Showing posts with label money saving tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label money saving tips. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 January 2013 Interview with Sonia Fashion Blogger

Hello lovelies!

Recently I had an exciting opportunity to be interviewed for womenspersonalfinance website, where I talked about myself and my blog, fashion, and shared some money saving tips with you! :)

Here are the screenshots of my interview:

my interview page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4

page 5

page 6

You can read my full interview HERE!

I hope you enjoyed reading it! 

Thank you so much to all my lovely subscribers & followers ♥ Another huge THANK YOU to the lovely Cath from for taking interest in my blog & for interviewing me! :)

You're my daily inspiration to keep blogging!

Kissss from Italy,

xoxo, S.

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