Monday 11 January 2016

The Man Who Sold The World...

ENG: Hi guys! As I opened my computer today, I learned a sad news...David Bowie is no longer with us...but his amazing music remains for all times.
Just this Saturday I was driving to work and was listening repeatedly to "The Man Who Sold The World" song (Nirvana's version), and Kurt's saying at the end of his performance: "that was David Bowie's song"...I thought how beautiful this song is (both versions), and then I thought about David Bowie and how great artist he is...

Today, he's no longer here, but he will keep living through his music until the end of times.

This is just a little reminiscence about times passing, and I think the feel of  my today's photos can bring you into this mood...a little blue, sometimes bittersweet, but always challenging as it makes us feel alive!

HR: Bok dobri ljudi! Otvaram moj kompjuter danas, kako bih saznala tuznu vijest da David Bowie nije vise sa nama...ali njegova muzika ostaje za sva vremena.
Bas ovu subotu, vozila sam se na posao i stavljala na "repeat" pjesmu "The Man Who Sold The World" (Nirvaninu verziju), nakon svoje izvedbe Kurt govori: "That was David Bowie's song".
Pocela sam intenzivno razmisljati kako je pjesma predivna (u obje verzije), a zatim o tome kako je veliki umjetnik David Bowie...

Danas, on vise nije sa nama, ali nastaviti ce zivjeti kroz svoju muziku do kraja vremena.

Ovo je samo mala digresija od samog outfit posta, potaknuta mojim trenutacnim raspolozenjem...ali i same fotografije koje vam predstavljam danas imaju tako neki "feel" kojim vam pokusavam docarati tu neku atmosferu prolaska vremena...koja ponekad moze biti melankolicna, ponekad slatko-gorka, ali uvijek puna izazova, jer to nas cini zivima!

...I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land 
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazeless stare
At all the millions here 

I must have died alone 
A long, long time ago...

David Bowie- "The Man Who Sold The World"

SWEATER: Sammydress
BAG: Valentino
PANTS: Sisley
BOOTS: Dr. Martens
NECKLACE: INA market, Italy

Hair, hair, hair! It's all about the gorgeous hair!

Hello beauties!

In this post I'm going to talk about...guess what?!...well, hair, as the title clearly says! ;-)
You know how I like having long hair, and I treat my hair very well, using only top quality products to make it stronger, shinier and moisturised. I also like to visit often my hairdresser, so she helps me out in keeping my hair beautiful looking.
I revealed my haircare secrets many times in my blog post and youtube videos, such as using natural oils (coconut, argan, line seed, or sapote) as a pre-shampoo treatments, or not messing around with your hair colour too often!

But, what do I do when I want to instantly add volume to my hair (and a lot of it), to make some really cool hairstyles? Well, I turn to my hair extensions! I think hair extensions are the quickest way to change your hair styling for a day, without any regrets, as all you need to do is clip them out of your hair, once you want your regular hairstyle back :-)

That's why I love using clip in hair extensions! I already have long hair, so if I'm going to use hair extensions, it's going to be to instantly add volume when creating braids, or fishtails.

If your hair is shorter and you'd like more permanent solution, you can decide to bonde in your extensions, but make sure to get a nice haircut, so your hair extensions will blend nicely with your own hair, and the difference won't be noticeable!

Mofan hair is a great web site for hair extensions, as they have great quality hair available in many different styles and colours!

You can shop by the type of the hair that you prefer, and pick your faves based on the colour chart that will help you find your perfect match.

You can choose hair weft of your preference, depending on the hair fiber, hair colour, length and texture.

I often get asked questions about how to take proper care of your hair extensions to make them last in time and for many usages. 
First of all, I think it's important to choose a great quality hair. So do your research, inform yourself about the best hair extensions shops, check out customer's on-line reviews, and ask questions before making your order! A serious company will have a great customer's service always ready to help you out and answer any question that you might have regarding their product.
Then, obviously, you need to take care of your extensions after you receive them nicely so they don't get all tangled up, wash them in a mild shampoo and use detangling brushes to gently get rid of any knots that might have formed. Most of hair extensions will already come with instructions for use!

