Showing posts with label kiko hair shadow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kiko hair shadow. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Easy hair chalking tutorial with Kiko Make Up Milano Hair Shadow // Pink hair!

* For your complete ombre hair guide make sure to check out TheWigMall, ombre hair where you'll find more tips and style inspirations!

Hi guys!
Most of you know that my blog isn't only about fashion and OOTD posts, but I'm also into beauty topics, and I like to do product reviews & tutorials here, and on my Sonia Verardo youtube channel that I opened back in June of 2009.!
I see that I have some new blog followers, and because I've been writing mostly about fashion topics lately, I just wanted to throw in this quick little note about my blog ;)

I want to welcome all my new blog followers and say that I'm very happy to have connected with you guys on-line!
I hope you're going to enjoy the posts that I'm preparing for you...
You are my motivation to keep on going strong! ♥♥

In my today's post I'd like to talk to you about the hair chalking trend!
If you guys know anything about me, then you probably know that I'm not the one to experiment with my hair colour!
I've been blonde for almost a decade now & I enjoy being blonde!
Occasionally I'll do an ombre effect to my hair (usually during the colder months, I'll ask my hairdresser to colour my roots darker), just to switch it up a little bit, but then, with the arrival of summer, I usually go blonder again.
I'll never do a DIY project with my hair colour, or reach for a box dye from my drugstore, or a local supermarket!
When it comes to my hair colour, I depend on my hairdresser and rely completely on her qualified skills! :)
The reason behind that isn't because I don't like the change, but it's because I'm too afraid to mess it up or damage my hair!
That's why, when this whole hair chalking trend started and Kiko Make Up Milano came up with the hair shadow, I was super excited: Finally I could experiment and let my "wild side" on the loose, without fear of regreting it the next day!
Because, the next day, all that it takes to "get things back the way they used to be" is a hair shampoo and water to wash your hair!
Simple as that! :)
Who wouldn't like to switch up their hair colour for a day, without having to think twice about this decision? ;)

From Kiko Make Up Milano, I picked up their hair shadow in pink (when this product first came out, as a part of their limited edition, it got sold out in a matter of seconds!).
I think that pink looks really good on blonde hair!
What I like to do with this product is: I first curl my hair slightly, and then I'll randomly put the colour on the lengths and the ends of my hair!
I also enjoy playing with pink hair shadow, whenever I do a voluminous fishtail (I like my fishtail to have random strands of pink hair braided into it! It looks super cool!)

When chalking your hair, you don't need to be precise about it! I like to have random strands of hair coloured in pink :)
I do advise you to use a towel when chalking your hair, and avoid wearing light fabrics (because you might stain your clothes! It happened to me more than once, and yes, it is annoying, but, no fears, the colour will wash off within one wash!)
Also, make sure to fix the colour with a hair spray- that way it'll last longer (because it does tend to fade off!).
At Kiko Make Up Milano stores, you can get the product which is specific to use with the hair shadow, to fixate it into the hair, but it's actually a product very similar to a regular hair spray, so I opted not to spend extra 8€ on it!

Kiko hair shadow comes in this cute ball- container

I got it in pink, but you can choose from a variety of different colours!
If your hair is black, pink or purple will look amazing on you!
Brunettes can experiment with vibrant red, or peach tones...
Green, I think, goes well with all hair colours!

Of course, after dying my hair pink, a series of selfies took place... ;)
just for fun! 

It might not be that relevant for this post, but, in case anybody's wondering, my Led Zeppelin swater is from Pull & Bear, and my necklace is from Accessorize!

Would you guys like to see a make up tutorial on this look?
Let me know in the comments!

It is very easy to apply this hair shadow! 

If you'd like to see a tutorial (how I got my hair to look like that), watch my youtube video, here:

Lijep pozdrav svima!
U zadnje vrijeme, primjetila sam porast followers-a na blogu, pa bih vam prije svega zeljela izraziti dobrodoslicu i reci da sam sretna sto pratite moj blog :)
Nadam se da ce vas teme koje ovdje obradujem interesirati i inspirirati!

Zeljela bih jos napomenuti kako moj blog ne obraduje samo teme mode, vec nastojim donositi i zanimljive recenzije "beauty" proizvoda i raznovrsne tutorijale...
Buduci da sam se u zadnje vrijeme na blogu bavila vise modom nego ovim drugim temama, zeljela sam to naglasiti svim mojim novim pratiteljima!
Zelim da i vi sudjelujete aktivno na mojem blogu!
Bitno mi je od vas cuti komentare, ili prijedloge za iduce teme :)
Buduci da sam svoj prvi youtube kanal otvorila u lipnju 2009. godine, nastojim da teme koje na njemu, a tako i ovdje, obradujem, budu sto raznovrsnije i nikako dosadne!
U tome mi uvelike pomazete i vi pa vam na tome hvala! ♥♥

Znaci, danasnji post mali je predah od mode (ali...cim izgovorim "predah od mode", hvata me blaga zelim predah od mode, niti mi treba, haha! Nema razloga za paniku, modni postovi vraacaju se vec iduci tjedan!)

