Showing posts with label food and health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food and health. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Food & Health: Weekly Grocery Haul & How to Stop Bad Cravings!

Hello girls!

My today's video is a grocery haul, where I'm also trying to give you some useful tips & advices on how to eat healthier & how to stop bad food cravings!

After the holiday season, we all need to "get back on track", and  eat more fruits and vegetables, avoiding completely the junk food & greasy, fried food.

Hopefully my grocery shopping will inspire you :)

I always try to eat healthy, but always try to vary my diet too. 
I think eating in moderation is a key to healthy & balanced lifestyle!

Let me know your experiences with your weekly grocery shoppings!
What do you put in your basket?
What helps you to get back on track after the holiday season?

The food we indulged in over the holidays...

Traditional italian cake "Tronchetto di Natale"

Chocolate cupcake by Bauli

Yum! :)

Home made tiramisu

My hubby made it, it was a dessert for our Christmas lunch!

Looking back at what I ate, I fear I probably gained a kg or two... lol

Watch my grocery haul here:

Italy is known for it's fine cuisine & lots of delicacy!
I truly love the food over here! :)

I'm croatian, and I lived in the UK for a while too, but I can honestly say, only in Italy have I found the food paradise :)

Here are some of the things I often eat:

Apples, bananas and chestnut of my favourite healthy afternoon snacks!

"Cestino di frutta", italian cake with red berries... satisfy my "sweet tooth"...

Fruit salad with pears, apples, grapes, bananas and cinnamon...

Another fruit salad!
I love making fruit salads :)
You can watch a recipe for this one HERE!

Lasagna for lunch or dinner.
Made by my hubby :)

Oven baked dish invented by moi :)
What do we have here?
Potatoes, radicchio di Treviso, tomatoes, parmigiano cheese, chicken breasts, finocchio...

I prepared this for my hubby's B-day dinner, past month.

The finest italian bread!

My late lunch...

Another fruit salad with chocolate soy milk & lots of cinnamon.

I hope these pics inspired you to eat healthier and to enjoy cooking and preparing delicious meals for yourself & your family!

Kissss from Italy ♥ Thanks for stopping by!
Please support by following :)

xoxo, S.

Thursday 12 July 2012

In a Fashion Blogger's Kitchen: Delicious Piadina Romagnola Receipe

Hello girls!

Here I am with another receipe video/ blog post!
This time, I was preparing a super simple, but so delicious, piadina romagnola!

This is how the yummy dish looks like:

Do you want to learn how to easily prepare this dish? ;)

Click here to watch my video- tutorial:

You'll need:

Piadina romagnola, available in any supermarket in Italy,
or in the italian delicacy stores in most of the foreign countries.
If you can't find piadina, go for tacos or burritos, they should do, even though it's not the same thing!

fine olive oil, extra- vergin.
A must- have in every italian kitchen, and so it is in mine!

stracchino cheese! Looks a bit weird, but it tastes soo good!
It's this, almost liquidy, type of italian cheese.
This is going to be the essential ingredient for your piadinas, girls!

Other ingredients:
- tomatoes
- cherry tomatoes
- olives (both green, and black will do, it depends on your personal choice!)
- prosciutto or speck (I'm using Speck Alto Adige)
- rocket salad

Quick receipe:
-First you'll need to put a dot of olive oil into a pan, and leave it to heat up,
-Put piadina inside of the pan and just swirl it around, then turn it to the other side, and swirl it around the pan again.
By this point your piadina has heaten up and is ready to be filled in with the ingredients!
- I always start with stracchino cheese, then I put olives, tomatoes & cherry tomatoes, speck and rocket salad at last.
-I put the cheese in first because I like the cheese to melt nicely into my piadina, whereas I put the rocket salad last, because I don't like it to heat up too much, but I like it to still stay crispy and fresh!
- Fold the piadina into a sandwich and leave it in the pan for an extra minute or two.
- Now your piadina is ready to be eaten! ;) YUM!

All the ingredients are in piadina, ready to be heaten up!

Buon appetito ladies!

I hope you're going to try out this receipe in your kitchen! :)
Do let me know how did it go!!!

Check out my other receipe video where I make
risotto with sciopetti! CLICK HERE!

Kisss from Italy,
xoxo Sonja

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