ENG: Hi guys! You already noticed, everyone went crazy for these pom pom sandals this summer! I believe it's because they're so fun and colorful! Every time I wore them, I swear a felt cheerful and happy :-) It might sound silly, but it's just the way it is! Never thought a pair of sandals could have such a positive effect on my mood, lol!
The first store where I spotted them, unfortunately didn't have them in my size any more (they were pretty much sold out everywhere!)...just as I made my peace with the fact that I'm not going to find them this summer, we went on a roadtrip to Rovinj in Croatia, and, when walking around the centre of the town, I spotted them in the shopping window of another footwear store! I figured there's no chance they'll still have them in my size, but I went in anyway, just to try my luck...and yes, it was my lucky day!!! (a little bit less lucky for my hubby though, as he literally hated them! lol, where's his playfulness?!)
I was super excited about this purchase and, needless to say, I wore them almost every single day of the past month!
HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Sigurno ste vec primjetili, ove pom pom sandale bile su pravi hit ovog ljeta! Ja vjerujem da je razlog tome sto su toliko sarene i vesele! Bas svaki put kada sam ih nosila, osjecala sam se sretno i bezbrizno :-) Malo blesavo, zar ne? haha, ali bas takav su "terapeutski" efekt imale na meni!
Prvi ducan u kojem sam ih zapazila, nije ih vise imao u mojoj velicini (bile su vise-manje rasprodane!) i bas kad sam se pocela miriti sa pomisli da sam zakasnila na ovaj trend i da ih ovo ljeto sigurno vise necu naci, otisli smo na put u Rovinj...i tamo sam ih skroz slucajno zapazila u jednom izlogu!!! Uvjerena da necu naci svoju velicinu, ali ipak sam usla u ducan i okusala srecu...Daaa, bio je to moj sretni dan (ali malo manje sretan za mog muzica, koji ove sandale ne podnosi! Gdje je njegova mastovitost!?)
Ja sam bila super uzbudjena zbog ove kupovine i, ne moram vam reci, nosila sam ih non stop proteklog mjeseca!
Summer Vacations Lookbook:
DENIM VEST: Zara (DIY from an old jacket)
WOODEN WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in "Natural Green"