Showing posts with label san giuliano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label san giuliano. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 April 2015

OOTD: Walk in a park of San Giuliano, Venice, Italy

ENG: Hi guys! I hope you all had a lovely Easter with your family! 
Today I'd like to share with you this outfit post that I already shared with my Glam Express readers, here :-) It's the outfit I wore for a walk in the park of San Giuliano in Mestre, Venice. My friend and I decided to take a walk in the park, as the weather was finally getting warmer! But, when we finally arrived to the park, it got super chilly, as the cold wind started blowing, so our walk turned up to be quite short!
I can't wait for the warmer weather to arrive, to be able to do more outdoor activities! Taking a walk in the park of San Giuliano can be quite nice, as from there you'll have a panoramic view of Venice and the Laguna :-)
For the walk I decided to wear something sporty/trendy/casual; my Pepe Jeans military print sneakers and my lovely pink coat by Bershka! (see my other two outfit posts feat. this coat here and here )

HR: Bok svima! Nadam se da ste lijepo proveli Uskrs i uskrsnje blagdane!
Danas cu sa vama podijeliti jedan outfit post kojeg su citatelji moje rubrike pri Glam Express-u vec mogli vidjeti ovdje :-) Ovaj outfit nosila sam za setnju parkom San Giuliano koji se nalazi u gradu Mestre, vrlo blizu Venecije. 
Moja prijateljica i ja odlucile smo se na setnju parkom buduci da se vrijeme cinilo kada smo konacno dosle do parka, ostale smo razocarane, jer puhao je hladan vjetar i setnja nije bila bas ugodna, tako da se i vrlo brzo zavrsila!
Ne mogu docekati toplije dane, jer volim provoditi vrijeme vani u raznim aktivnostima!
Setnja parkom San Giuliano moze biti bas ugodna kada je vrijeme lijepo, jer iz parka imate pogled na Veneciju i Lagunu :-)
Za setnju odlucila sam se na sportsko/casual/trendy varijantu; moje omiljene Pepe Jeans tenisice vojnickog uzorka, te roza kaputic iz Bershke, kojeg ste vec mogli vidjeti ovdje i ovdje.

COAT: Bershka
NECKLACE: Stradivarius
SNEAKERS: Pepe Jeans
BAG: INA Market, Italy

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