Showing posts with label popular trends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label popular trends. Show all posts

Thursday 15 September 2022

Summer outfits vol.5: Second hand fashion


U pokretu 👋 A sad idem malo filozofirati o outfitu: Sve na meni je second hand (osim ovih ludih naočala koje sam “ulovila” prije puno godina na sniženjima). Traperice su jos malo pa pravi vintage komad, pronašla sam ga u second handu u Londonu, davne 2005., gdje sam i radila kao volonter. Bile su još nove sa etiketom i bile su mi tada prevelike (ah, gdje je sada taj struk?), ali sam ih svejedno uzela jer je to bila ljubav na prvi pogled (i bile su nevjerojatno jeftine)! Da, “osviještena moda”, ili kako ćemo ju zvati, u zadnjih par godina postala je pravi trend, ali moja ljubav prema second handu nije površni trend već datira još iz dvijetisucitih kada sam zivjela u Londonu i tamo otkrila “čari” second hand ducana…Dok je još kod nas second hand bio neka vrsta “tabua”, koji je asocirao na Caritas, ratne godine i neimaštinu. Drago mi je da je danas second hand postao popularan, jer realno, cijene su u dućanima prenapuhane i kome uopće trebaju nove kolekcije svaka dva tjedna?? Topic, torbicu i sandalice su sa Mojih krpica, odličnog mjesta za povoljan second hand shopping, gdje i sama imam svoj dućančić gdje trenutno do kraja mjeseca ide super akcija, pa obavezno bacite pogled 😉 Ukoliko želite, pokažite mi sto vi danas nosite, dovoljno je da me tagirate i vidjeti ću vas outfit 😉

Hello guys!

Here is one photo session "in the movement". I find, lately, that those kind of photos are quicker to take and also they turn out better than when you actually pose.

I'm wearing all second hand here, except for the old Zara sunglasses that I bought on sales in Italy. 

I fell in love with second hand fashion long before it even became a "trend"! I volunteered in a charity shop in London, West Ealing, back in 2005. and I still to this date have some great pieces of clothing from that store, such as these Replay jeans that I wear here in these pics!

When I bought them, they were brand new, with a tag still on, and they were a bit too big on me! But I was so happy that I found such popular and great quality brand of jeans, for just a couple of pounds, I didn't even mind that they were a bit too wide. Now they're a perfect a fit, which makes me wonder, did I have such a small waist back then, huh? Also, back then low waist jeans were more popular, and everybody wore skinny models, whereas these, as you can see, are high waisted and wider model (super popular now, almost 20 years later!).

I'm also selling a lot of my clothes at a local Croatian website, where I have set up my little closet. If you know some good on line stores where I could sell internationally, let me know! Is depop still the most popular? I'm also a bit hesitant because I don't know if the shipping costs are too high, I mean, is it worth it? I have to inform myself a bit more about it!

I'd love to give it a shot, so all my blog readers and international audience could get something from my closet :-)

Your ideas and suggestions are very much welcomed!

Outfit details:

Top: Zara (second hand)

Jeans: Replay (second hand, from Pdsa charity shop in West Ealing)

Leather sandals: Next (second hand)

Bag: Mango (second hand)

Sunglasses: Zara

Necklace: from the early 2000's, bought from local street musicians from Latin America

I'll talk to you soon guys! I'm going to start sharing very soon other topics on my blog, to bring back a bit of diversity, such as wish lists, beauty product reviews, and also about old post cards (which I'm already posting on my instagram so take a look!)

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