Showing posts with label italy jesolo beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label italy jesolo beach. Show all posts

Monday 26 September 2011

Early Fall at the Italian Beach...

Hello girls!

So how was your Sunday?
Mine was very relaxing :)
My hubby & I went to Lido di Jesolo, a famous seaside resort in the Veneto region of Italy.
We didn't bring our bathing suits, but when we arrived there, we wished we had!
The weather was beautiful, sunny & warm!
We really enjoyed our walk, ice- creams & pizza cut!

We took a few pics for my blog...
This is how the early Fall looks like in Northern Italy...

I hope this beautiful weather lasts long because I'm not eager to experience the cold just yet!
(...Well, I never am, actually!)

Kisss from Italy xx
Ciao, ciao!

Saturday 14 May 2011

An Afternoon at a Beach!

Hello girls!

I was unable to post this sooner, because blogger was down for some reason, and then I had to work and didn't have time...but here are the pics from this Wednesday, when, in the afternoon hours, my hubby & I went to the beach :)
For the first time this year! yeay!
I love the beach!

Here are some pics taken on our  way to the beach...

details: white feather earrings

An abbandoned hotel...
We thought it's a cool place for taking a few pics ;)

At the beach...

It truly was a very relaxing afternoon! The water is still a bit too cold to take a swimm, so I just wet my feet, lol!
But there was a group of older german tourists who didn't fear the cold water and went straight for a swimm!
Bravo for them! :)

On our way to the beach, we listened to Iron Maiden, and on our way back, we were riding in the sunset, with the Coldplay...aaah so romantic & relaxing!

I was wearing:

FLOWER TOP: Brand new from a thrift store
CROCHET TOP: Handmade, bought in Croatia, many years ago, at a local beach. It was sold to me by an old lady who was making all these wonderful crochet pieces!
HIGH WAISTED SHORTS: H&M (divided black)
BAG: Sisley

After we arrived home I felt kind of tired and unfortunately, I had a little accident!
ughhh :(
From the pics you can see the type of shoes that I wearing...
Climbing up the stairs, it so happened that my shoe went stucked under the stair and my foot slided along the metal surface of the stairs...I cut my thumb pretty bad!
I even passed out for a while, because I got scared!

I went to work the day after that accident (Thursday), and yesterday (Friday), but for today I asked a day off, to rest my foot as I can't even walk properly!
I was so scared of the infections or possible complications (I'm always such a huge chicken when it comes to these things & I always immagine the worst- hence the passing out!), but yesterday the pharmacist at my local pharmacy saw my wound and said that it's healing the way it's supposed to be healing.

I'm still praying to God that everything goes well! I didn't go to the E.R. and my dr. Mum isn't here with me to see the wound and to calm me so chances are I'm going to be anxious until I see my thumb healed at 100%.

I'll be blogging & posting vids for you guys soon as I have plenty of material that I filmed the past week :)

Wishing you all a lovely Saturday!

xx Sonja

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