Showing posts with label crystal jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crystal jewelry. Show all posts

Sunday, 14 May 2023

New handmade crystal jewelry: Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz & Aventurine bracelet and Amethyst & Blue Lace Agate bracelet!

 Hello lovelies!

In my today's post I'd like to share two new crystal bracelets that I handmade recently. These are unique and handmade, designed by me 💕

Lapis lazuli, rose quartz and aventurine crystal very powerful combination for overall well-being and manifestation of your perfect life 🌸💚💙

Bok ljudi! Kao sto vec znate, izrađujem nakit od kristala. Na slici je narukvica od lapis lazuli, rozenkvarca i aventurina. Lapis lazuli je kristal koji pozitivno utječe na tijelo i um te pomaže u postizanju fizičkog i mentalnog sklada. Posebno je na glasu kao snažan zaštitnik međuljudskih odnosa. Pozitivno djeluje na ljubav, vjernost i čvrstoću braka. Unosi pozitivne promjene u domove u kojima nedostaje ljubavi, tolerancije, razumijevanja i komunikacije. Rozenkvarc je kristal poznat je kao kamen srca te djeluje na srčanu čakru. Rozenkvarc podaruje ljepotu, nježnost i emocionalnu stabilnost jer otvara srce i pomaže nam da pružamo bezuvjetnu ljubav prema svima oko sebe, kao i prema samima sebi. Također pomaže da tu istu ljubav primijećujemo, smanjimo negativne emocije i duhovno se regeneriramo. Aventurin zeleni se stavljao se u vrećice koje su se nosile kraj sebe kako bismo privukli novac ili sreću. U prošlosti su ga zvali i “kockarski kamen” jer je donosio sreću u kartanju, kockanju i sl. Zeleni Aventurin privlači poslovne prilike, pojačava mentalnu jasnoću i poboljšava percepciju. Poželjan je za meditaciju i manifestiranje naših želja u stvarnost. Za sve info slobodno me kontaktirajte, mogu Vam poslati vise sličica sto trenutno imam u ponudi. Cijena varira ovisno o modelu, plus postarina. Saljem putem Tiska ili poste. Nisam za zamjene, ni primopredaje. Pogledajte i moje ostale oglase na profilu i zapratite jer stalno dodajem nešto novo u ponudu! Zapratite me na instagramu @sonia_verardo i @koscrystaljewelry

Amethyst and blue lace agate necklace 💜💙

Amethyst is a natural tranquilliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. 💜

Blue lace agate is a great nurturing and supportive stone, neutralising anger, infection, inflammation and fever. Blue lace agate helps to self soothe, improve mood and return to a state of calm 💙

Na slici je narukvica od ametista i amata plava cipka.

Ametist pomaze kod anksioznosti, depresije, ovisnosti, smiruje um i donosi psihički balans. Ahat plava cipka kamen je povezan s ublažavanjem stresa. Kristal je za smirivanje preaktivnog uma i smirivanje živaca. Slično efektima gledanja u blijedoplavo nebo koje se proteže do horizonta, i kamen je najbolji alat za opuštanje i održavanje mirnog ponašanja. Pozovite ovaj dragi kamen na prijeko potrebne svakodnevne pozitivne vibracije, najbolje protuotrov za stres našeg užurbanog života.

Which one is your favourite? Let me know in the comments 🥰
International shipping available 👍
For info and orders 📩

I´ll show you more pieces soon! I've been enjoying creating different jewellery pieces and each piece carries a certain type of energy and positive vibes 😊


Monday, 30 January 2023



Hello beauties!

This is my first post in 2023.! Yeay! I'm excited for all the amazing things this year has to offer to all of us :-) Remember, we all deserve the very best and always think positive thoughts!

In this post I'd like to share with you my love for crystals and how this all started, when was the first time I felt the connection to crystals and what they mean to me in life.

I talked in depth about this in the following video:

Basically, ever since I was little, I felt connection to these beautiful, magical, colorful stones, and I often carried them with me in my school bag or pocket, or later on in life, as a pendant, or in a bag.

I think you'll find my story interesting :-)

Now, I decided to learn more about the subject of crystals and educate myself through books and other reliable sources.

I'm still educating myself and learning, and I really enjoy discovering more about the world of crystals, their energy and their healing power.

I also decided to start making jewelry again, as I used to many years ago, as this was something that was always fulfilling me, bringing me joy, satisfaction, and relaxing me.

I'm now concentrated on making jewelry from natural materials, crystals, seashells and wood, are my material of preference.

I first started making jewelry pieces for myself, choosing the crystals I felt most drawn to, but then I started making other pieces for my friends and family, and so, little by little, I decided to offer my pieces to public.

I ordered some beautiful strings of crystals and I already started making jewellery! I have necklaces, bracelets and rings, and there is also a possibility of custom making a piece for you, based on your personal preference, or the energy you want to bring or enhance in your life!

International shipping is available, so don't be hesitant, drop me a line!

I ordered some beautiful, beautiful crystals such as amethyst, rose quartz, crystal quartz, lapis lazuli, sodalite, heliotrope,tiger´s eye, citrine, carnelian and many more!
I also got black lava stone and some gorgeous seashell beads.
I'm really interested in learning more about crystal combinations and how certain crystals work together and the energy they generate.

Here are some gorgeous strings of crystal beads that I'm using to make my creations and I'll have more in stock very soon!

I can't wait to share with you more :-)

Have a nice day lovelies!

Hugs from Croatia!

*Metaphysical and Spiritual gifts

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