If your hair is curly, or if you like wearing curly hairstyles, so you don't want having to curl your extensions, along with your natural hair, on a daily basis, you can opt for curly hair weft

There are so many curly wefts to choose from, again, based on your natural's hair structure, or your personal preference in wearing your hairstyle, you can choose from a super curly hair, to more relaxed curls or loose waves.

Don't forget, you can experiment with your new hair extensions, have fun in creating new looks for you, but make sure they blend well with your natural hair, because you don't want it to be obvious that you're wearing extensions! The trick is in having them look beautiful and natural :-)

* sponsored post

Thursday 7 January 2016

Girlfriend fit jeans, orange poncho & my new sunglasses!

ENG: Hi guys! How are you all spending this first week of  2016.?
It has been pretty cold here in Italy these days, but I want to start my blog posts in 2016. on a happy note and show you that I can be cheerful in spite of the cold weather! All I need is a warm knitwear in a bright colour, and some sales shopping! A few news bits to add in my wardrobe...well, that's always a good idea! ;-)
I do have some "oldies but goodies" here as well...for example, this leather bag is from the 80.-ies, when my grandparents went on a trip to Hungary, and this was one of the souveniers they brought home! I absolutely love it, it's unique and timeless, and needless to say, of a very special value to me!

New goodies here are my girlfriend fit jeans (H&M), orange poncho (Sammydress), and sunglasses! Aren't these frames the coolest?!

I was talking to my friend about girlfriend fit jeans, and we were asking ourselves what is exactly the difference between boyfriend fit, and girlfriend fit jeans? Let's be honest, both fits are very similar...
But, there are however, some slight variations between these two models of jeans!
Would you like to know what the difference is? 
Well, girlfriend jeans is a more classic fit, it's tighter and higher on the hip, with a tapered slim straight leg. It's made from more ridged denim, so the style is more authentic and offers a flattering shape.

HR: Bok dobri ljudi! Kako ste mi i kako provodite ovaj prvi tjedan Nove 2016. godine?
Ovdje u Italiji bilo je prilicno hladno ovih dana, ali svoje postove u 2016. zelim zapoceti u veselom tonu i pokazati vam da mogu biti radosna unatoc losem vremenu! Sve sto mi je potrebno jesu topli, pleteni odjevni predmeti u veselim bojama i...nesto malo shoppinga na zimskim snizenjima! Par malih dodataka mojoj garderobi uvijek su dobrodosli...haha, shopping je uvijek dobra ideja, zar ne? 
U ovom postu imam i neke stare stvarcice, meni osobno velike vrijednosti...kao npr. ova kozna torbica koju su moji deda i baka kupili kada su 80.-tih bili u Madarskoj na putovanju. Jedan od suvenira koje su tada donijeli sa puta, bila je i bas ta torbica, koju obozavam zbog toga sto je kvalitetna i unikatna, bezvremenska!

Novije stvarcice su moj "girlfriend fit" jeans (H&M), narancasti poncho koji mi je ucinio hladnocu podnosljivijom (Sammydress), te naocalice za koje mislim da su preecool i stalno cu ih nositi!

Prijateljica i ja smo bas neki dan razgovarale o girlfriend fit jeansu i razlici izmedju tog prilicno novog  modela i "boyfriend" fit jeansa, koji su, na prvi pogled, doista slicni!
Ipak male razlike postoje, a zelite li ih znati?
"Girlfriend" jeans su klasicniji fit, imaju visi struk i ipak su nesto uze od boyfriend jeansa. Sto se nogavica tice, fit im je dosta "slim" i ravan, a sam denim materijal od kojega su napravljene trebao bi biti nesto krutiji i time doprinjeti autenticnosti i boljoj formi!

It’s a more classic fit – tighter and higher on the hip, with a tapered slim straight leg. Made from more ridged denim, the style is more authentic and offers a flattering shape.”

PONCHO: Sammydress
BOOTS: Camaieu
TIGHTS: Philippe Matignon
NECKLACE: Pull & Bear
WOODEN WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green

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