
Sunday 14 July 2024



Hello lovelies!

Today I´d like to show you a little shopping that I did over the past couple of months 😊 These are all Sezane items, and everything is second hand. You guys know that I´m a big fan of Sezane, but also a big fan of second hand shopping🥰

Combining Sezane and second hand shopping is great because you get true gems for just a fraction of the price! Obviously it´s important to make sure that you´re getting the real deal (the original Sezane, not the copy!), and that the item you´re purchasing is in a good condition, without flaws.

I shared some of my tips & tricks of successful second hand shopping in this youtube video:

This video is also a try on haul, but I also took a few shots of the items to show you guys here how everything looks like!

I got this gorgeous Sezane silk dress 🥰 I´m in love with this shade of green, and metallic gold details that accentuate the dress. The dress is 100% silk, so it´s very nice against your skin.

I´m in ❤️ with this 👗!

Next item is this super cute black polka dot blouse. I´m not a big fan of black clothing items, and you can rearely see me wearing black, but this piece is timeless, and I can combine it with jeans and maybe a colorful belt, some fun accessories, to create a more trendy and youthful look!

The next items are these polka dot shorts, another clothing item that will always be in style! These are my favourite summertime shorts! The material is cotton, and they are very flattering, being a bit more high waisted, with the cute belt that ties into a bow and accentuates your body figure.

Hopefully I don´t gain any weight, (lol😅), so I can wear them for many, many years, as a part of my summer wardrobe essentials😊

Next item I wanted to show you is this gorgeous red blouse, made of 100% silk😊 It´s just fabulous! I´m in love with the colours, as well as the composition, as it feels so nice against the skin.

In summertime especially, it´s important to choose natural materials such as silk, cotton, linen, which make you sweat less, and make you feel really good during the heat.

I also like the "boho chic" feel this blouse has, it´s definitely my style. I don´t wear red very often, but I do like it and I feel very energized when wearing such vibrant, bright colour.

Next item that I found is this cute powdery pink bag, a combination of leather and suede. It´s so cute and perfect for summer! It´s great quality and fits just about everything that you need (lately I prefer my bags to be smaller!).
When purchasing this bag, I asked the seller for some sort of guarantees that we´re talking about the original thing, and I got the certificate of authenticity that came with the bag, along with serial number and all the info.
The seller was so kind to also include a small container of a leather polish (cleaning paste) by Sezane, that came with the bag!
I´m sure that´s going to be useful and help me maintain my bag in a perfect condition for years to come.

Another great find are these "Maximo" high waisted jeans 😊👖
These are super flattering, and they were brand new with a tag still on. Sezane has a bit smaller fit, I find, because these jeans are size eu 36, and they fit like a glove (but I´m hoping they´ll eventually stretch out just a little bit, because they´re going to be more comfy then😅). They look amazing on, and the quality is awesome, it´s a sturdy denim, very well made.
I love the belt and the buttons detailing, they contribute to making these jeans really superior when it comes to design and the overall fit!

My last "score" were these cute snakeskin print, leather moccasins. They have been worn just a few times (almost new, you can tell that from the conditions of the soles).
They are ideal for spring & autumn weather, when it´s not too cold, nor too hot outside.

They are actually very comfy, and they fit true to size.
I did find that Sezane footwear fits true to size (I also have a pair of black, cowboy style, ankle boots by Sezane, and they are also size eu 40, and fit true to size.)

I hope you liked this haul🌟🛍

Let me know, what did you like best from these bits I showed you? 

Are you also a fan of Sezane style? And what are your opinions on second hand shopping?

Let´s chat! 🥰😊

You can also reach me on instagram: @sonia_verardo

I´m sorry I didn´t have time to shoot outdoors for better quality pics, but I´m sure there´ll be many outfit posts of me wearing these items😊 Here I just quickly wanted to show you the items, and how do they look like on!

Sending you much love from Croatia!

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Hello lovelies!

It´s been a while since I shared with you some of my fashion favourites, so I thought it would be a great idea to do this today, in this blog post 😊

I´m going to surprise you a little bit, and instead of talking about women´s fashion, I´m going to focus on men´s fashion and recommend some of my favourite items from Bronson Mfg clothing comapny.

I have a lot of clothes in my wardrobe already, and I don´t really need to add anything new to my summer wardrobe (although sometimes I can´t help myself and I do some "spontaneous " unplanned shopping), but my hubby is in desperate need of wardrobe (and style) update!

This inspired me to team up with Bronson Mfg, clothing brand inspired by American retro style, who are also committed to allowing more people to wear high-quality classic menswear at reasonable prices. 🥰

Also, I figured, when I shop for clothes, I often like to check men´s section too,  so these here are going to be some ideas for my hubby, but also for myself included!

I often find great quality items at men´s section, better fit and just more cool stuff, especially when it comes to a basic white t-shirt Would you agree with me?

