Showing posts with label mixing prints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mixing prints. Show all posts

Thursday 31 December 2015

Oh, those funky leggings!

ENG: Hey guys, I'm so busy these days, doing so many things before the New Year's...I think I'm pretty much done for today but before I head to sleep (or watch one of my favourite tv show first) I have a quick outfit post for you!
Yes, sometimes I dress like this: Quite unexpected mix of prints, one might think! But I like it, it's a fun and carefree outfit, and I really am myself when wearing it...It's a little bit crazy, but comfy, and it makes me feel good :-)

HR: Bok ljudi, ja sam jako zauzeta ovih dana! Imam jos puno toga za obaviti do Nove Godine (a sutra je vec docek!)...letim na sto strana! No, mislim da sam vise-manje gotova za danas pa sto je-je! haha Prije nego se zavucem u krevet (i pogledam barem jednu od omiljenih tv serija prije toga), imam jos jedan brzinski outfit post za vas!
Da, ponekad se ja ovako oblacim: Prilicno neocekivani mix uzoraka, netko bi pomislio! Ali meni se svidja, to je zabavan i bezbrizan outfit, neoptereceni streetstyle!
Ja sam zaista ja kada nosim tako nesto...malo je luckasto, ali udobno i u tome se dobro osjecam :-)

LEGGINGS: Sammydress
BAG: Zara

Tuesday 5 May 2015

A Murder of One

ENG: I dare to say this is probably one of my favourite outfits since I started my blogger career (and that was quite some time ago!). I love it because it's so unique and creative. Different. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but I felt like a million dollars wearing it! And, when it comes to fashion & finding your personal style, this is all that matters...feeling great in the clothes you're wearing.
My hubby didn't understand this outfit.
I personally imagined this song playing in the background of our photo session:

Blue morning, blue morning
Wrapped in strands of fist and bone
Curiosity, kitten
Doesn't have to mean you're on your own
You can look outside your window
He doesn't have to know
We can talk a while, baby
We can take it nice and slow
All your life is such a shame, shame, shame
All your love is just a dream, dream, dream

Well, are you happy where you're sleepin'?
Does he keep you safe and warm?
Does he tell you when you're sorry?
Does he tell you when you're wrong?
Well I've been watching you for hours
It's been years since we were born
We were perfect when we started
I've been wondering where we've gone
All your life is such a shame, shame, shame
All your love is just a dream, dream, dream

Well, I dreamt I saw you walking
Up a hillside in the snow
Casting shadows on the winter sky
As you stood there counting crows
One for sorrow, two for joy
Three for girls and four for boys
Five for silver, six for gold
Seven for a secret never to be told
But there's a bird that nests inside you
Sleeping underneath your skin
Yeah, when you open up your wings to speak
I wish you'd let me in
All your life is such a shame, shame, shame
All your love is just a dream, dream, dream

Open up your eyes, you can see the flames, flames, flames
Of your wasted life, you should be ashamed
Yeah, you don't want to waste your life, baby
You don't wanna waste your life, now darlin'
You don't wanna waste your life, baby
You don't wanna waste your life, now darlin'
Oh, you don't wanna waste your life, now babe
I said, "You don't wanna waste your life, now darlin'"
Oh, you don't wanna waste your life, now baby
Oh, you don't wanna, you don't wanna waste your life, now darlin'
Change, change, change
Change, change, change
Change, change, change

I walk along these hillsides in the summer 'neath the sunshine
I am feathered by the moonlight falling down on me
I said, "I walk along these hillsides in the summer 'neath the sunshine
I am feathered by the moonlight falling down on me"
I said, "I will walk along these hillsides
In the summer 'neath the sunshine
I am feathered by the moonlight falling down on me"
I said, "I will walk along these hillsides
In the summer 'neath the sunshine
I am feathered by the moonlight"

Counting Crows: "A Murder of One"

It's funny how this song can always touch my heart and remind me to live my life to the fullest, to stop wasting my time over regretting things from the past...nothing can change the past, we can only work hard every single day, trying not to make the same mistakes from the past, for a better future!
This song motivates me to be creative, to be unique, to be myself.

