Showing posts with label ski resorts in the italian dolomites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ski resorts in the italian dolomites. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Predazzo, the Italian Dolomites, OOTD: Day 1

Hello lovelies!
I hope you all had a lovely Easter! I was in Croatia for a couple of days and now I'm already back home to Italy...It was a super short stay, but much needed, after four months that I haven't seen my home in Croatia and my family...

Today I'm trying to catch up on some blog posts that were scheduled for the past week, but I just didn't have time to prepare them as I was busy with work and preparations for my trip...

You guys remember that, the past month, I stayed over the weekend in the town called Predazzo, in the Italian Dolomites, and I even vlogged about it!

During my stay in Predazzo, I filmed two OOTD videos, and here is the day 1 video: CLICK HERE TO WATCH!

Turtleneck sweater: Benetton
Nordic print cardigan: H&M
Jeans: Bershka
Bag: H&M
Jacket: Bought in Italy (no name brand)
Beige jacket/coat: New Yorker
Boots: Dr. Martens

You can find more OOTD pics on my LOOKBOOK profile!

Drage curke! Nadam se da ste lijepo provele Uskrs :) Ja sam bila u kratkom posjetu obitelji u Hrvatskoj, vrijeme je proletjelo i vec sam natrag doma u Italiji!

Prosli tjedan imala sam malo vremena na raspolaganju za update blog postova, stoga ovaj tjedan nadoknadjujem i stavljam slicice OOTD videa koje ste prosli tjedan mogli vidjeti na mom YOUTUBE kanalu.

Slicice za ovaj outfit post snimljene su u talijanskom gradicu Predazzo u Dolomitima, prosli mjesec kada sam tamo boravila za vikend.
Buduci da je temperatura bila oko 10 stupnjeva i vrijeme vjetrovito, odluka je pala na toplu odjecu i slojevit outfit :)
Ja sam jako zimogrozna tako da nema tu pretjeranog fantaziranja: Odjeca mora biti svrsi shodna! :)

Nadam se da vam se svidio OUTFIT VIDEO i VLOG!

Moje svakodnevne odjevne kombinacije mozete pratiti i na LOOKBOOK.NU stranici ♥

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