I´m going to share a few of my favourites here:

As you could have noticed, they pay a lot of attention to the quality of the material and all the details, and this simple white t-shirt really looks great and it can easily become a staple piece in your (or your partner´s) wardrobe.

Striped t shirt is also always a must, and a basic wardrobe piece that can be worn in many occasions and combined with different clothing items, to form your unique style.

It´s a classic piece that never goes out of style, so you can never go wrong with purchasing a striped tee!

Here is my absolute favourite:

I love it´s simplicity, yet it makes any look more cool, it just elevates it to that next level of cool 😎

On the website you´ll be able to find many more styles and colours, with wider stripes, or more colorful, but I personally preferred this particular model.

For the entire selection of striped tees, make sure to check out their webstore!

I know that I´m writing about men´s fashion, but can I just mention that all these items I´d gladly wear myself😊 

Another super cool item that I like to look for at men´s department, are military jackets. Military jackets are so cool and definitely agree with my casual way of dressing.

I have a few different models already, but here is one of my fave models from Bronson Mfg:

I like this particular one because it looks very comfy and because it has a hoodie so it must be very practical for those windy and rainy days of spring and fall season.

Those were just a few of my favourite item, and there are definitely more from this web shop to consider!

What do you think? Is this something your hubby/boyfriend/partner would enjoy adding to his closet, or is it something that you´d like to wear too (like in my case!)?

Leave me your comments, I always enjoy hearing from you!

* in collaboration with Bronson Mfg

Monday 8 July 2024

Amethyst & rose quartz bracelet for anxiety relief and self love ❤️


Hello lovelies!

In my today´s post I´d like to present you this bracelet made of beautiful amethyst and rose quartz.

As I was making this particular design, my intention was to create something for anxiety relief and inner peace (amethyst), and self love and acceptance (rose quartz).  I absolutely love this big, raw chunk of rose quartz, combined with two faceted rose quartz (6 mm), which are even more powerful, when faceted.

I added purple lava stone for grounding, connecting to Mother Earth and centering in yoursef🥰

I make crystal jewelry with positive energy and good vibrations, and I´d be more than happy to make a customised piece for you🥰 You can contact me: @koscrystaljewelry, on my instagram page, or just drop me a line here, in the comments!

Dragi ljudi,

U danasnjem postu dijelim sa vama ovu kreaciju: Prekrasnu narukvicu od divnog ametista, rozenkvarca i lava kamena.

Dok sam ju radila, dala sam joj namjenu protiv anksioznosti, za ostvarenje unutarnjeg mira (ametist), te ljubavi prema samoj sebi i prihvacanju same sebe u potpunosti (rozenkvarc).

Ljubicasti lava kamen je za "uzemljivanje", povezanost sa Majcicom Prirodom i nasom Zemljom, za osjecaj sigurnosti i sampouzdanja, i jako se i bojom i energetski, povezao sa ostalim kristalima u narukvici.

Ametist je kristal koji je poznat kao "iscjelitelj duha i psihe" (emocija).

Neke od njegovih karakteristika:

  • Eliminira ljutnju i bijes,
  • Smanjuje nervozu,
  • Pomaže uravnotežiti misli,
  • Ublažava depresiju i tugu,
  • Potiče osjećaje sreće i zadovoljstva,
  • Smanjuje stres,
  • Pomaže u suzbijanju ovisnosti (pušenja, alkoholizma, narkotika..)
  • Uklanja nesanicu i tjeskobu,
  • Potiče osjećaje ljubavi.
Rozenkvarc je kristal prepoznatljiv kao kamen ljubavi, nježnosti ipozitivne energije. Posjeduje iznimno blagotvorno djelovanje na ljudski organizam, kako u fizičkom, tako i u emocionalnom smislu. Rozenkvarc nakit stoga je posebno preporučljiv jer omogućuje pozitivno djelovanje ovog dragog kamena čitavo vrijeme dok ga nosimo uz sebe.

Rozenkvarc kristal

  • Pomaže ukloniti napetosti i strahove,
  • Budi životnu radost,
  • Uspostavlja emocionalnu ravnotežu,
  • Smanjuje stres i uklanja negativne emocije,
  • Pomlađuje duh i tijelo,
  • Donosi mir i vjernost u sve odnose s drugima,
  • Pomaže u rješavanju problema ljubavi (s partnerima, djecom ili prijateljima),
  • Donosi suosjećanje i oprost,
  • Profinjuje osjećaj za ljepotu.

