
Tuesday 23 May 2023

Citrine & carnelian, handmade jewelry set for abundance 💕


Hello lovely people 💕

Today I want to present you my new handmade jewelry set for abundance & wealth, Citrine and Carnelian bracelet and necklace. It's also the perfect summer accessorie 🐬 because of it's vibrant and bright colors and positive energy that it carries!

Citrine is associated with positivity and optimism, which is not surprising given its cheerful color. It's often used to assist in manifesting financial abundance and opportunities. It can also be used to awaken the solar plexus chakra, helping to cultivate confidence and personal power.

In contemporary times, carnelian is thought by some to enhance self-esteem and creativity, to combat feelings of inadequacy, to increase physical energy and overcome insomnia. In the home, carnelian is believed to increase motivation towards action.

Citrine & Carnelian combination:

With their energetic qualities this combination will stimulate your creativity, strengthen your willpower, prosperity, and shining vitality. These vibrant crystals are here to make you feel motivated and full of life.

Hej bok dragi ljudi!

Evo da vam predstavim, iz moje ljetne kolekcije rucno radjenog kristalnog nakita, najnoviju kreaciju 😊

Predivan set kombinacija citrin i karneol 🥰 CITRIN je od pamtivijeka cijenjen kao dar Sunca. Kao Merkurov kamen, kamen boga glasnika, on u sebi sadrži čistu sunčevu jutarnju svjetlost. U staroj Grčkoj nošen je protiv zmijskih otrova i loših misli. Rimljani su od citrina počeli praviti prekrasni nakit. Naglo je postao popularan u doba romantizma. Sve do 16. stoljeća “Citrin” je bio zajednički termin za sve žuto kamenje, uključujući i topaz. Na njega se gledalo kao na kamen trgovaca, smatralo se da poboljšava poslovnu komunikaciju, povećava prodaju, privlači novac i posao. Citrin kristal postavljao se u kasu, novčanik ili s računima radi povećavanja imovine. citrin je kamen sunčeve energije, ima element vatre i projektivnu energiju. Pomaže nam za prelazak s nižeg na viši stupanj svijesti i upoznavanja našeg pravog JA. Prozračni i zlatni tonovi u citrinu oživljavaju u našoj duši žar kreativnosti i volju za novim spoznajama. Topla energija potiče optimizam i duhovno bogatstvo. Djeluje kao filter i regenerator energije i svome nositelju predaje toplinu. Najjači utjecaj citrin ima na čakri pleksus solaris ili pupčanoj. Tu nam pomaže prebroditi nemire, strahove, nezadovoljstvo koje vremenom mogu prerasti u teške depresije. Daruje nam mir, uravnoteženost, unutarnju harmoniju koja utječe na naš imunitet. Potiče dobro raspoloženje. Položen na srčanu čakru ublažava nemirno srce i daje nam osjećaj sigurnosti. Karneol je kristal koji simbolizira vitalnu, jarku energiju Zemlje. On u sebi sadrži boje zalaza sunca i spaja nas s ljepotom i snagom Zemlje.

Pobuđuje u nama prirodne zakone i način kako s njima živjeti. Uči nas potpuno proživljavati današnji dan i sve njegove radosti. Njegova zemaljska snaga daje nam motivaciju aktivnijem životu. Probuđuje nas iz letargije, daje vitalnost i pomaže nam pronaći naš životni put. Pojačava kreativnost, individualnost, ublažava ljubomoru, ljutnju i strah. Vjeruje se da je karneol kamen sreće, ispunjavanja želje, da olakšava tugu i da je zaštitnik od neuroza.

Radim i nakit po narudzbi pa me slobodno kontaktirajte ✅ Za sve info slobodno me kontaktirajte, mogu Vam poslati vise sličica sto trenutno imam u ponudi. Radim i nakit po narudzbi. Cijena varira ovisno o modelu i kristalima koje koristim. Saljem putem Tiska. Nisam za zamjene, ni primopredaje. Pogledajte i moje ostale oglase na profilu i zapratite jer stalno dodajem nešto novo u ponudu! Zapratite me na instagramu @sonia_verardo i @koscrystaljewelry za vikend akcije, snizenja, totalne rasprodaje!

Ovo je predivan ljetni set, prepun pozitive i zivotne, vitalne energije! 🥰

Eyeglasses trends for spring & summer season 2023.

 Hello lovely people!

Today I have another fashion post, this time in collaboration with cliclime eyeglasses, a company that sells designer prescription glasses at affordable prices.

I decided to share some of my personal favorites with you today. I wear eyeglasses when I watch Tv, or work on a computer, and I like to wear them because they're cute and flattering for my face shape.

I think it is very important to pick the frame that will best suit your face shape and that you really like!

To make your decision easier, you can choose by style, shape, gender, size, frame, material, color.

