Today I want to share with you my newest creation, @koscrystaljewelry, new necklace 🌟
Amazonite 💚 and Rose quartz 💖
Amazonite, the stone of truth, and Rose Quartz, the stone of love, work together to help release insecurities and inspire you to know your value and learn to love yourself, while attracting more love into your life.
For info and orders 📩 International shipping available ✅
Bokljudi, kako ste?
Kao sto vec sigurno znate, izrađujem nakit od kristala. Na slici je ogrlica od amazonita i rozenkvarca.
Amazonit je kamen vitalnosti i ravnoteže. Vjeruje se da pojačava životnu snagu i elan, donosi osjećaj istine i časti, povećava snagu komunikacije (na čakri grla) i vrijednost poštovanja. Pojačava samopovjerenje, intuiciju, psihičke sposobnosti, kreativnost i intelekt. Položen na čakru čela pomaže kod koncentracije, smanjuje stres i relaksira, pojačava životnu snagu i pruža dublji san. Iscjeljuje emotivne nemire i traume, kod muškaraca podiže samopouzdanje. S dimljenim kvarcom otklanja duševne blokade.
Rozenkvarc je kamen srca i kristal bezuvjetne ljubavi.
Zaštitnik je svih vrsta ljubavnih emocija - platonskih, bračnih, obiteljskih, prijateljskih.
Poznat je i kao obiteljski kamen jer svojom energijom pridonosi razumijevanju, toleranciji, miru i duhovnoj usklađenosti među članovima obitelji.
Ovaj kamen neutralizira negativnu energiju, otvara srce i potiče duboku duhovnu regeneraciju.
Zbog svojih sposobnosti stimulacije mašte i nadahnuća posebno je cijenjen među umjetnicima, osobito onima koji se bave likovnim, glazbenim i književnim stvaralaštvom.
Za sve info slobodno me kontaktirajte, mogu Vam poslati vise sličica sto trenutno imam u ponudi. Radim i nakit po narudzbi.
Cijena varira ovisno o modelu i kristalima koje koristim. Cijena ogrlice 23 € plus postarina. Saljem putem Tiska. Nisam za zamjene, ni primopredaje.
Pogledajte i moje ostale oglase na profilu i zapratite jer stalno dodajem nešto novo u ponudu!
Zapratite me na instagramu @sonia_verardo i @koscrystaljewelry za vikend akcije, snizenja, totalne rasprodaje!
Today I'd like to show you another creation of mine: Rhodonite and Amazonite crystal necklace, specially designed for one client 💕
I'm very happy when I can custom make jewelry for you, and your satisfaction is what motivates me to keep creating😊
Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love.It stimulates, clears and activates the heart. Rhodonite grounds energy, balances yin-yang, and aids in achieving one's highest potential. It heals emotional shock and panic.
Amazonite is known as the "gambler's stone," encouraging good luck and fortune. Amazonite is said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system. Since the nervous system controls our emotions a great deal, this stone is said to soothe tense and aggravated situations and to enhance love.
HR: Najveća motivacija pri izradi nakita mi je zadovoljan klijent 🌟 Ovu kreaciju naručila je jedna klijentica koja je u svoj život željela unijeti pozitivnu energiju samopouzdanja, kreativnosti i stvaralačke energije. Odabrala je kombinaciju amazonita i rodonita i oduševila se rezultatom 💫💖
Rodonit kristal djeluje na srčanu čakru i poznat je po sposobnosti oslobađanja blokada kod srčane čakre, kao i po mogućnosti da donese emocionalno iscjeljivanje. Pomaže kod nesuglasica i napetosti u ljubavnim vezama te potiče energiju ljubavi. Protkan je crnim do sivo-smeđim nitima koje su ponekad vidljive, a ponekad manje. Upravo kombinacija ove dvije boje predstavlja suprotnosti,yin i yang princip, stoga je Rodonit kamen idealan za balans ta dva principa.
Amazonit je kristal nježne zelene boje, povezan je s planetom Venerom. Ovaj kristal pojačava misli, poboljšava kreativnost, intelekt, psihičke sposobnosti i intuiciju.Pročišćava sve meridijane u našem tijelu, donosi samopozudanje, smanjuje stres i povoljno djeluje na mozak i živčani sustav.Pojačava muške kvalitete u osobi, omogućujebolji protok energijau našem tijelu, donosi miran idubok san, i dobar je za zube. Najviše djeluje našestu čakru.
For info and orders send me a message at
International shipping available 💫
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Spring is here! :-) Nature is slowly awakening and it's a truly beautiful sight!
These amethyst, crystal quartz and white freshwater pearls and crystal quartz, amazonite and black freshwater pearls are my newest creations designed for your spiritual awakening.
These bracelets are designed to give you relief from stress and anxiety, to protect you from negative energy and carry healing powers.
Crystal quartz enhances mental clarity and aids in emotional stability. It increases focus and is used during manifestation.
Amethyst has a highly calming energy. For those who struggle with tension, insomnia,anxiety and other spiraling thoughts, amethyst is a unique healing gem that provides sweet relief.
White freshwater pearls arerecommended for those people who get angry easily and lose their temper. It removes the ill effects of the Moon, strengthens the mind, and brings emotional balance in the life of a stressed human being. It helps in reducing discomforts during sleep and cures insomnia.
Amazonite is a well known for helping to alleviate stress and anxiety. Its calming energy supports a confident and courageous disposition. It is also great for aiding communication, encouraging creativity and bringing prosperity to the wearer.
Black freshwater pearls are a symbol of hope for wounded hearts, they carry healing powers and protect the wearer from negative energy.
The spiral is the age-old intuitive symbol of spiritual development and our identity with the universe. Furthermore, the spirals are also said to symbolize both the inner and outer worlds and the themes of birth, death, and rebirth, as well as the unity of mental, physical, and spiritual self.
The anchor symbolizes hope, steadfastness, calm and composure. It also can symbolize security in one or more uncertain experiences of life, such as sea voyages, one's fate after death, and the vagaries of fortune.
I created these bracelets with love and positive energy.
International shipping available!
Here is a video where I talk more in depth about my handmade jewelry!
Send me an e-mail at: for info and orders :-)