Saturday 4 April 2015

The Cape!

ENG: I've been wanting this cape for a long time, I think it's absolutely amazing and super stylish clothing piece! I was thrilled when Choies contacted me and gave me the opportunity to pick some things from their web store!
I knew immediately I wanted this cool multi-coloured poncho/ cape! Now it was discounted from $ 36.99 to $ 29.90, which gave me the possibility to pick up something else from the Choies big selection (but, I'll tell you more about the other item in one of my future posts)!
This cape is so cozy and soft! I feel it's great for these early Spring days, when days are still chilly. In winter time, I would have wear it over a leather jacket or a coat, but now I wore in over my white knitted sweater from H&M.
I completed the look with my black leather pants from H&M, and Zara's leather moccasin.
I'm sure you're going to be able to see more outfit ideas with this cape soon on my blog! :-)

HR: Ovaj ponco zeljela sam vec jako dugo! Zbog toga sam bila odusevljena kada su me iz Choiesa kontaktirali u vezi suradnje i ponudili da izaberem par stvarcica iz njihovog web ducana! Buduci da sam ovaj ponco primjetila bas u njihovoj ponudi, odmah sam znala sto zelim! Sretna okolnost bila je i da je ponco tada bio na snizenju, tako da je od $ 36.99, snizen na $ 29.90, sto je znacilo da si mogu priustiti jos neku sitnicu sa njihove web stranice (ali, to cu vam predstaviti u jednom od nadolazecih postova!)
Ovaj ponco je tako mekan i udoban, kao dekica! Mislim da je prikladan za ove rane proljetne dane, zbog toga sto je vani jos uvijek prohladno i potrebno je slojevito se oblaciti.
Zimi, ovaj bi ponco nosila povrh kozne jakne, ili kaputa, kako bi me dodatno zagrijao.
Odusevljena sam njime, mislim kako je vrlo sik i moderan i vidjati cete ga cesto na blogu :-)
Ja sam ga kombinirala uz bijelu majicu iz H&M-a i crne kozne hlace (isto H&M), a styling sam upotpunila Zarinim koznim mokasinama, koje su izrazito udobne i obozavam ih!

CAPE: Choies

BAG: Zara

Thursday 2 April 2015

It's all about the dress!

ENG: Hi guys! I received this lovely dress from web store  this Tuesday, and I immediately fell in love with it! The dress is made really well and the quality is surprisingly awesome! I ordered it in a size M because I was worried the asian S would be too tiny on me, and I wasn't mistaken, M fits just fine :-)
As soon as I saw the dress I knew how I wanted to style that the warmer weather is here, I put my pink leather jacket by Zara, and Zara booties that I got recently on promotion/sale.
I completed the outfit with my Zara shopper bag (that I haven't worn in a while, but I love it, it's a fab bag!), and with  H&M hat. I think this shirt dress looks even better worn with a belt (H&M). The whole styling is completed with my 90.-ies inspired choker necklaces that I love!

HR: Pozdrav svima! U utorak mi je na kucnu adresu stigla ova divna haljinica! Narucila sam ju sa web ducana i odmah se zaljubila u nju! Haljina je zaista kvalitetno izradjena i od dobrog materijala, sto nije bas cest slucaj u ponudi kineskih web ducana, stoga sam ostala vrlo ugodno iznenadjena! Haljinu sam narucila u velicini M i nisam pogrijesila: Kineske S velicine su zaista preminijaturne! M velicina mi dobro pristaje iako inace nosim XS/S :-)
Cim sam ugledala haljinu znala sam kako ju zelim stilizirati...sada kada su topliji dani pred nama, odjenula sam moju svijetlo roza Zarinu jaknicu i niske cizmice koje sam kupila na nekoj ludoj promociji/ snizenju!
Styling je upotpunjen sa Zarinom crnom shoppericom (koju nisam vec dugo nosila, ali bas volim tu torbu!) i H&M sesir je legao kao secer na kraju :-)
Mislim da haljina izgleda jos bolje kada se nosi sa remenom (H&M). Moje ogrlice inspirirane su 90.-tima; u srednjoj skoli nisam takve skidala sa vrata!

BAG: Zara
NECKLACES: Mikey London @Oviesse

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Hair bits & bobs from

ENG: Hey guys! Recently I was contacted by web store and they asked me if I'd be interested in reviewing some products for them.
On their web store they have a big selection of clothes, bags, shoes, jewellery, watches and other accessories for women and men. As my budget wasn't big, I decided to shop for accessories, in particular for cute head pieces!
I waited cca 2-3 weeks for the package to arrive from China to Italy, but overall everything went smoothly.
I'm very pleased with the products and with the customer's service, they were very polite and kind, so I can recommend shopping there.
One of the items I ordered, as you can see, is an (in)famous scrunchie! 80.-ies/90.-ies trends are back, but... is it legal to wear scrunchie out in the public? :-D
I still think of Carrie's (Sex & the City) legendary "scrunchie scene": "No self-respecting New York City woman would be caught dead running around Manhattan in a scrunchie."
Anyway, I quite like my new scrunchie and I might just wear it to work some day...I still remember having all sorts of colorful scrunchies when I was a kid!

HR: Nedavno sam dobila ponudu za suradnju od web ducana i rado sam ju prihvatila buduci da u svojoj ponudi imaju vrlo zanimljive stvarcice, od odjevnih predmeta, torbi, nakita, satova i drugog asesoara, za zene, ali i muskarce!
Oni su bili zainteresirani da za njih napravim par recenzija. Moj budget nije bio velik, stoga sam se odlucila naruciti dekoracije i ukrase za kosu, koji ce mi, sigurna sam, dobro doci u narednim toplijim mjesecima, kada vise volim eksperimentirati sa razlicitim frizurama!
Na paketic sam cekala oko 2-3 tjedna, ali na kraju sve je dobro proslo bez nekih poteskoca.
Stvarcice koje sam narucila jako su mi se svidjele, a njihova "customer's sluzba" odala mi je pozitivan dojam, tako da sve u svemu mogu preporuciti ovaj web ducan!
Jedna od dekoracija za kosu, moci  cete primjetiti, jest i poznati "scrunchie", koji je postao nepozeljan "zahvaljujuci" Carrie ("Sex and the City") i njezinom komentaru koji nam je dao zakljuciti da je scrunchie totalno "out" za sva vremena! No, je li to istina? Trendovi iz 80.-tih i 90.-tih su se vratili, pa mislim da je tako i postalo legalno ponovno nosenje "scrunchija" u javnosti! ;-) Sto vi o tome mislite?
Meni se moj novi scrunchie, priznat' cu, svidja i...mozda cak sa njim ucvrstim konjski rep dok sam na poslu!... Jos uvijek se sjecam mnostva barsunastih scrunchija zivih boja, koje sam nosila u osnovnoj skoli... :-)

Order here LINK za narudzbu
€ 2.13

Order here LINK za narudzbu
€ 4.51

Order here LINK za narudzbu
€ 3.65

Order here LINK za narudzbu
€ 3.81

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