Showing posts with label high street fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label high street fashion. Show all posts

Thursday 21 June 2018

Zaful Summer Fashion: Summer Outfit under $50 budget

Hello lovelies!

You guys already know that Zaful is one of my favourite on line web stores! They have always trendy new arrivals, really good quality items, speedy delivery (even when it's standard shipping), and friendly and efficient customer's service. What more can you ask for? The prices are also very competitive, and the offer is most times even better than in your most popular high street stores!

In a relatively short span of time, Zaful has become one of favourite shopping destinations of many fashionistas, bloggers and influencers.
Now, Zaful is celebrating their 4th anniversary so on their website you'll find numerous great deals, true bargains, coupon codes, free shipping deal etc.

For my readers, Zaful agreed to offer this exclusive code that you can enter at checkout to get a bit of discount: ZafulW
(if you buy 25$ worth of items, you just need to pay 22$, if you buy 50$ worth of items, you just need to pay 44$.. )  (based on how much you spend, you have a certain discount, here are a few examples 25$-3$ off, 50$-6$ off, 100$-12$ off)

I want to take advantage of their anniversary deals, so I browsed through their web store's offer, to find the perfect summer outfit for under $50 budget!
Here is it! I love it and I want to share it with you :-)

This HONEY tee is one of their super popular items. There are many customer's reviews, and they recommend going a size up when ordering this tee! It's very cute and I'll probably end up putting it in my shopping cart ;-)

In my last order, I had 2 pairs of pants and they were perfect in quality and fit! I thought I should order another pair, as Zaful has some of the hottest trends available now in stock!
Thes khaki high waist pants are a very popular model, but I'm not yet sure whether to go for my usual size, or to size it up! The customer's reviews are split when talking about this, some recommend sizing up, some say it fits true to size...
What should I do? Do you already have these pants? Let me know!

To complete the look, I went for this "Water Wash Do Old Baseball Hat" 

This model comes in a variety of different colors, but I went for this reddish one, as I wanted to match my whole styling. Baseball hats are so in right now, and they're also a great sun protection. An absolute must if you're out & about, or at the beach!

Here's a complete look for just a tad bit over $40! I think that's pretty good!!!

How do you like this styling? Let me know what are your Zaful faves at the moment, are there items you have on your wish list? Remember, now it's the right time to place that order and take advantage of many discounts Zaful has prepared for you :-)

* in collaboration with Zaful

Tuesday 27 October 2015

The taste of freedom at Bakar

ENG: I found this cool spot to take outfit photos at the industrial zone of the town Bakar in Croatia.
I loved this location so much, I said to my hubby that we have to return here again!
Bakar is a little town situated on the coast of the Adriatic sea, in the big bay of Bakar, close to my hometown Rijeka. In the 80.-ies the infamous coke plant was destroying the environment and completely stopped any possibility of tourism in Bakar.
The plant was closed for good in 1994. and since then you can taste the freedom of this little town again.

HR: Ovu odlicnu lokaciju pronasli smo u gradicu Bakru, u industrijskoj zoni, prema strani na kojoj je nekad bila smjestena zloglasna tvornica koksa, Koksara.
Lokacija mi se toliko svidjela za snimanje outfit posta, da sam napomenula muzicu kako se moramo ovdje vratiti!
Bakar je mali gradic smjesten u bakarskom zaljevu, koji je 80.-tih godina patio zbog nezdrave tvornice Koksare koja je unistavala okolis, a s time i svu mogucnost razvoja turizma. Sjecam se, dok sam bila dijete, kada smo magistralom prolazili iznad Bakra, nastojala sam zadrzati dah sve dok nismo prosli Bakar, buduci da je zrak bio toliko oneciscen i toliko smrdljiv da je bilo nepodnosljivo udisati ga. Na srecu, promijenom vlasti, donesene su i nove odluke, te je 1994. god Koksara zauvijek zatvorena i sloboda se konacno vratila u ovaj mali primorski gradic.

Top, skirt, bag & bracelets: H&M // Sandals: ZARA // Sunglasses: Ray Ban // Necklace: PULL & BEAR // Watch: JORD, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green

Thursday 22 May 2014

FASHION HAUL: Bershka, Pull & Bear, Stradivarius

This post is about the things I got (some time ago actually, but forgot to post it sooner!)at Bershka, Pull & Bear and Stradivarius. I grabbed these items when those stores had a huuuge sale going on, so those were all bargains, discounted up to 80% off!!!

