Showing posts with label sigma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sigma. Show all posts

Monday 3 October 2016

My new make up tools :-)

ENG: I want to get more creative with my make up looks! And we all know that, having the right tools is half the work done :-) So I decided to treat myself with a brand new set of make up brushes!
I went to Light in the Box web store (yes, they do sell beauty products too, didn't you know that?), and picked my set here.
This particular set has 11 make up brushes, you'll get 5 face brushes + 5 eye make up brushes that are very similar to the famous Sigma "Sigmax" brushes. The eleventh brush in this set is one of those funny looking brushes, all the world has gone crazy about! I have to admit, it has got a very innovative design and I'm looing forward to trying it out!
Other brushes from this set I already tried out and have to say they're amazing quality and they do deliver fabulous, impeccable results! For the price of € 9.30, they're true bargains!

HR: Zelim postati kreativnija u svojim make up lookovima, a to je nemoguce bez dobrog alata! Ne kaze se uzalud: "Bez alata nema zanata"...jer istina je da kada posjedujete pravi "alat", pola posla je vec obavljeno! Stoga sam se ja odlucila pocastiti novim setom make up cetkica! Narucila sam ih sa "Light in the Box" web ducana (da, oni prodaju i "beauty" stvarcice, niste li to znali?), a bas ovaj set izabrala sam ovdje.
Znaci, u ovom setu dobiti cete 11 kistica, od toga 5 je za lice, a 5 za make up ociju. Oni neodoljivo podsjecaju na poznate Sigma kistove iz njihove "Sigmax" linije!
Zadnji kistic u setu je onog inovativnog dizajna za kojim je poludio cijeli svijet, pa sam i ja znatizeljna i jedva ga cekam isprobati! Ukoliko mi se svidi efekt, mogla bih naruciti i ostale takve kistice!
Kistici koje sam za sada isprobala odlicne su kvalitete i zaista vam daju savrsen make up kao rezultat! Moram reci da sam odusevljena i cijenom, jer cijeli set iznosi samo € 9.30, a takva ponuda zaista se ne moze nadmasiti ni u kojoj nasoj drogeriji ni parfumeriji!

ENG: Light in the Box currently has the coolest giveaway running on their instagram page! The prize is $150 shopping budget for every winner! Check out all the details on how to participate here!

HR: Light in the Box trenutno ima odlicno darivanje na svojoj instagram stranici! Nagrada je shopping budget u iznosu od $150 za svakog pobjednika! Pravila igre potrazite ovdje i ne propustite se prijaviti! Sretno!

Monday 7 November 2011

GIVEAWAY (OPEN): Sigmax HD Synthetic Brush F80 Flat Top Kabuki by SIGMA (REVIEW)

Hello girls!

I have an exciting news to share with you!
I was contacted by Vincy, from Sigma beauty company and she invited me to join the Sigma "affiliates" family :)
I was very happy, because I've heard nothing but the best things about Sigma and I have been wanting to try out something from their vast line, for such a long time!
I'm sure you've all already heard about Sigma and first of all, about their excellent quality brushes that made the company so famous among our beauty youtube/blogger community and among all the make up lovers!
If you haven't heard about the Sigma yet, then I recommend taking a look at their WEBSITE!

Vincy was so kind to send me a little gift from Sigma: The F80 Flat Top Kabuki brush!
I was so excited when this little gift arrived to my doors!

Sigmax F80 Flat Top Kabuki Brush
I've had this brush for a few weeks now and I've already incorporated it into my daily make up routine!
It has become a really important "tool" in achieving the perfect, "ready to face the day & the outside world" finish!
In my video review, I'm also showing you a quick demo on how I use this brush  in my every-day foundation routine and why it has become one of my must-have brushes:

Just click on the play button above to watch my video review!

The Sigma F80 Flat Top Kabuki brush is a part of the new Sigmax brush line for high definition and flawless makeup application.
The brushes in this collection feature exclusive Sigmax filament, specially designed to apply powder and liquid products without absorption into the fibres.
The shape, density and height of the filaments were carefully engineered to perfectly buff products onto the skin, resulting in a high definition effect.

F80 Flat Top Kabuki is the brush I got.
Other brushes from Sigmax HD Face edition collection:
F82- Round Top Kabuki
F84- Angled Top Kabuki

F80- Flat Top Kabuki
The F80 Flat Top Kabuki brush is perfect for applying and blending liquid, cream, and powder products onto the skin. The flat surface allows perfect buffing with flawless results.
The brush is made with synthetic Sigmax HD filament.

How I use it in my everyday foundation routine?
I use my  F80 Flat Top Kabuki to apply my Shiseido Pureness Compact powder, on top of my Garnier B.B. cream!


One of my lucky subscriber/blog follower will win the F80 Flat Top Kabuki
brush and will be able to experience its quality! :)

As a new member of Sigma Affiliates family, I was able to negotiate a little giveaway for all my subbies/blog followers!
You'll be able to win the F80- Flat Top Kabuki brush, just like the one featured in my video review/& on this blog post!
The rules are really simple, anyone can enter, as many times as one wants, and this giveaway is open internationally!
There are just a few things I'm asking you to do in order to enter this giveaway:
- Subscribe to my eipysgudps Youtube channel (if you haven't yet!)
- Be my blog follower
(if you enter both on my youtube channel & here, on my blog, you'll have a better chances to win!)
- In the comments section, leave me a comment saying which one is your favourite Sigma brush!
(if you haven't ever used any brush from the Sigma brushes collection, then just tell me which one is your favourite make up brush in general!)

& That's it!
I'll pick a winner & the Sigma company will ship the prize directly to you :)

If you want to shop at Sigma, you can use my affiliate's link to do so (if you please! You don't have to do that, but if you do, then thank you so much!) is my link:
I'll also be including this link to my youtube's eipysgudps channel page, so you can go there and use it whenever you feel like doing some shopping at Sigma ;)
I'm looking forward to being able to give you a discount coupon codes and share with you the latest news from the Sigma beauty world!

Good luck with this giveaway!
Do enter in many!

♥ Sonja

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