Showing posts with label travel outfit post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel outfit post. Show all posts

Friday 11 December 2015

Rome travel diary: Piazza Venezia and Fontana di Trevi, in all its splendor and glory!

ENG: In today's post I'm continuing my Rome city tour...I'm taking you to Piazza Venezia and the breathtaking Fontana di Trevi. Both monuments are so spectacular, and out of this world beautiful!
I said to my hubby, I could just sit in front of the Fontana di Trevi, admiring it, the whole day long :-)
And he agreed with that tought!

3 hours that we had on our disposal to visit Rome, weren't nearly enough! We needed AT LEAST 3 days! But I had my Youtube convention to attend in the afternoon hours, and the next day, I had to be home, at work! So we really wanted to make the most out of the time free that we had! And we did!

HR: U danasnjem postu nastavljam tour grada Rima...vodim vas na Piazza Venezia i Fontanu di Trevi, koja svojom ljepotom oduzima dah. Obje znamenitosti toliko su spektakularne, kao da ne pripadaju ovom svijetu! Doduse, ne pripadaju ovom vremenu, vec nekim drugim, davnim vremenima, kada je svijet bio potpuno drugaciji...
Muzicu sam rekla da bih mogla sjediti ispred Fontane di Trevi doslovno cijeli dan, diveci se njezinoj ljepoti i savrsenosti. On se sa time slozio :-)

3 sata koja smo imali na raspolaganju za razgledavanje Rima, nisu bila nista, naspram svih znamenitosti i turistickih atrakcija koje taj grad nudi. Niti 3 dana ne bi nam bilo dovoljno! Ali, u popodnevnim satima, cekala me Youtube konvencija, a drugi dan morala sam vec biti doma i na poslu! Zbog toga, zeljeli smo iskoristiti najbolje sto mozemo, slobodno vrijeme koje smo imali! I to nam je uspjelo!

I was wearing:

SWEATER: My Dad's // JEANS: H&M // SHIRT: Hollister // NECKLACE: Happiness Boutique // SUNGLASSES: Ray Ban // BOOTS: Deichmann // BAG: H&M // RINGS: Mikey London, H&M, other...

He was wearing:


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