Showing posts with label eyebrow shaping tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eyebrow shaping tutorial. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 December 2016


Today I'd like to present you one of my current favourite brow products, and definitely a must have when it comes to my eyebrow routine! I'm talking about the Benefit Ka-Brow cream-gel brow color with brush. I used to use eyebrow pencils, my favourite ones were by Artdeco, Catrice, Essence and even H&M! I was so used on defining my eyebrows with eyebrow pencil, that at first I thought it was going to be a bit challenging to get that eyebrows on fleek, with this Benefit product...
But I heard great reviews about it, and saw tutorials on youtube and on Benefit's web site, so I decided to give it a go! I have to admit, Benefit does have some of the best eyebrow grooming products in their offer! I'm now hooked on this cream- gel and I'm loving the look of my eyebrows.

My eyebrows are naturally very fair, and I used to overpluck them for many years (let's face it, overplucking our brows was one of the beauty crimes of the '90.-ies!), so I do have some sparse areas that I need to fill in and define (although I was actually quite lucky that I managed to grow them back quite nicely!...after all these years of plucking, it wasn't an easy task, that's for sure, and my eyebrows have gone through some weird stages during the process of growing them back, lol!)

Even though my hair is blonde and I'm very pale skin, I do like to darken my eyebrows a shade or two (obviously, I don't want to do anything crazy with them, but I do like them to stand out and define my face.) I picked the Ka-Brow! in shade # 03 and I find it suits me perfectly.
This cream- gel easily fills, sculpts & defines brows. You can create from natural- looking to dramatic results, as the colour is rich and buildable, easy to work with.

It's great even for summer time, or working out, as it has a long lasting power and it's waterproof.

Now, can I just say a couple of words about the Benefit's packagings? They really do know how to wrap up their products! The lovely appearance may attract you, yes, but their quality will win you over!

You can see a step-by-step tutorial and a detailed review of Ka-Brow! that I filmed for my youtube channel, here:

In this video you'll see how easy the application is, and the results that it gives: From very fair and not so defined brows, to brows on fleek! :-)
I hope you find this video helpful!

What is your holly grail eyebrow product?

Also, I wanted to quickly mention that the reason why I've been MIA from posting for a couple of past days is because I started vlogmas on my youtube channel!
I'm filming and editing every single day, so that takes quite a bit of my time! But I do enjoy it!
Yes, I've been super busy with creating content for vlogmas, but I also hope you enjoy watching these videos!
My vlogmas series this year is a little bit different: Instead of doing daily vlogs and repeating myself every single day (lol, my life isn't soo exciting!), I thought I'd offer you a variety of fashion and beauty content instead, on a daily basis, throughout the whole of December! There'll be a few vlogs too, but for the majority of my videos, I want to offer you a good quality content, tutorials, reviews, DIY's, hauls etc.! I appreciate your feedback on vlogmas!

Enjoy your day loves ♥

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Kako oblikovati i njegovati obrve | Eyebrow Shaping Tutorial

Drage curke!

Danas imam jedan novi video za vas na hrvatskom jeziku!
Tema mog danasnjeg videa, tj. blog posta, su obrve i sve o tome kako ih pravilno oblikovati i njegovati.

Nadam se da ce vam ovaj video biti zanimljiv!

Pri oblikovanju obrva, ovo su moji "essentialsi"! 

Benefit Eye Bright
Cetkica za obrve (
Artdeco eyebrow designer #7 (ili H&M Blondes olovka za obrve)
Kiko prozirna maskara (ili bilo koja druga maskara za obrve, osobno volim Alverde, lagano obojenu maskaru za obrve)
Arganovo ulje (100% cisto ulje iz biljne ljekarne)

Benefit eye bright olovka je jako dobar iluminator i lijepo ce naglasiti luk vasih obrva.
To je jedan od "must-have" proizvoda u mojoj kozmetickoj torbici!
U zadnje vrijeme, svidja mi se i H&M olovka za obrve, to je jeftinija varijanta Artdecoeve eyebrow designer olovke za iscrtavanje obrva (koju jako volim i vec dugo koristim!).
Obrve mozete naglasiti i mat sjenilima za oci (ili specificnima za obrve, mnoge kozmeticke kuce ih imaju u svojoj ponudi!); ukoliko naglasavam obrve sjenilima, sluzim se ukosenim kistom (na slici, ecotools).

Mat sjenila kojima se volim koristiti pri popunjavanju i definiranju obrva, dolaze iz moje Bottega Verde palette, i obicno volim pomijesati svijetlo smedje sjenilo sa malo tamnijom nijansom (pazite da su sjenila mat! Shimmer sjenila nece biti dobra pri oblikovanju obrva!)

Pogledajte moj video tutorijal gdje vam pokazujem i malu demonstraciju: Moci cete vidjeti kako oblikujem i iscrtavam obrve!
Video link slijedi dolje...

Kliknite na "play" kako biste pogledali video tutorijal!

Malo o povijesti mojih obrva...

U ranim dvadesetima obrve su mi bile nesto tanje...valjda je tada takva bila i moda.
Obrve sam sama uredjivala jos od srednje skole.

U kasnim dvadesetima odlucila sam se za eksperiment: Ponovno sam pocela pustati obrve i njegovala njihov prirodan oblik.

Obrve sam samo lagano zacesljavala, ali nisam ih upotpunjavala, pustila sam ih da budu "totalno prirodne"...
dok mi taj "look" nije dosadio, i dvije godine poslije, odlucila sam se opet na promijenu!

Tako da od nedavno opet oblikujem obrve i cupkam suvisne dlacice pincetom, ali ne zelim ih pretjerano stanjiti, jer vise ne volim taj izgled!
Cilj mi je samo naglasiti njihov prirodni luk!
Moje obrve su prirodno prilicno svijetle pa ih ne moram dodatno posvjetljivati kako bi bile u skladu sa mojom bojom kose :)

Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj tutorijal!

Ukoliko imate kakvu zelju, sto biste voljeli vidjeti u mojem iducem videu na hrvatskom jeziku, obavezno mi ostavite vas komentar! :)

Druzimo se i na facebooku! Ukoliko nismo jos prijatelji tamo, sto cekate?! Dodajte me sad! ;) Biti ce mi drago!

If you'd like to see the eyebrow shaping tutorial in english language, leave me your comment & I'll be please to film it for you :)

Pusa iz Italije!

Uzivajte u ljetu!

xoxo, S.

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