Without chit chatting too much about how great my shopping experience was, I'm going to show you the pics &, of course, the video!

Bershka, Pull & Bear, Stradivarius fashion haul video:

Bershka haul

- I got some good, old basics, cool graphic tees, a pair of trendy sneakers & nice knitted vest for colder days...

Stradivarius haul

- It was such a satisfaction to shop at Stradivarius!
I got so many cute items, and the prices were ridiculously low :)
My fave of the bunch is probably the turquoise statement necklace, I just love it!

Pull & Bear haul

- I got only one thing at Pull & Bear (surprisingly, because I usually looove everything in that store!).
This time, I found only this cute & trendy, stripy top, but I'm sure next time I'll have better luck when shopping at Pull & Bear!

I'm awfully satisfied (is this even an expression??) with my fashion haul, as I could never have afford to buy ALL these items at their full price (it really pays off to wait for the sales/ promotions!)

I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

If you have a fashion haul to share, feel free to leave the link to your blog post/ fashion haul video, in the comments bellow!
I'll be more than happy to check it out :)

Danasnji post jedan je "new in" gdje vam pokazujem sto je novoga u mom ormaru! Iskreno, ovaj shopping nije bas nedavno obavljen, ima vec sigurno par mjeseci, ali sam ga ja zaboravila prije objaviti...Ipak, stvarcice su sve cool i dapace super za ovu sezonu...aktuelne je izraz koji trazim ;)

Prilikom pohoda u shopping obisla sam neke od mojih omiljenih ducana, Stradivarius, Pull & Bear i Bershku, koji su tada imali luda snizenja, tako da sam vecinu ovih stvarcica (pa zapravo sve!) ugrabila na snizenju od 80%!
Zvuci ludo, ali tako je :)

Gore vam je linkic za fashion haul video i slicice odjevnih predmeta, asesoara i trendy obuce (tenisica) koje sam ulovila.

Ja sam ovim shoppingom prezadovoljna, sve mi se jaaako svidja, a sigurno si ne bih priustila niti pola tih stvarcica po njihovoj punoj cijeni (zaista se isplati imati strpljenja i cekati snizenja/ promocije! evo, moj dupkom pun ormar, pravi je dokaz za to ;))

Nadam se da vam se ovaj post svidio!
Podijelite sa mnom vas ulov sa posljednjeg shoppinga! Ostavite mi link za vas blog post, ili fashion haul video u komentarima :)
Jako sam znatizeljna i odmah cu svratiti i pogledati sto je novoga u VASEM ormaru! ;)

Do iduceg posta, saljem vam veliku pusu iz Italije ♥

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Summer Sales Fashion Haul!

Hey guys!

I hope you're all doing well :)

As you know, I'm pretty much addicted to shopping at sales, so July was definitely the perfect month to check out the stores and update my summer wardrobe!

What did I get? What did I get?
Curious? ;)

See what did I get, here:

& a few pics of my favourite finds...

Thin H&M belts, only 1€ each!
I'm really loving the rose gold, braided one :)
&..all the others too! ;)

I've always liked H&M jewellery!
These trendy pieces were on sale for only 1€ each!

Another bikini to add to my collection!
I love the crochet style of this one, and this colour too, it suits my skin complexion!

Fringe gilet, a fun beachwear!

Lace ballet flats, H&M (divided)
3€, such a steal!

Real leather flip-flops, so soft and comfy, and easy to fit in any luggage, when
travelling to your next holiday spot! :)
Only 3€ each: amazing!

Beautiful summer shorts!
I'm in <3 with this print & colours :)

My new summer footwear

Green, lace dress from Pull & Bear.
At 50% off, it was screaming my name :)
I had set my eyes on this dress at the beginning of the spring there were only
3 of them left...I had to grab one! :)

Suede wedge sandals, actually quite comfy, these look great with my new shorts!

This haul was successful, I have many (superficial) reasons to smile :)

The prettiest ballet flats (from Zara).
So sparkly & just sooo me :)

Stay tuned for more OOTD vids & posts feat. these new items!

I hope you enjoyed watching my haul & that you found it inspirational :)
I always looove to see other girl's hauls, so if you have a video response for me, just leave it under my video, I'd love to check it out :)

A big kisss from Italy,
xoxo Sonja

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