Showing posts with label high waisted shorts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label high waisted shorts. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Live. Laugh. Love.

ENG: These photos were taken at the beach Cifnata of the island of Rab, just before the sunset...I miss this place already! Suddenly, we had the whole beach to ourselves and it was the perfect location to shoot this outfit post.
Exceuse my wrinkly kimono, it got wrinkled in my backpack :-(
But I absolutely love it! I bought it at Zara some time ago, and this summer I enjoyed wearing it with my high waisted shorts and just a basic cami!
Summer days, no make up and spending days on the paradise!

HR: Ove fotke nastale su na plazi Cifnata, na otoku Rabu, pred sam zalazak sunca...Rab mi vec jako nedostaje! Nenadano, imali smo cijelu plazu za sebe, a lokacija je bila predivna za snimanje outfita.
Oprostite na izguzvanom kimonu, proveo je cijeli dan u mom ruksaku za plazu :-(
Bas volim ovaj kimono, kupila sam ga prije dosta vremena u Zari, a ovo ljeto voljela sam ga nositi uz jeans sorc visokog struka i jednostavnu kanotjericu!
Ljetni dani, lice bez sminke i dani provedeni na plazi...moj raj!

JEANS SHORTS: H&M // KIMONO: Zara // BASIC CAMI: Zara // NECKLACES: Pull & Bear // HAT: Ina market, Italy // WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green

Wednesday 19 November 2014

How to Wear High Waisted Shorts (Fall OOTD Idea!)

In this outfit post I'm showing you how I wear my high waisted shorts in these colder days!
I bought these shorts a while ago at H&M, and I really like the model of them; they're high waisted and then, they have this ribbon belt that you can tie into a cute bow just around your waist :)

I wore them a lot in spring & summer, but, with a bit of layering, I can even make them work in the colder fall days!

On top, I wore my Zara sweater and jacket (that I got at the end of summer, at amazing sales!).
These Bata leopard print espadrillas are so comfy & well made, I just love them!

These pics were taken by my friend, when we met for an afternoon cup of tea & a girly talk!

My hair was pulled up in a voluminous bun, click here to watch the tutorial!

BAG: INA Market, Italy

You can watch a short OOTD video feat. this outfit, here:

U danasnjem outfit postu pokazujem vam kako nosim svoj omiljeni sorc visokog struka i u hladnije dane jeseni!
Ovaj sorc kupila sam prije par godina u H&M-u i jos uvijek ga rado nosim, pogotovo u proljetne i ljetne dane.
Buduci da mi se model jako svidja, a i boja bas pase za jesen, odlucila sam se iskombinirati ga u jesenji slojevito oblacenje, to je bilo moguce napraviti i sorc je postao moj must-have komad ove jeseni! ;)

Jaknicu i majicu kupila sam u Zari krajem ljeta na odlicnom snizenju!
Takvi ulovi me uvijek razvesele :)
Jaknica je bila snizena sa 80-tak € na samo 14 €, i nisam mogla propustiti takvu priliku!

Espadrile su iz Bate i vrlo su kvalitene, a svidja mi se, naravno, leopard print :)
Ogrlica je pravi "statement piece" i bila je doista skupa, 19.95€, ja sam ju, sretne ruke, ugrabila na snizenjima za samo 3€!
Moram priznati da mi se svidja jer lijepo upotpuni outfit, ali je prilicno teska pa ju ne nosim tako cesto.
Kosu sam skupila u voluminoznu pundju uz pomoc H&M "spuzve" (tutorijal pogledajte ovdje, zaista je jednostavno!)

Nadam se da vam se svidjela ova outfit ideja!
Za fotke zasluzna je moja prijateljica, koju sam bila zaduzila da preuzme ulogu fotografa, jednog popodneva kada smo se nasle na caju i trac partiji! ;)
Video u kojem vam pokazujem ovaj outfit pogledajte klikom ovdje!

To je bilo sve sto sam vam pripremila za danasnji outfit post!
Do iduceg posta druzimo se na facebooku i instagramu!

Thursday 4 September 2014

OOTD/ FOTD: Leopard print camisole & high waisted shorts ♥

Hi everyone!