Želiš li saznati vise o kristalima i njihovoj energiji? Želiš li da ti napravim personalizirani komad nakita u skladu sa tvojim ciljevima i željama? Piši mi 📩 Cijena varira od 10€ nadalje (ovisno o kombinaciji kristala) plus postarina. 
Cijena ove narukvice je 25€
Saljem putem Tiska ili paketomata. Zapratite me na instagramu @koscrystaljewelry

Saturday 6 July 2024

Narukvica rudraksha, tigrovo oko i balticki jantar za dobro raspolozenje, poslovni uspjeh i emocionalno prociscavanje🌟


Dobar dan!

Danas cu sa vama podijeliti moju novu kreaciju, narukvicu od zrnca rusrakshe, baltickog jantara i tigrovog oka, za dobro raspolozenje, poslovni uspjeh i emocionalno prociscenje. 

Narukvice od kristala izrađene po narudzbi, s namjerom da u tvoj život unesu srecu, obilje zdravlja, pozitive i blagostanja. 🥰 Tigrovo oko u kombinaciji baltickog jantara privlači u tvoj život pozitivu, dobro raspoloženje, poslovni uspjeh, zastitu od negativnih utjecaja, pomoc u laksem ostvarenju zivotnih ciljeva i emocionalno prociscenje☀️ 

Tigrovo oko je iznimno popularan dragi kamen s pregrst odlicnih djelovanja na nas organizam. Nosi mocnu energiju Zemlje i Sunca, a njegova jaka vibracija poznata je kod lijecenja kristalima.

Od davnina se tigrovo oko smatra jednim od najmocnijih talismana koji nam pruza snaznu zastitu od negativnih utjecaja iz okoline i losih vibracija.

Veoma je poznat u spiritualnom svijetu te tijekom meditacije jer nam uvijek daje uvid sto je najbolje za nas u svakom trenutku.

  • Povecava razinu energije i doprinosi vitalnosti
  • omogucuje da sagledamo svoj zivot i vidimo ono sto je najbolje za nas
  • potice zivotnu snagu i entuzijazam
  • koristen je za rjesavanje unutarnjih konflikata i dilema
  • pomaze nam da razvijemo suosjecanje i razumijevanje prema drugima
  • ovo je kamen poslovnog uspijeha i privlaci dobre prilike
  • vibrira prizemljujucu energiju i balansira emocije
  • smanjuje negativne misli
  • privlaci srecu u zivot i smanjuje tvrdoglavost
Jantar je fosilna smola izumrlog crnogoričnog drveća stara preko 50 milijuna godina. To je kamen svijetla i topline. Od pamtivijeka cijenjen je kao poseban dar prirode. Na Orijentu se nosi kao amulet protiv zlih sila, za produbljenje meditacije, molitve ili kao sredstvo za vidovnjake. Napunjen je davnom sunčevom energijom koja ima sposobnost pročistiti cijeli naš organizam. Prosvjetljuje naš emotivni svijet, otklanja tugu, depresije, beznađe i probuđuje u nama volju za životom i svim njegovim blagodatima. Razvija sudbonosnu odlučnost koja može pozitivno utjecati na tijek života. Daje nam ravnotežu, pokoj i mir duše.

Rudraksha  ima pozitivno djelovanje na tijelo, duh i um.

Zrno rudrakše emitira elektromagnetsko zračenje koje ima snažno pozitivno djelovanje na tijelo, um i duh nosioca. Ono balansira energiju, smiruje um i budi osjećaj sreće i zadovoljstva. Umanjuje stres, uklanja napetost, depresiju i anksioznost te poboljšava cirkulaciju. 

Također se pokazalo da pozitivno djeluje na mentalne funkcije-poboljšava koncentraciju i pamćenje te daje bistar intelekt.

Riječ rudrakša (rudraksha) na sanskrtu znači Šivine suze, a potječe od riječi rudra koja je jedno od imena boga Šive i riječi aksha koja znači suza.

Legenda kaže da je Šiva sjedio tisućama godina u dubokoj meditaciji, blaženstvu i miru. Kada je napokon otvorio oči, vidio je ljude kako žive u patnji, nesposobne za dublje spoznaje, nesposobne za izlazak iz problema i nesreće. Iz suosjećanja potekle su mu suze i pretvorile se u sjeme iz kojega je izraslo drvo rudrakše.
Zrno rudrakše ima snažno pozitivno djelovanje na tijelo, um i duh onoga tko ga nosi. Budi osjećaj sreće i zadovoljstva, smiruje um, poboljšava koncentraciju i pamćenje te povećava kreativnost. Dobro djeluje protiv strahova i daje ustrajnost na životnom putu.

 Želiš li saznati vise o kristalima i njihovoj energiji? Želiš li da ti napravim personalizirani komad nakita u skladu sa tvojim ciljevima i željama? Piši mi 📩 Cijena varira od 10-15€ (ovisno o kombinaciji kristala) plus postarina. Saljem putem Tiska ili paketomata. Zapratite me na instagramu @koscrystaljewelry

Hello lovelies!

