Showing posts with label otok rab hrvatska. Show all posts
Showing posts with label otok rab hrvatska. Show all posts

Thursday 10 September 2015

Relaxing moments at the island of Rab

ENG: One of the best things about summer is going to the island of Rab! This is the island where I lived with my parents as a child, and I still have old family friends who live there that I like to visit!
When I'm at the island, I love spending the entire afternoons at the beaches, until the sunset. Those are the best days in the entire year!
In this post I'm wearing my H&M high waisted shorts with a cropped blouse by Choies 
I think this was the perfect summer look! This blouse is now on sale for only $ 13.99 so you might want to take the advantage and order it now, for the next summer!

HR: Jedan od razloga zasto volim ljeto jesu i moja ljetovanja na otoku Rabu! Na tom sam otoku zivjela kao mala sa roditeljima, a jos dan danas tamo nam zive stari obiteljski prijatelji koje rado posjecujem!
Kada sam na otoku, najvise volim provoditi dane na plazi i to sve do zalaska sunca. To su mi najbolji dani u cijeloj godini!
U ovom postu nosim denim sorc iz H&M-a (volim ovaj model visokog struka), sa kracom bijelom bluzicom koju sam narucila sa Choies stranice. 
Mislim da je ovo bio savrsen ljetni look! Bluzica je sada na snizenju za samo $ 13.99, buduci da se ljetna sezona blizi kraju...Ja sam tuzna zbog toga, a vi? :-( 
Ukoliko zelite, iskoristite priliku i narucite ju sada za iducu ljetnu sezonu!

BLOUSE: Choies
HAT: INA Market, Italy
NECKLACES: H&M, Pull & Bear
SANDALS: Pull & Bear

WATCH: Jord, mod. Sully in Natural Green


Wednesday 15 August 2012

Let the Vacation Begin!

Hello girls :)

This is just a quick hello & to let you guys know that I'm currently on my summer vacation in the island of Rab, Croatia ♥

I arrived here yesterday afternoon & went straight to the beach :)

The weather is perfect, and the island is just as beautiful as ever!

I'm preparing a lot of fun OOTD videos & outfit posts, that I'll be uploading when I return to Italy so stay tuned for lots of new content on my blog and Youtube, by the end of August!

Here is just a quick, little preview:

Kissses from my sunny island ♥♥


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