Showing posts with label shop cozy review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shop cozy review. Show all posts

Monday 17 January 2022

Shop cozy OOTD cozy & warm


Hello lovelies!

Today I have another outfit post in collaboration with Shop Cozy .

As my priority in winter time is to stay warm, I picked this super soft and cozy fleece jacket. Fleece jackets have been very popular for the past couple of seasons, especially when they're worn oversized for that comfy and relaxed feel.

They're also super warm, and I tend to wear them even for lounging around the house. I'm always super cold, but when I wear fleece, I'm all warmed up, thankfully.

I'm really pleased with all the items that I picked from their on-line store. It's my first time collaborating with Shop Cozy but from what I can tell, based on this order and 6 items that I picked, the quality is really nice, comparable to any other famous high street store.

I love spending time at the beach, any time of the year. But winter at seaside can be quite cold, so that's why I'm all bundled up here. Uggs are also a must!

How do you like this look?

Hat: Carhartt
Fleece jacket: Shop Cozy
Black turtleneck: Max & co.
Jeans: Levi's
Boots: Ugg
Sunglasses: Koalaeye optical 

Here are some photos of the beautiful sunset at the beach of Kostrena, one of my favourite places.

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Shop Cozy Cute Floral Print Jacket OOTD


ENG: Hello lovelies!

Today I have another outfit post from the beautiful beach of Kostrena :-) I just love that place.

I truly love living by the sea, even winter by the sea is magic!

Thanks to Shop Cozy I can present you this cute winter jacket :-) It's really eye catching, with these floral print, and it's very fun to wear in winter. In winter time we tend to wear more "dull" outfits, a lot of dark colours and now it's time to change that! As you can see, this winter I love to wear white, and fun prints, things that I'd usually wear in spring and summer, but made of warmer materials, obviously!

With such jacket you definitely can't pass unnoticed!

Jacket: Shop Cozy (use coupon KL_rdo to get some discount of your purchase!)

Black turtleneck: Max & co.

Jeans: Levi's

Belt: Top Shop

Boots: Ugg

HR: Bok ljudi!

Evo da vam napisem par redaka i na hrvatskom jeziku! Nemam uvijek vremena pisati postove na dva jezika, ali evo, danas sam izdvojila malo vise vremena za blog!

Ovaj outfit je jos jedan u nizu outfita koje sam kreirala u suradnji sa Shop Cozy web ducanom. Oni imaju zaista slatku odjecu po povoljnim cijenama, a i kvaliteta je stvarno ok (usporedbe radi, recimo d asu tu negdje sa H&M-om, ili drugim slicnim high street ducanima!).

Ova jaknica je bas fora! Ja volim cvjetni print i ovakvu "veselu" odjecu volim nositi i zimi. Iako se mozda u zimi vise nose tamnije boje i "dosadniji" odjevni predmeti, trendovi u zadnjih par zima nas uce da se i u hladnije vrijeme mogu nositi veseli uzorci i svijetije boje, a bijela i bez su posebno popularne!

U ovoj jaknici zaista necete proci neprimjeceno ;-)

Lokacija na kojoj su snimljene fotkice jest jedna mala plazica na Kostreni. Zima na moru je predivna (iako zna biti ledeno i vjetrovito!)

Jako mi je lijepo ponovno biti ovdje!

Pisem vam uskoro u iducem postu! Nadam se da ste mi dobro :-)

Love from Croatia!

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