I'm back, after a short break (I was in Croatia on my summer vacations, was very busy with...well, with life in general, and I didn't have any internet other than a free wifi at the town's centre that I was connecting to, to check my e-mails and post a pic or two on my instagram.)

So I hope you'll understand my lack of posting and exceuse me!

I did prepare loads of new material for my blog & youtube channels, so I'm off to a busy September!
I might do a separate "update" post about what's going to be happening on my blog & upcoming collaborations, but today I'd like to concentrate on posting about this OOTD!

The OOTD video feat. this look is already on my youtube channel, and you can check it out here:

I hope you like this look, now I'll leave you to some OOTD pics:

JACKET: Urban Republic
MOCCASIN: INA Market, Italy

Pozdrav svima!

Nadam se da ste mi dobro! :)
Vracam se svom blogu nakon krace ljetne stanke...naime, boravila sam u Hrvatskoj i bila zaposlenija nego ikad!
(Radili smo na odrzavanju kuce i posla je bilo preko glave!)
Internet vezu sam hvatala po free wifi tockama u centru grada, dovoljno je bilo za provjeriti e-mail i uploadati slicicu, ili dvije, na instagram ;) Pratite li me vec tamo? Ukoliko da, vidjet cete sto sam radila u protekla dva- tri tjedna, koliko sam bila na godisnjem "odmoru" doma u Hrvatskoj!

Nadam se da cete razumjeti motiv mog malog predaha od bloga i da cete mi oprostiti!
Na hrvatskom youtube kanalu isli su videi redovito svaki tjedan, jer sam se potrudila unaprijed ih snimiti i uploadati, kako bi bili objavljivani na odredjene datume!
Nadam se da vam se ta ideja svidjela :)

Iako nisam bila toliko prisutna na blogu, nisam zaboravila "posao" bloggera i potrudila sam se snimiti sto vise novog materijala, kojeg cu u naredne dane pripremati za vas!

Mogla bih posvetiti cijeli jedan zasebni "update" post o tome sto se desavalo na mom godisnjem i o novim projektima koji slijede ove jeseni, ali za sada vam ostavljam ovaj OOTD, par slicica i video koji je od jucer live na mom engleskom fashion kanalu!

Outfit je u zemljanim tonovima, meni se osobno ova kombinacija jako svidja...
Najstariji dio ovog outfita zasigurno je moja Urban Republic jaknica, koju sam kupila dok sam jos zivjela i radila u Hrvatskoj (zasigurno negdje 2006.god) i to u Magmi u Rijeci na Korzu, na mjestu gdje je danasnji H&M!

Toliko od mene za ovaj post!

Nadam se da vam se outfit svidja, ostavite mi vase komentare i javite, kako ste vi proveli ovo ljeto?

Friday 2 September 2011

Fashion Trends: CORAL MANIA & How to Style a High Waisted Shorts

Hello girls!

Yes, I'm still very much in love with the coral colour!

Here is my outfit of the other day, when my hubby & I went to visit our friends and we all had delicious pizzas together for dinner!
I've missed a good italian pizza while I was on my vacations in Croatia!
Before moving to Italy, I used to think we make a good pizza in Croatia, but now I have to admit: I was wrong!
My hubby has got a friend whose father owns a pizza place: After tasting his pizza, I realized I never want to eat pizza anywhere else but in his restaurant!
It's just beyond delicious!!!

Moving on to my outfit...
Here is another idea on how you can style your high-waisted shorts (even better if they're coral, lol!)
I bought these shorts during my summer vacations in Croatia; these are by TopShop.
I wear them often just because I like them so much, I want to enjoy wearing them as long as I still can!
(Here's hoping that September will be warm & sunny here in Italy!)

WHITE TOP: H&M (Divided)
CLUTCH: Thrifted in Italy
BELT: Stradivarius
BRACELETS: H&M, Promod and a souvenier from the island of Rab
COCONUT WATCH: Souvenier from Sardinia

Don't forget to check out my video feat. this outfit!
Just hit the play button bellow, to watch it!

Ciao, Ciao!
Kisss from Italy
xx Sonja

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