Showing posts with label pregnancy outfits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy outfits. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Third trimester pregnancy OOTD: Burgundy sweaterdress

Hey guys!
I do have a few more pregnancy outfit posts to show you! This is the outfit I wore when I had a day packed full with doctor's appointments and prenatal classes. It was actually quite stressful day (I'm telling you more about it in my 36 weeks pregnancy vlog, that you'll find linked bellow!), and I was happy to take a little break and shoot this outfit! We spotted this beautiful location by chance, on our way to the next doctor's appointment, and we immediately decided to do a quick photo shooting!
Unfortunately we didn't have much time to go for a little walk, but we definitely marked down this place, for the next good occasion (hopefully when the weather gets warmer, and with all of the members of our little family!).

Pozdrav ljudi!
Ipak imam za vas jos par trudnickih outfit postova! :-) Ovaj outfit nosila sam na dan koji je bio rezerviran za lijecnicke preglede i trudnicki tecaj. Bio je to dosta stresan dan, a vise o svemu saznati cete u mojem trudnickom vlogu kojeg cete naci na kraju posta!). Bila sam bas sretna kada smo napravili malu "pauzu od svega" i pronasli ovu oazu za brzinsko slikanje outfit posta!
Buduci da nismo imali puno vremena na raspolaganju, nismo se mogli uputiti u setnjicu uzduz obale rijeke, ali zapamtili smo si lokaciju za iduci put! Jedva cekamo da dani zatople i da nasa mala obitelj bude upotpunjena novim clanom kojeg zeljno iscekujemo ovih dana!

Sunglasses: Mango
Lace choker necklace: DIY project
Burgundy sweaterdress: Bought at italian christmas' market a few years ago for 2€
Denim gilet: Bought at italian open market for 1€
Maternity tights: Kiabi
Bag: Zara
Boots: Camaieu
Coat: United Colours of Benetton

36 Weeks Pregnancy Vlog: Big Physical & Emotional Changes:

Thursday 1 December 2016

White winter knitted sweater dress OOTD

I rediscovered this white knitted sweater dress, from a couple of seasons ago, in my closet, and I thought it's the perfect item to wear now during my pregnancy, as it's so comfy, yet warm!
When the real cold winter weather arrives, it's going to be super challenging dressing my baby bump! I wish I was in my third trimester in summer time! I hate having to put all these layers of clothes on my belly, I feel it's growing and stretching out every day, and I'd love to wear just flowy, light weight summer dresses! I also hate having to wake up early in the mornings when outside is still dark and icy cold, to go and have doctor's visits and exams! That's super stressful! I'd 1000% prefer to go through all these and deliver my baby in the summer's heat! That's just me! But, hey, we have to embrace what we're given, so icy cold weather it is!

How do you like this way of styling a sweater dress? I'll soon have a sweater dress lookbook on my youtube channel, so make sure to check it out when it's ready! 

Ovu bijelu pletenu haljinicu pronasla sam nedavno u svom ormaru, a znam da sam ju kupila prije par godina u H&M-u. Pokazala se idealnim odjevnim predmetom bas sada, kada sam u trecem tromjesecju i kada moj trbuscic raste i rasteze se svakim danom sve vise, pa mi je neophodna udobna odjeca. Buduci da nam stize i zimsko vrijeme, bitno mi je i moci se utopliti, a to nije lako, jer jedino sto bih voljela nositi jesu lagane i prozracne ljetne haljine koje daju "slobodu" mom trudnickom trbuhu! Svi ovi slojevi odjece ponekad me uzasno iritiraju i voljela bih da sam u trecem tromjesecju u ljetnim mjesecima! Takva sam vam ja, radije bih radjala po pasjim vrucinama, nego usred velike zime! Samo ustajanje rano ujutro, dok je vani jos mracno i ledeno, kako bih napravila neki pregled, cini mi stres, dok mi se ljeti sve, bas sve cini lakse! No, sto je tu je! Moramo iskoristiti na najbolji moguci nacin ono sto nam je dano, tako da prihvacam izazov i smisljam tople trudnicke outfite!

Kako se vama svidja ovaj styling? Uskoro ce na mom youtube kanalu ici video lookbook sa pletenim zimskim haljinama, tako da nemojte ga propustiti! Outfiti naravno nisu namijenjeni iskljucivo za trudnice, nosila bih takav stil i da nisam trudna!

BLACK TIGHTS: Kiabi (premaman)
NECKLACES: H&M, Mikey London

Follow my pregnancy bump updates on my instagram! Pratite updatee mog trudnickog trbuscica na mom instagramu!

Tuesday 4 October 2016


ENG: The title of my today's post is "campesina", because in this cold shoulder dress, pom pom sandals, and in this environment (the corn field), I really did feel like I'm trying to portray a "campesina" from mexican telenovelas, lol!
But seriously, this dress was so cute & comfy to wear, especially during the hot summer days in my second trimester of pregnancy.

This is probably going to be the last summery outfit of this year, as I already started working on my fall lookbook video and posts! I'm excited to share with you some of my favourite fall looks and the hottest trends of the season! :-)

HR: Naslov danasnjeg posta, "campesina" nastao je zahvaljujuci tome sto me cijela ova outfit kombinacija, a i sam krajolik gdje smo snimali (polje kukuruza), neodoljivo podsjecao na ulogu neke meksicke seljanke iz njihovih telenovela, haha!
Ali salu na stranu, ova denim haljinica bas je slatka i bila mi je super udobna i odlicna u vruce ljetne dane tijekom mojeg drugog tromjesecja trudnoce.

Ovo ce vjerojatno biti zadnji takav ljetni outfit post ove godine na blogu, jer pocela sam raditi na jesenjem lookbooku i outfit postovima! Bas sam uzbudjena sto cu sa vama moci podijeliti omiljene mi outfit kombinacije za jesen i vruce modne trendove sezone! :-)

Cold shoulders denim dress: Gearbest here
Sunglasses: Zara
Pom pom sandals: Kitten
Choker necklace: Mikey London
Arrow necklace: Infinitine jewellery
Wooden watch: Jord, mod. Sully in Natural green
Bracelets: Muwae

At the end of my post, I want to recommend you an amazing online wedding and prom dress store.

Red Bridesmaid Dresses
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