My Dad's old, oversized sweater, a 1€ second-hand Woolrich Benetton midi skirt (5€ from Benetton's Outlet)...mixing prints and textures...and this is the outcome! I hope you like it! And the perfect background to tell my fashion story.
I'm a fighter. My life wasn't easy. I'm a survivor. No matter what I wear on the outside, cheap or expensive, it's my mind and my soul that matters, and those are priceless.

HR: Nesto drugacije. Ovaj outfit jedan je od meni najdrazih od kada sam zapocela moju blogger "karijeru" (a ima tome vec dugo!)...
Volim ovaj outfit zbog toga sto je originalan, kreativan. Drugaciji. Volim ga zbog toga sto se nece svima svidjeti i nece ga svi shvatiti. Volim ga zbog toga sto sam se u njemu osjecala kao da nosim outfit vrijedan milijun dolara! I to je ono sto je zaista bitno kada govorimo o modnom izricaju i osobnom stilu: Osjecati se odlicno u odjeci koju nosite na sebi!
Moj muzic nije razumio ovaj outfit.
Dok smo ga fotografirali, u mojoj glavi vrtila sam ovu divnu pjesmu mojeg omiljenog banda Counting Crows: "A Murder of One".

Nevjerojatno je na koji nacin ova pjesma moze dotaci moje srce i potaknuti me da zivim zivot punim plucima, da prestanem trositi vrijeme i energiju razmisljajuci o proslosti i stvarima koje bih napravila drugacije...nista ne moze promijeniti proslost. Ostaje nam samo da radimo svaki dan na boljoj buducnosti, nadajuci se da smo neke lekcije naucili i da ce nam posluziti u daljnjem zivotu i donosenju odluka!
Ova pjesma motivira me da ne tratim svoj zivot, da budem kreativna, da budem jedinstvena, da budem svoja.

Tatin stari, meni malo preveliki dzemper, Woolrich kosulja iz second-hand ducana koja me kostala cak 1€...Benettonova midi suknja (ulov iz outleta, 5€)...mix printova i tekstura...malo kaoticno, ali opet, sve zajedno savrseno funkcionira i prica jednu modnu pricu!
Pozadina se savrseno uklopila u pricu koju sam zeljela ispricati...I ovo je ishod:
Ja sam borac. Moj zivot nije bio lak. Prezivjela sam puno drama i brodoloma. Ono sto nosim izvana, skupo, ili jeftino, nije bitno. Bitno je ono sto nosim iznutra, moj um i moja dusa, a oni su neprocjenjvi.

Budite originalni, budite svoji. Budite kreativni. 

SHIRT: Woolrich (second-hand)
SKIRT: United Colors of Benetton

BAG: Zara

Monday 9 June 2014

Fashion Pairings: Mixing Military Style & Floral Print

Today I have a new OOTD video/ blog post ready for you :)

I like mixing prints & playing with different styles, and often I combine military & floral print together :)

Here is how I styled it recently:

Jacket: New Yorker
Sweater: H&M
Necklace: Zara
Pants: Zara
Wedge booties: H&M
Bag: Nico fashion store, Italy

Check out my new OOTD video feat. this outfit! Click HERE to watch!

I hope you like this outfit idea :)
Don't forget to check out my lookbook for your daily outfit inspirations ;)

Danasnji blog post nadovezuje se uz OOTD video koji mozete pogledati klikom OVDJE!

Ja volim nositi uzorke i igrati se sa razlicitim stilovima, a cesto volim kombinirati cvijetni uzorak sa nekom vojnickom temom :)

Tako sam i danas slozila ovaj proljetni outfit :)
Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti, a za svakodnevnu dozu mode i stila, obavezno posjetite moj lookbook!

Velika pusa iz Italije! ♥

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