!
Kistici koje sam za sada isprobala odlicne su kvalitete i zaista vam daju savrsen make up kao rezultat! Moram reci da sam odusevljena i cijenom, jer cijeli set iznosi samo € 9.30, a takva ponuda zaista se ne moze nadmasiti ni u kojoj nasoj drogeriji ni parfumeriji!

ENG: Light in the Box currently has the coolest giveaway running on their instagram page! The prize is $150 shopping budget for every winner! Check out all the details on how to participate here!

HR: Light in the Box trenutno ima odlicno darivanje na svojoj instagram stranici! Nagrada je shopping budget u iznosu od $150 za svakog pobjednika! Pravila igre potrazite ovdje i ne propustite se prijaviti! Sretno!

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