Showing posts with label countryside northern italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label countryside northern italy. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Bike Ride in the Countryside of Italy OOTD & VLOG

Hi guys!

I can't believe how quickly time passes by!
I filmed this OOTD video and a vlog, almost 3 weeks ago.
I just didn't have time to make a blog post about it...

I remember uploading it just before my trip to Croatia, I was thinking I would do a following blog post that same evening, from my home in Croatia...
But life is unpredictable and whilst we plan and try to organise, little does it mean, when destiny steps in and lead us into a whole different direction...

That afternoon, when I arrived home to Croatia, I found my Dad already sleeping an eternal sleep with a good angels.
My Dad passed away and I wasn't even there when it happened.
It wasn't supposed to happen, I wasn't expecting this to happen!
I arrived home just a few days before my birthday, to give a big hug & a kiss to my Dad, and instead I found his already cold body lying on the floor, and he couldn't feel my hug and hear my words anymore.
Words can't describe how I feel.
Instead of celebrating my birthday, I went to his funeral.

My Dad was always saying to me to live my life to the fullest, to be happy, he would always say: "Now it's your time, live your life!".
These are the words that give me strength to keep going on, to keep eating, sleeping and breathing, day by day...
This next weekend I'm planing to go back to work, and, as you can see, I'm slowly getting back to my blog and youtube.

I know my sadness will never go away, I just pray that with time this feeling becomes a bit more bearable to live with.

Now I'd like to share with you a few pics taken before this tragedy in my life happened, pics taken on a sunny Sunday, when I was happy.
The moments of joy and fun,captured forever with a camera, and with my mind :)

My sweet hubby :)

If you want to check out my OOTD & vlog videos from this fun Sunday bike ride, then go here:



Thank you all for everything!

Kiss from Italy,
xoxo Sonja

Sunday 4 March 2012

My New Home: Work in Progress!

Hello dolls!

As you already know, I'm in the process of moving into my new home!
The work is slowly progressing, we're working on transering all the things (& building my customized wardrobe!!!) every day.

It's pretty stressful & exhausting, but once we finally get settled in, it'll be worth a while!

In almost 8 years that my hubby & I are together, we never had an actual place to call "our home".
We always traveled & moved a lot, never had our own place
(except for my hubby's workshop!).

That's why, having our own little space now, finally, feels so good & surreal!

I just returned from another "busy" day at our new home
(we still don't sleep there, as we haven't transfered the bed just yet!!!)
& wanted to give you guys a little update on how everything is going & post a few pics that I've taken today & over the past couple of days...

WARNING: (!!!) We're still at a very early stages of moving in, so everything is pretty messy & all over the place!

My clothes are piled in these black garbage bags!!!
My hubby IS in a temptation to actually throw a few in the garbage, as this isn't even the half of it!!!
I still have tons of clothes & shoes that I need to transfer...
I think I'll have to put a number on each of these bags, just in nothing can "acidentally" go missing, lol!

A few pics that I've taken today...

The area where we're going to live is pretty quiet & peaceful, away from the noise & the traffic of a big town.
We're in the countryside side now!

Exceuse my hairstyle...or the lack of it!
My hair is up in a messy bun (it makes it easier to clean & organise things) and I really, desperately need my
hairdresser in Croatia!!!
oh well...will have to wait a couple of more weeks on that :( sighh

That's it for now :)
I hope you enjoyed this quick, little update!

I wanted to show you a glimpse of my new home, before I go MIA
(probably sometime next week, when we definitely move in our new home ...with our bed & all...)
I won't be able to get an internet connection right away, but I'll do my best to get it as soon as possible!!!
I swear, I feel a little bit sick every time I think I'll have to be without internet for a while!
I'm such a huuuge internet addict, I think I'll have to go through a "no-internet" crisis next week, lol

However, I'm still going to keep filming my beauty & fashion videos, so once I get my internet line, I'll have a material ready to upload :)

Have a lovely Sunday evening!
Kissss from Italy xx

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