Showing posts with label layering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label layering. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Walk Unafraid

ENG: Lately, I've been looking for an inspiration for my outfit of the day posts in my favourite quotes and lyrics...
These outfit photos were taken in Croatia, as I was spending the weekend there, doing some work for my youtube and blog, and visiting my family.
Every time I'm in my croatian home, I feel very connected to the memory of my Dad, every single little bit reminds me of him. Past week, on March, 18th. would have been his 63. birthday...My Dad passed away soon after he turned 60.
Thinking of him, and, in general, of the journey called my life, here is the song that I feel inspires me...

"As the sun comes up, as the moon goes down
These heavy notions creep around
It makes me think, long ago
I was brought into this life a little lamb
A little lamb
Courageous, stumbling
Fearless was my middle name.
But somewhere there I lost my way
Everyone walks the same
Expecting me to step
The narrow path they've laid
They claim to
Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love or leave me high.

Say "keep within the boundaries if you want to play."
Say "contradiction only makes it harder."
How can I be
What I want To be?
When all I want to do is strip away
These stilled constraints
And crush this charade
Shred this sad masquerade
I don't need no persuading
I'll trip, fall, pick myself up and
Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love or leave me high..."

R.E.M. "Walk Unafraid"

My Dad was very honest and good man. He had a big heart and before he died, he told me one thing: To go on, to live my life and to make most out of every second of it. To make it count. Because my time is now.
That's why I'm going to step my path, and I'll be clumsy, but it'll be my way... I'll strip away these stilled constraints, crush this charade, shred this sad masquerade...and won't be afraid to live!

HR: U zadnje vrijeme inspiraciju za outfit postove cesto pronalazim u omiljenim citatima, ili rijecima pjesama...
Ove fotografije nastale su u Hrvatskoj, kada sam za vikend boravila tamo i obavljala neke poslove vezane uz moj youtube kanal i blog.
Svaki puta kada boravim u svom hrvatskom domu, osjecam posebno bliskom uspomenu na mog tatu, svaka sitnica podsjeca me na njega. Prosli tjedan, 18. ozujka, bio bi mu 63. rodjendan...moj tata preminuo je nedugo nakon sto je navrsio 60. god.
Razmisljajuci o njemu i generalno, o ovoj avanturi zvanoj zivot, jedna R.E.M.-ova pjesma posebno me inspirira...a zove se "Walk Unafraid".
Necu vam prevoditi tekst pjesme sa engleskog, ali pjesmu mozete poslusati ovdje!

Moj tata bio je vrlo posten i dobar covjek. To su svi govorili za njega. Imao je veliko srce.
Prije svoje smrti, tata mi je dao jedan vrijedan savjet za zivot: Da idem dalje, da zivim svoj zivot, da prozivim svaki njegov trenutak, jer sada je moje vrijeme.
Te njegove rijeci dale su mi snagu i zbog njih koracam putem kojega sam si sama zacrtala, mozda ponekad i nespretna, ponekad se spotaknem, ali idem dalje.  Nije me briga sto misle drugi, ne zamaram se nebitnim stvarima, nije me strah zivjeti, zeljeti i dajem sve od sebe kako bih te zelje i ostvarila.
Hvala ti tata sto si moja inspiracija i izvor inata, prkosa i snage za dalje! ♥

I already wore this dress here // Haljinu sam vec nosila ovdje!


BAG: Zara
BOOTS: Stradivarius
NECKLACE: Accessorize

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