Designer eyewear that they offer is really cool and trendy and quite affordable, which is obviously a big plus!

If this spring and summer you're looking for a more fun look and something truly special, why don't you try jewelry eyeglasses

These are definitely something else! I really like how unique and super special they are. These will transform even your most simple outfit and make you look and feel extra special!

I also like this model:

They are a bit more subtle, but still very beautiful and something special!

You can also find a big selection of rimless glasses for women, here are some examples that I found:

I really like this heart shaped one, it's super pretty and just lovely!

When you carry such eyeglasses, the world looks like a better place, I'm sure! 😊

I have a heart shaped sunglasses and whenever I wear them I feel as if I was looking at the world through a different eyes. 

Rimless eyeglasses are a type of eyeglasses in which the lenses are mounted directly to the bridge and/or temples. 

To his date, they're still very popular model and a lot of people opt for it as they find it very flattering.

Here is one hot model that I think will suit most faces 😍

On their webstore you'll also have the possibility to virtually try on the frames, to see what suits you the best. It can be hard to pick the right frames without actually trying them on, so this is the perfect way to try multiple options in the comfort of your own home, all you need to do is upload your photo and pick a frame you're interested in!

Since we're heading towards summer months, you can also pick a pair (or two!) of sunglasses, the prices are super convenient so you don't need to limit yourself to only one pair!

Let me know what is your favorite pair!

I'll talk to you soon!

* in collaboration with Cliclime

Friday 19 May 2023

Hot spring fashion trends at Wholesale21

Hello lovely people!

Today I'm blogging about spring fashion trends as I teamed up with Wholesale21 fashion company and got a chance to check out first hand what's currently trending in their offer 😊

You know that I'm a big fan of spring and summer fashion trends, of hot weather that allows us to dress in pretty, lightweight clothes, floral dresses and crop tops 😊

I don't like when I have to be all bundled up during the cold winter months, so when spring arrives, I'm the first one to get interested about new fashion trends, and I'm always looking to add something new in my wardrobe and also inspire you guys with my outfit ideas and suggestions.

wholesale clothing gives me a possibility to dress up according to latest fashion trends at affordable prices.

My first choice is this pretty white blouse:

This clothing piece is definitely my cup of tea and I simply adore wearing white during the spring and summer months!

Look at the details on this blouse, they're just so gorgeous! And, it looks fab paired with jeans 🌸

This straw material bag is also one of my must haves for the warm weather! It's perfect for running errands, but also for going to the beach. I love natural materials so this bag is a perfect choice for me. I also like the wooden handles. I noticed it comes in variety of different colors, but my fave is this natural one. Again, this piece would go great with a simple pair of jeans, and with that white blouse too 😍

Another must have item for me, is denim jacket! I can combine it with everything and wear it for any occasion.

I simple adore patchwork denim, so this jacket looks really unique and it's definitely something I'd like to add to my wardrobe. I also like oversized jackets so this is the perfect model for me!

Spring and summer season is also the season of clubbing and going to parties more frequently, especially during summer holidays 🐬

It's great to know that wholesale21 offers hot club dresses at great prices and has such a huge selection of different models, colors and designs.

I love white dresses for spring & summer time!

This blue and white casual dress is so pretty! I love it for daily outfits and strolling around the towns centre. It looks really chic and breezy!

Another really pretty dress is this spaghetti strap patchwork dress, ideal for the beach or sipping cocktails with friends.

The cool thing is that all these items come in a variety of different colors to choose from, depending on your personal taste you can pick your fave 😍

Even though my wardrobe is already packed full of clothes and I decided I won't be buying anything new if I don't really need it, those are the six items I'd gladly add to my wardrobe this season to update my style and to refresh my look a little bit. What do you think of them? Do you like them, are they your style too, or do you prefer something else? Let me know in the comments section!💕

I recommend you to check out Wholesale21 promotions as they often have special deals on already discounted prices, so it's worth taking a look!

I hope you liked this fashion post! I'll talk to you soon in another post and, as always, I'm looking forward to it!

* in collaboration with wholesale21

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Handmade crystal necklace: Amazonite and rose quartz 🌸


Hello loves 💕

Today I want to share with you my newest creation, @koscrystaljewelry,  new necklace 🌟 

Amazonite 💚 and Rose quartz 💖

Amazonite, the stone of truth, and Rose Quartz, the stone of love, work together to help release insecurities and inspire you to know your value and learn to love yourself, while attracting more love into your life.

For info and orders 📩
International shipping available ✅

Bok ljudi, kako ste?

