
Tuesday 19 April 2022

OOTD: Golden hour at the island of Krk


Hello guys!

How are you doing? It's been a while since I blogged here and it's because I was occupied with setting up my preloved store at Moje Krpice and also decorating my house.

There are a ton of clothes that I want to sell, at very affordable prices, so I had to photograph everything and edit, upload on the website with descriptions and that also takes up a lot of time. I still have a ton of clothes to photograpf and upload on the site, but I decided to take a little break and go back to blogging as I don't want the gap to be too long.

I took these photos a couple of months ago at the island of Krk, just before sunset. As you can see, I have almost a total white look, my old Levi's jeans and this vintage style embroided sweater.

I'm really looking forward to the Spring season and nicer weather, being more often in the nature and gardening!

Here you can also watch a little vlog that I filmed when we were doing some work in my garden, planting strawberries and roses!

HR: Lijep pozdrav ljudi! Evo da vam se malo javim sa novim blog postom! Nisam vec dugo nista ovdje objavljivala, a razlog tome je sto sam bila vrlo okupirana oko dodavanja stvarcica u moj second hand ducancic u Mojim Krpicama

Imam zaista hrpetinu dobre robice koju zelim prodati, po vrlo, vrlo povoljnim cijenama (pogotovo sada kad sam se preselila, zaista moram napraviti mjesta u ormarima!)

Cijeli ovaj mjesec imam akciju 2+1 gratis, tako da, bacite pogled ovdje

Moram jos puno toga poslikati i objaviti u ponudi, ali htjela sam napraviti mali predah i posvetiti se malo i blogu. Napravila sam i mali vlog o radovima u vrtu i uredenju dvorista, sadenju jagoda i ruza...veselim se ovom proljecu! Nadam se da ce vam se svidjeti! Javite mi, da li biste voljeli vidjeti vise takvih videa u buducnosti na mojem kanalu?

Ove slicice nastale su na otoku Krku prije par mjeseci, bas pred zalaz sunca, kada je osvjetljenje nekako najljepse. Nosila sam svoje stare bijele levisice i vintage style majicu sa izvezenim ruzicama.

Kako vam se svidja ovaj look?

Uskoro stize novi post!


  1. Lovely sweater and head piece. Hope your spring warms up. Chilly and windy here.

  2. This is such a fabulous outfit. I love embroidered sweater. What a great piece! It sounds like you have been really busy lately. I hope everything is going well <3
    the creation of beauty is art.

  3. Lijepa kombinacija, volim bijele traperice. Pozdrav<3


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