U danasnjem postu zeljela sam vam predstaviti trend bojanja kose kredom (tj. popularni "hair chalking", koji je zazivio na festivalu boja diljem svijeta!)
Ukoliko znate imalo o meni, znati cete da ja ne eksperimentiram sa bojom svoje kose!
Plavusa sam vec skoro deset godina i tako se nekako najbolje osijecam.
U hladnijim mjesecima obratiti cu se frizerki sa zamolbom da napravimo "ombre efekt" na kosi (tj. potamnimo korijen), a ljeti se obicno opet vracam potpuno plavoj kosi!
Nikada se ne bavim "kucnom radinosti" sto se farbanja kose tice, ne zbog toga sto nemam zelje za promijenom, vec zbog toga sto se bojim ostetiti kosu i vristati pred ogledalom od katastrofalnog rezultata!
Sa plavom kosom nema sale; prepustam se u strucne ruke mojih frizerki od povjerenja!
Ukoliko vas zanima, posjecujem vec godinama Academy 4 Look u Rijeci, a moje frizerke su Aldijana i Karla :) pa evo, ukoliko je netko od mojih citatelja/ica iz Rijeke...toplo vam ih preporucam! :)

Vratimo se temi mog danasnjeg posta... hair chalking!
Kada je Kiko Make Up Milano izasao sa svojom limitiranom kolekcijom sjenila za kosu (koja se rasprodala u roku od par minuta!), bila sam odusevljena!
Znala sam da slicni efekt mozete postici i obicnim kredama u boji, ali zeljela sam ipak isprobati nesto specificno izradjeno za kosu...stoga se nadam, i kvalitetnije!
Kiko hair shadow omogucava mi da se poigram sa ludim bojama na dan...a drugi dan, ne moram se bojati poslijedica svojih ludosti, jer one se lako u potpunosti eliminiraju sa jednim pranjem kose! :)
Svoju kosu volim lagano nakovrcati i zatim obojati duzinu i krajeve kose u ruzicastu, ili cak zelenu boju. Mislim da ovaj trend jako dobro izgleda i kada spletem kosu u voluminoznu "fishtail" pletenicu (pletenicu tipa "riblja kost"), jer ruzicasti se pramenovi prepleteni sa plavom bojom kose, jako lijepo isticu!

Savjetujem vam da se prilikom nanosenja Kiko sjenila za kosu koristite rucnikom i ne nosite odjecu svijetlih boja! (Meni se je vise puta desilo da sam obojala i odjecu...mrlje na odjeci su nesto od cega pozivcanim, ali, nema straha, i one nestaju pri samo jednom pranju!).
Obavezno boju fiksirajte lakom za kosu kako bi bila postojanija i kako ne bi izblijedila tijekom dana!
Kiko Make Up Milano nudi u svojoj ponudi i proizvod specifican za fiksiranje sjenila za kosu, ali po meni, to je dodatni trosak od 8€, za proizvod koji je gotovo identican obicnom laku za kosu!
Ja sam odlucila na tome ustedjeti jer i moj lak za kosu ima zadovoljavajuci ekekt!

Sama aplikacija sjenila za kosu vrlo je jednostavna!
Za vas sam snimila i tutorijal kojeg mozete pogledati klikom bas ovdje!

Nakon sto ste obojili vasu kosu u neku od ludih boja, zabavite se serijom "selfija"! ;)
Lijepo je vidjeti se ponekad i u nekom drugom izdanju!
Selfije sam, osim na blogu, objavila i na instagramu! Pratite me i tamo ukoliko i vi volite instagram :)

Znam da je ovo "off topic", ali ukoliko nekoga zanima, majica Led Zeppelin koju nosim na fotkama je iz Pull & Bear ducana, a ogrlica je iz Accessorize-a!
Voljela bih znati da li ste zainteresirani da vam snimim jedan make up tutorijal kao ovaj sa slicica?
Vrlo je jednostavan i moze se nositi za svaki dan!

Ja sam se malo raspisala, ali evo, imala sam vam puno toga za reci o ovom proizvodu i ovom trendu bojanja kose, kojeg zaista jako volim!
Da li i vi volite hair chalking i jeste li vec isprobali Kiko hair shadow boje?

Do iduceg posta, saljem vam veliku pusu iz Italije!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Kiko Make Up & Skincare Haul

Hello lovelies!

Today I'm bringing you one exciting beauty/make up haul!
I'm sure by now you've all heard about Kiko Make Up Milano, as this brand is growing its popularity super fast!

I discovered it years and years ago, when their little store opened at my local shopping mall...their products were very inviting and the prices were so was a little make up heaven!