Kao sto vec sigurno znate, izrađujem nakit od kristala. Na slici je ogrlica od amazonita i rozenkvarca. Amazonit je kamen vitalnosti i ravnoteže. Vjeruje se da pojačava životnu snagu i elan, donosi osjećaj istine i časti, povećava snagu komunikacije (na čakri grla) i vrijednost poštovanja. Pojačava samopovjerenje, intuiciju, psihičke sposobnosti, kreativnost i intelekt. Položen na čakru čela pomaže kod koncentracije, smanjuje stres i relaksira, pojačava životnu snagu i pruža dublji san. Iscjeljuje emotivne nemire i traume, kod muškaraca podiže samopouzdanje. S dimljenim kvarcom otklanja duševne blokade. Rozenkvarc je kamen srca i kristal bezuvjetne ljubavi. Zaštitnik je svih vrsta ljubavnih emocija - platonskih, bračnih, obiteljskih, prijateljskih. Poznat je i kao obiteljski kamen jer svojom energijom pridonosi razumijevanju, toleranciji, miru i duhovnoj usklađenosti među članovima obitelji. Ovaj kamen neutralizira negativnu energiju, otvara srce i potiče duboku duhovnu regeneraciju. Zbog svojih sposobnosti stimulacije mašte i nadahnuća posebno je cijenjen među umjetnicima, osobito onima koji se bave likovnim, glazbenim i književnim stvaralaštvom. Za sve info slobodno me kontaktirajte, mogu Vam poslati vise sličica sto trenutno imam u ponudi. Radim i nakit po narudzbi. Cijena varira ovisno o modelu i kristalima koje koristim. Cijena ogrlice 23 € plus postarina. Saljem putem Tiska. Nisam za zamjene, ni primopredaje. Pogledajte i moje ostale oglase na profilu i zapratite jer stalno dodajem nešto novo u ponudu! Zapratite me na instagramu @sonia_verardo i @koscrystaljewelry za vikend akcije, snizenja, totalne rasprodaje!

Handmade crystal bracelets: I just can't get enough! Stacking colorful bracelets for good vibes & positive energy :-)


Hello lovely people! How are you doing today?

I'm in 💚 with the Mother Nature and all her gifts 🎁 🌟🌸
I 💜❤️💚💙 stacking various crystal bracelets! They’re so pretty and I feel their positive energy that supports me and accompanies me through my life 🙏
My favourites are by @zasujewelry and @koscrystaljewelry I simply can’t get enough 😅

Kos crystal jewelry is my jewelry brand, I use crystals and other natural materials such as wood, sea shells, leather etc. In each piece I incorporate good thoughts and positive vibes 😘

Various crystal bracelets are now available! What kind of energy do you want to bring into your life?
📩 for info and orders. International shipping available 👍

Tuesday 16 May 2023



Hello loves! 💕🌸

How are you doing today? I'm back from my physical therapy and taking it easy today, so I thought I'd blog a little bit, as it creates me joy 😍

My physiotherapist today applied the Emmet method and also TENS method and we did some breathing exercises to strengthen the muscles of my lower body.

I feel that I'm on the right patch and I can't wait to feel like my old (NEW) self again!!!

I also meditate every single day and I feel meditations are really helping me out in getting in touch with myself and giving me calm and positive energy that is so much needed!

I've been also writing a journal of gratitude for a bit over a month now, so I wanted to share that with you today 😊

Here is a short little video that I made, where I read my journal of gratitude and I talk about the benefits of counting your blessings every single day 🌸


Fill the journal of gratitude with me today! If you want to change your personal reality you have to change your personality. Sounds simple but it’s actually a hard work! One thing that you can do now is to take one simple but decisive step in the direction of positive change! Start counting your blessings every single day. 🌟☀️💕 What are you grateful for today?

Sunday 14 May 2023

New handmade crystal jewelry: Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz & Aventurine bracelet and Amethyst & Blue Lace Agate bracelet!

 Hello lovelies!

In my today's post I'd like to share two new crystal bracelets that I handmade recently. These are unique and handmade, designed by me 💕

Lapis lazuli, rose quartz and aventurine crystal very powerful combination for overall well-being and manifestation of your perfect life 🌸💚💙

