Showing posts with label all black look. Show all posts
Showing posts with label all black look. Show all posts

Thursday 8 October 2015

Fashion blog & a fashion dog ;-)

ENG: Hi guys! Isn't my doggy Lancia the cutest? :-)
Every time that I grab my photo camera to take outfit photos, she's already there, in position! As you can see I'm not holding her on a leash, she truly wants to be in these photos, haha
I put a blue bandana on her because I wanted her "style" to go with the colours of my outfit for this photoshoot, but as she's a little girl, I ordered her a red bandana on e-bay and it just arrived this morning! It's going to be her signature look :-)
As far as my outfit goes, I ordered this fringe vest at Romwe and I love it! Fringes are definitely on trend this season, and this vest really gives that trendy/chic feel, even when the rest of the clothes you're wearing is plain and simple!
As my hair wasn't freshly washed, I put it in a side braid. This is the hairstyle I like to wear a lot especially when I'm at work because it keeps my long hair to get in a way, and it also looks quite cute.

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Nije li Lancia preslatka? :-)
Svaki put kad posegnem za foto kamerom u namjeri da napravimo outfit post, ona vec zauzme poziciju! Kao sto mozete vidjeti na fotkama, ne drzim ju na uzici, vec ona sama zeli sudjelovati, haha
Ukrasila sam ju plavom bandanom, jer sam zeljela da njezin "look" pase uz boje mog outfita, ali buduci da je ona ipak curica, narucila sam joj crvenu bandanu na ebay-u, koja je bas jutros stigla! Biti ce to njezin zastitni znak :-)
Sto se pak mog outfita tice, narucila sam ovaj prsluk sa resama sa Romwe web ducana i jako mi se svidja! Rese su ponovno veliki trend, a ovaj prsluk daje i najobicnijem outfitu tu neku trendy/chic notu!
Buduci da mi kosa nije bila frisko oprana, odlucila sam ju splesti u pletenicu riblju kost po strani. To je frizura koju cesto volim nositi, pogotovo kada sam na poslu jer na taj nacin moja duga kosa mi ne smeta dok radim, a i frizura je sama po sebi bas slatka.

VEST: Romwe // BASIC TOP: H&M // JEANS: H&M // BAG: H&M // SHOES: Zara // BRACELETS: Muwae, Mikey London // WATCH: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green // NECKLACES: Mikey London // RINGS: Mikey London & my old rings // EAR CUFF: H&M // SUNGLASSES:

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