Showing posts with label winter chic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter chic. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Silea (Winter Chic OOTD)

ENG: Hello lovelies!
Today I get to share with you these cool photos that we took at the beautiful location of Silea, by the river Sile. We went there one Sunday afternoon and enjoyed our walk and taking photos!
The place is beautiful and we'll definitely come back again sometime!
As outside was still pretty cold, I decided to dress warm, but chic!
Who says winter outfits can't be stylish and fashionable? Yes, I know it can be quite a challenge putting together a warm outfit appropriate for the cold weather conditions, and still manage to look stylish, can be done! 
In winter time, my priority is to stay warm, I can't pretend we're in summertime and wear lightweight clothes, when outside we're getting closer to a 0 C°!
My whole body literally starts shivering when I'm cold, so I always try to wear warm enough clothes & winter accessories, when I need to go outside!
Bloggers who fake summertime when outside it's actually super cold, I don't find inspiring, as I can't do much with their outfit ideas, except file them under  "check back in a couple of months..."
My tips for dressing stylish even in cold weather are to buy more winter coats (sales are the right period to do so!), and to accessorize with nice scarves, gloves and trendy hats!
I like to have more than one winter coat, that way I don't feel like I'm always dressed the same way (let's face it, if I'm going to spend the day outside, nobody will even know what I'm wearing underneath my coat, and the coat is the clothing piece that will make my whole outfit!). 
In this post I'm showing you the outfit I put together from the pieces I got mostly on this year's winter sales! The entire outfit is put together with less than 100 € (if I were buying these items before the sales started, we'd be talking about 400- 500€!)
I hope that you like it & find it inspiring!

HR: Danas sam za vas pripremila ove lijepe fotografije koje smo napravili na prekrasnoj lokaciji u mjestu Silea, kraj rijeke Sile u Italiji!
Jedno nedjeljno popodne muz i ja iskoristili smo za setnju uz rijeku i fotografiranje, jako nam se svidjelo tako da imamo namjeru vratiti se cim prije! 
Buduci da je vani jos uvijek hladno, nastojala sam se sto toplije obuci, ali pri tom ipak izgledati sik!
Tko je rekao da se zimi moramo toliko zabundati da izgledamo kao pingvini i da nasi outfiti nemaju veze s modom? Istina je, nije lako ostati stylish pri niskim temperaturama, ali...moguce je toplo se obuci i izgledati super!
Ja sam prva ta koja se voli zabundati jer kada mi je hladno, cijelo tijelo mi pocne nekontrolirano drhtati! Jako sam zimogrozna i po tom pitanju nema sale: Prioritet uvijek dajem toploj zimskoj odjeci, obuci i asesoaru.
Blogeri koji usred "cice zime" glume ljeto, nisu mi inspirativni, jer takve odjevne kombinacije koje predlazu nisu mi realne i mogu ih samo arhivirati pod: "baci pogled za par mjeseci"...
Moji savjeti za stylish, ali toplu zimu su kupnja vise zimskih kaputa zanimljivih modela, boja, printa (pravo vrijeme za to je na zimskim snizenjima!), te toplog zimskog asesoara (kapi, salova, rukavica...)
Ukoliko imate vise zimskih kaputa, necete se cijelu zimu osjecati kao da ste svaki dan isto obuceni! 
U ovom postu pokazujem vam outfit kojega sam slozila od komada kupljenih na snizenjima, a cijeli outfit kostao me je manje od 700 kn! (Da sam iste komade odjece kupovala po punoj cijeni, cifra bi se popela i na 3 500 kn!).
Nadam se da vam se outfit svidja i da vas je inspirirao!

Make sure to also check out my short OOTD video that we filmed at the same location:
Pogledajte i kratki modni video kojega smo snimili na istoj lokaciji, uz rijeku Sile:

BAG: Zara

Vlog na hrvatskom jeziku u kojem vas vodim sa sobom na slikanje!

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