Bok ljudi! Kao sto vec znate, izrađujem nakit od kristala. Na slici je narukvica od lapis lazuli, rozenkvarca i aventurina. Lapis lazuli je kristal koji pozitivno utječe na tijelo i um te pomaže u postizanju fizičkog i mentalnog sklada. Posebno je na glasu kao snažan zaštitnik međuljudskih odnosa. Pozitivno djeluje na ljubav, vjernost i čvrstoću braka. Unosi pozitivne promjene u domove u kojima nedostaje ljubavi, tolerancije, razumijevanja i komunikacije. Rozenkvarc je kristal poznat je kao kamen srca te djeluje na srčanu čakru. Rozenkvarc podaruje ljepotu, nježnost i emocionalnu stabilnost jer otvara srce i pomaže nam da pružamo bezuvjetnu ljubav prema svima oko sebe, kao i prema samima sebi. Također pomaže da tu istu ljubav primijećujemo, smanjimo negativne emocije i duhovno se regeneriramo. Aventurin zeleni se stavljao se u vrećice koje su se nosile kraj sebe kako bismo privukli novac ili sreću. U prošlosti su ga zvali i “kockarski kamen” jer je donosio sreću u kartanju, kockanju i sl. Zeleni Aventurin privlači poslovne prilike, pojačava mentalnu jasnoću i poboljšava percepciju. Poželjan je za meditaciju i manifestiranje naših želja u stvarnost. Za sve info slobodno me kontaktirajte, mogu Vam poslati vise sličica sto trenutno imam u ponudi. Cijena varira ovisno o modelu, plus postarina. Saljem putem Tiska ili poste. Nisam za zamjene, ni primopredaje. Pogledajte i moje ostale oglase na profilu i zapratite jer stalno dodajem nešto novo u ponudu! Zapratite me na instagramu @sonia_verardo i @koscrystaljewelry

Amethyst and blue lace agate necklace 💜💙

Amethyst is a natural tranquilliser, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. 💜

Blue lace agate is a great nurturing and supportive stone, neutralising anger, infection, inflammation and fever. Blue lace agate helps to self soothe, improve mood and return to a state of calm 💙

Na slici je narukvica od ametista i amata plava cipka.

Ametist pomaze kod anksioznosti, depresije, ovisnosti, smiruje um i donosi psihički balans. Ahat plava cipka kamen je povezan s ublažavanjem stresa. Kristal je za smirivanje preaktivnog uma i smirivanje živaca. Slično efektima gledanja u blijedoplavo nebo koje se proteže do horizonta, i kamen je najbolji alat za opuštanje i održavanje mirnog ponašanja. Pozovite ovaj dragi kamen na prijeko potrebne svakodnevne pozitivne vibracije, najbolje protuotrov za stres našeg užurbanog života.

Which one is your favourite? Let me know in the comments 🥰
International shipping available 👍
For info and orders 📩

I´ll show you more pieces soon! I've been enjoying creating different jewellery pieces and each piece carries a certain type of energy and positive vibes 😊


Wednesday 10 May 2023

OOTD: Mix of casual, sporty & cool


Hello lovelies!

I have these outfit photos to share with you today. These were taken in Italy, in a parking lot of a shopping centre. I wore black bomber jacket, my fave "Nirvana" sweatshirt, green Adidas sweatpants and dr. Marten´s Jadon boots.

I thought I'd share these photos because I really like this relaxed, chilled look😘

I haven't been posting much ootd posts lately, because I just haven't been into that, since I'm really focused on healing 🌸

This week I started physical therapy, and will be doing that twice a week and it's also been a bit over a month that I'm meditating every day.

I really love meditations by dr. Joe Dispenza and Petra Cutuk, I find that my body and soul just craves them.

I also want to update you on how my little garden project has been doing, so I'm definitely going to post more about this in the upcoming days.

Even though I have some cute outfits that I'd like to share, I don't know exactly when am I going to be up for it,  hopefully soon 😊

Outfit details:

Bomber jacket (with shirt detail integrated): Zara

Nirvana sweatshirt: H&M

Green sweatpants: Adidas (second hand, from Messina Hembry at Asos Marketplace)

Dr. Marten´s Jadon boots in white

Leather backpack


I hope you're all having a great week, that you feel uplifted and that great things are coming your way!

xo from Croatia,

Thursday 4 May 2023

Savaglory trendy & super cute T-shirts!

 Hello guys!

Today I have a collaboration with fashion brand Savaglory that I'd like to present you 💕

Savaglory is very cool, youthful and trendy brand that offers a vast selection of T-shirts, shopper totes and dresses.

They asked me to pick some of my favorite T-shirts to present on my blog and style in OOTD videos on my YouTube channel.

Here are the ones I liked best (but it was definitely not easy to pick a few, as I really liked everything they have in stock!)

All these T-shirts are available in a variety of different colors to choose from 😊

"Crazy plant lady" is available here

"Best mom ever" is available here

"Eat, sleep, yoga, repeat" is available here

"All the cool kids are reading" is available here

"Into the forest" is available here

I photographed them in my garden, as I really liked the setting, but soon I'll try to post some casual, but cool outfit ideas, wearing these t-shirts!

Which one is your favorite?

Let me know in the comments!

I also negotiated a little treat for all my blog readers! An exclusive discount code: SONIASG. 

The discount offers a 10% discount when you buy two items. The coupon has no limit on usage time and frequency, and is applicable to all products in the store.

I recommend you to check them out 🌸

I'll talk to you soon!

* in collaboration with Savaglory