Today I´d like to present you my newest creation, bracelet for positivity and business success, support in achievement of your goals and emotional purification 🌟
It´s made of tiger´s eye crystal, amber from Baltic, and rudraksha beads.

I make crystal jewelry with positive energy and good vibrations, and I´d be more than happy to make a customised piece for you🥰 You can contact me: @koscrystaljewelry, on my instagram page, or just drop me a line here, in the comments!

Tiger's Eye is the earthly stone to use when you feel more grounded. It can help provide spiritual stability, allowing you to tap into deeper levels of your consciousness. This also helps to bring up levels of self-confidence since it is hard to remain confident without a grounded, solid foundation beneath you.
It's often used for enhancing intuition, courage, and self-confidence. The stone is also believed to offer protection, particularly during travel and against negative energies or intentions.

Amber is thought to help absorb negative energy and to release bright, soothing energy, helping to calm nerves and enliven disposition like a mental sunny day. The different colors of amber are often used on the chakras with corresponding colors to facilitate opening and cleansing.

Rudraksha is renowned for its protective shield. It is said to ward off negative energies and entities, creating a spiritual armor around the wearer. This shield allows seekers to tread their path with confidence, knowing they are guarded by divine energies.

These are just few of the characteristics of the crystals/materials used in this bracelet, but the list could go on & on. If you´d like to know more, and what crystal combination would work magic for you, don´t hesitate to drop me a line🥰🌟

I´ll talk to you soon!

Friday 5 July 2024

New hair, new me 💇🏼‍♀️


Hello guys!

In this post I´m showing off my new hair cut 💇🏼‍♀️ and hair colour 🥰 

It was hard for me to accept that my long, blonde hair was no longer healthy and beautiful, but damaged, dry and thinner than ever! Long period of challenges that I was experiencing with my cervical spine, took its toll on my entire organism, and the amount of stress and discomfort that I was experiencing left traces on the state of my hair too. Not to mention that for over a year it was impossible for me to pay a visit to hairdresser’s salon, due to my neck condition, so I was doing my best to maintain healthy blonde at home. 

Turns out I wasn’t too successful in doing that because at the end of the day, my hair needed an extreme makeover. 

I’m so grateful for this new haircut and hair colour that my hairdresser did (salon Tinia, in Rijeka, Croatia)❤️

This makeover also represents  a fresh new start.🌟

I’m determined not to dwell on what I used to have, but make the most out of what life offers me now, and make it extremely healthy, shiny and beautiful… that is, hair, and life 🌸🌟

Let me know how do you like this new hairstyle and colour!

You can also check out shorts about my new hair on my instagram

Shorter and cuter because healthier. A fresh new start that my hair really needed!

Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me your lovely comments ❤️
I´m so glad to be back posting on my blog again, I love this little beauty community that we have here🥰

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Exploring Croatia: We visited Ivana´s House of Fairy Tales in Ogulin🌟

 Hello lovelies!

How´s everyone doing?

I´m back with a new post! It´s been quite some time since my last post, I know, but I´m really happy to be posting again😊

I want to tell you all about our recent family trip to Ogulin, a town in north- western Croatia, situated in Karlovac County. The reason for our trip was visit to Ivana´s House of Fairy Tales, a unique multimedia and interactive visitor´s centre which celebrates fairy tales and their makers.

"Based on the principles of knowledge, creativity and the use of new technologies, the centre presents the fairy tales of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić (born in Ogulin in 1874), Croatia's foremost writer of fairy tales, as well as the fairy tales of many other writers from both Croatia and the world.

Located within the mediaeval Frankopan Castle, Ivana's House of Fairy Tales consists of a permanent multimedia exhibition, a library, a multifunctional space for workshops, and a souvenir shop. 


It was a really fun experience and I definitely would recommend visiting Ivana´s House of Fairy Tales, especially to families with kids, but not only!
We bought two books in the little souvenir shop,  "Cudnovate Zgode Segrta Hlapica", kids tale for my son (I read this book when I was his age), and Ivana´s personal diaries (which I thought would be something interesting to read for my Mum and myself!)

Afterwards we grabbed something to eat at a local fast food "Strauss" (it was recommended to us by locals). They have delicious hamburgers, french fries, grilled vegetables, and "cevapcici".

My hubby recommends you try "Balkan burger", and I really liked my grilled vegetables with mushrooms.

By the end of the day, just before returning home, we visited nearby lake "Sabljaci". It was really nice to just sit by the lake, play cards and enjoy the scenery!

I filmed a short instagram vlog that you can watch here, and longer version of this vlog will soon be uploaded on my youtube channel 💋

I hope you get a chance to visit Ogulin someday and enjoy all these fun activities that we did!

Let me know if you already visited Ivana´s House of Fairy Tales, or lake Sabljaci, and how did you like it?

I´ll talk to you soon!

💋 from Croatia