Monday 7 October 2013

Zara Portuguese Print Blazer & Marilyn Monroe T-shirt

Hello lovelies!

Today I have an outfit post for you :)

Also, I wanted to mention that I opened my profile page at CHICTOPIA and I already started posting looks there daily!
If you're also on Chictopia, come & say hi! I'd love to see your looks & follow you back :)
Click HERE to go to my Chictopia profile & see the looks that I've posted there!

Back on my today's outfit post...I styled the outfit around my Portuguese print Zara blazer that I got this past summer, at the end of summer sales...

I spotted this blazer on many fashion blogs that I follow, and I really liked some of the styling ideas I saw! They all inspired me to create my own version of styling Zara's portuguese print blazer.

Needless to mention, I really love the print, I think it's simply beautiful!

You can wear this blazer for work and formal occasions, but I decided to dress it down into a more casual/trendy outfit, with ripped jeans, studded bag & Marilyn Monroe print T-shirt.

Let me know what do you think!

I had a really good deal on this blazer, as I got it at the end of summer sales...and I was pretty lucky that I managed to find it in my size! My friend, who works at Zara, didn't really like this blazer, but I decided to prove him wrong and got it anyway!

How I styled this blazer:

Marilyn Monroe print T-shirt: Oviesse
Ripped Jeans: 72D by Oviesse (but thrifted, although brand new!)
Bag: H&M
Sunglasses: Ray Ban Aviators

Leave me your comments, and please follow my blog, more outfit posts coming up soon! :)
You can also add me on Facebook to keep in touch with me!

Kiss from Italy,

Thursday 3 October 2013

Njega kose kokosovim uljem (Coconut Oil Haircare)

Pusa svima!

Nakon duze, ljetne stanke, pripremila sam novi video na hrvatskom jeziku :) Jedan od vasih "request-a" bio je da govorim vise o njezi kose kokosovim uljem, pa sam se prvo uhvatila snimanja videa na tu temu!

Video mozete pogledati ovdje:

Sto se detaljne recenzije tice, mozete ju procitati na mojem hrvatskom blogu, kojeg pisem za beauty portal; KLIKNITE OVDJE kako biste procitali post!

Kokosovo ulje pokazalo se velikim saveznikom u njezi moje kose, a ovo su proizvodi koje redovito koristim:

"Impaco Linea Mare Olio de Coco" proizvod koji koristim najvise ljeti i stiti moju kosu od sunca, vjetra i slane morske vode.
"Non-oil" formula, ne masti kosu.
"L'erboristica di Athena's" 100% prirodno kokosovo ulje sa dodatkom tahicanskog cvijeta Monoi, koristim kao intenzivan pakung- tretman, jednom tjedno. Izvrsno je i za njegu tijela jer produzuje broncani ten (nakon ljeta) i sprijecava nastanak strija i pucanja koze (vraca kozi elasticitet!)

Oba proizvoda su talijanske proizvodnje, kupljeni u supermarketu u Italiji, po vrlo povoljnim cijenama.

Odlican za njegu kose ljeti, prilikom izlaganja suncu i plivanja u moru.

Odlican tijekom cijele godine, za njegu kose i tijela!
Prirodno kokosovo ulje pri nizim temperaturama prelazi u kruti oblik, sto se nedavno (po dolasku jeseni i hladnijih dana), dogodilo i sa mojim uljem.
Nema razloga za zabrinutost, dapace, to je dokaz da je ulje zaista 100% cisto kokosovo, a vrlo ga je lako ponovno "prebaciti" u tekuci oblik: dovoljno je lagano ga zagrijati.

Ne propustite saznati vise o mojim pozitivnim iskustvima sa kokosovim uljem, procitajte moj POST na beauty portalu!

Za englesku verziju ove recenzije kliknite ovdje/ For english version of this review (The Benefits of Coconut Oil), click here:

Nadam se da ste uzivali u ovoj recenziji i da cete i vi poceti koristiti kokosovo ulje pri njezi vase kose i tijela!

Vasa misljenja i iskustva sa kokosovim uljem, kao i neke nove zahtjeve za moje buduce videe na hrvatskom jeziku, ostavite na mojoj FACEBOOK stranici!

Pusa iz Italije,

How I Stay Fit? Quick & Healthy Salad Recipe!

Hi beauties!

You asked me to talk to you a bit more about my diet & fitness I made this video where I'm showing you some simple ways how to stay fit.

When I'm at home, I like to have a fresh salad with mixed vegetables and cheese for lunch. It's a very light, but healthy meal. (But if I'm working long hours, of course I need something that will give me more energy for the day...)

I also try to always stay motivated to keep excercising on my home stepper (it's not always easy, especially when the colder days arrive, I tend to be like a lazy bear...but I noticed after my workout I feel so much better, energised, stronger physically and mentally, and more optimistic about everything!).
So I strongly advise you to workout, even just simple, at home excercises!

In this video I'm talking to you a bit more in depth about my workout routine & I'm sharing with you one quick & simple recipe for a healthy, fresh salad:

Healthy salad recipe:

Rocket salad, tomatoes (or better, cherry tomatoes!), black olives, feta cheese, fiocchi di latte cheese, olive oil...
(add other ingredients of your preference...I also like to add a fresh cucumber sometimes)

Oregano and bruschetta bread will make this salad extra delicious!

My salad is ready! :)

This is especially good recipe for hotter months, now that we're heading towards the colder days, my body craves warm meals more often, but I'll still enjoy preparing this salad at least once a week (this can also be a delicious side salad to your main meal!)

I hope you enjoyed this recipe! If you prepare this salad, take a pic of it & post it on my FACEBOOK page! I'd love to see how did your salad turn out! :)

Kiss from Italy,

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