By now, in my collection I have numerous products by Kiko.
I have mostly make up products, but lately I've been into their skincare too, and I have to say I'm pretty impressed!

Kiko often does sales and in-store promotions, and it's just very tempting and hard to resist not getting a thing or two! ;)

In this video/ post, I'm showing you what's new in my Kiko make up collection, but also what did I pick up from their skincare range...

The only negative thing that I can think of when talking about Kiko, is their service (sales assistants) being way too pushy!
They'll push so hard in trying to convince you to buy other products that you don't need, that it can get a bit embarassing!

Some of my girlfriends have even started avoiding their shop for that reason, even though they love Kiko products!
I know it's a common practice for the sales assistants to try and do some additional sales, but one also has to know when enough is enough and listen to what the customer is saying!

Here are the goodies I picked up (I think it's actually a lot!), but I still found myself having to politely turn down the sales assistant's offer by the cash desk (for the fifth time ughh!)...

Kiko Make Up Milano haul
What's inside of this cute shopper bag?? ;)

I love the quality of Kiko brushes, so I got this "Digital Emotion" brush kit (it was on sale for 30% off, so I had a pretty good deal on it!)

There are 6 brushes in the kit (3 eye makeup brushes & 3 face brushes)

My first ever Kiko foundation!
As the warmer days are arriving, I decided to go for a lasting, mat formula with a spf.

Kiko colour correction powder is awesome for every skin tone, I'm very happy with this purchase!

I was really excited about getting this Kiko hair shadow!
It was sold out for the longest time, and I was so pleased when they finally brought it back in the store! 

this is the effect I like to achieve on my hair using the kiko hair shadow.
you can go for more intense effect, or more subtle one, and it's really just like using the eyeshadow!
it washes off immediately, and I do advise you to fixate it with a hair spray for a longer lasting effect.
(demo & review coming up soon!)

Kiko lip products
Kiss balm & pencil lip gloss
(both great for everyday wear!)

Kiko Velvet Blush Stick
I've been using these two shades non stop since I bought them!
The texture and the colours are just perfect!

Kiko skin care that I've decided to try out.
These are all the things I've heard good reviews about, so I thought I'll give them a go! ;)

Kiko Skin Trainer
Kiko Night Balm (lips)
Kiko Anti-age Lip Cream (in a pen)

I hope you enjoyed this haul!
Let me know, how is your experience of shopping at Kiko?
Do you shop for the Kiko products on-line, or in stores?
Do you also find the sales assistants to be a "tad bit" too pushy?
And finally, what is your favourite Kiko product?
Leave me your comments!

Drage curke, danas vam donosim jedan zanimljivi "beauty/make up haul"! Radi se o sve poznatijem Kiko Make Up Milano brandu, kojem je zaista tesko odoljeti :)

Ja sam sa Kiko kozmetikom prvi puta dosla u kontakt prije puno godina, kada su otvorili svoj ducancic u mom obliznjem trgovackom centru.
Cijene su bile pristupacne, a proizvodi primamljivi i cinio se pravi mali raj za svaku zaljubljenicu u make up! ;)

Danas moja Kiko makeup kolekcija broji puno proizvoda, a nedavno sam se odlucila i na isprobavanje proizvoda iz njihove preparative (cijom sam kvalitetom odusevljena!).

Kako biste saznali sto je novoga u mojoj Kiko kolekciji, pogledajte moj haul video, klikom OVDJE!
Gore mozete pogledati slicice make up-a i preparative koju sam odabrala, a detaljnije recenzije slijede uskoro! :)

Jedina negativna stvar koju bih mogla pripisati Kiko brandu, jesu njihove prenametljive prodavacice! Jasno mi je da nas zele dodatno animirati na vecu kupnju, ali ponekad treba znati kada stati i poslusati klijenta! Iako sam kupila zaista puno stvarcica, prodavacice su me uporno zeljele nagovoriti na jos vecu kupnju i situacija je postajala prilicno neugodna!
Nakon sto sam peti put ljubazno odbila ponudjeni proizvod, jedva sam cekala napustiti ducan :(
Ista situacija desava se i mojim prijateljicama, koje u zadnje vrijeme izbjegavaju odlazak u Kiko ducan, iako vole sam brand, ali ne zele se izlagati upornom nagovaranju prodavacica na proizvode koje im ne trebaju...

Nadam se da ce Kiko brand u buducnosti poraditi na tome i pronaci neku idealnu ravnotezu izmedju "additional sales" i "customer satisfaction"! :)

Da li ste vi imale priliku isprobati nesto od Kiko branda?
Koji su vama najdrazi Kiko proizvodi?
Kakvo je vase iskustvo kupovine u Kiko ducanu?
Ostavite mi vase komentare!

Do iduceg posta saljem vam veliku pusu! xx

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