
Friday 1 December 2017

OOTD feat. Zara: Striped sweater and wide leg jumpsuit

ENG: Hey, hey, it's time for another outfit post! :-)
These photos were taken when we were staying in Croatia for a bit, so we had the opportunity to go for nice, long walks by the sea! Our little family enjoyed that very much!
I wore a very similar outfit in this ootd post, but instead of the striped top, I wore a cropped denim jacket over this wide leg jumpsuit.
I like this version very much, as you can't even tell that I'm wearing a jumpsuit, but this looks like I'm wearing a wide leg, high waisted pants. I love how versatile this clothing item is!
Sales are definitely the best period to be shopping at Zara! Their stuff is usually a bit too pricey, but during the sales, you can find truly awesome, awesome deals!
I got this wide leg jumpsuit a few years ago for under € 10, and this summer I purchased this cropped striped top, at their on-line sales, for €5 something.

In case you haven't watched my Zara on-line fashion haul that I posted a few months ago, you can watch it now, here:

HR: Pozdrav dragi ljudi, evo me danas sa jednim outfit postom!
Vrlo slican outfit nosila sam ovdje, samo je u toj kombinaciji bilo vidljivo da nosim kombinezon, dok se ovdje cini da se radi o hlacama visokog struka.
Meni se jako svidaju obje kombinacije, bas volim ovaj odjevni predmet zbog toga sto se da iznjeti na razne nacine i uvijek izgleda super i sik!

Slicice su nastale kada smo boravili kratko u Hrvatskoj i cijela moja mala obitelj uzivala je u setnjicama uz more :-)

Ukoliko ste propustili moj vlogic na hrvatskom kanalu, pogledajte ga sada ovdje:

Dobila sam dosta upita kada cu ponovno uploadati video na hrvatskom jeziku i to me motiviralo za ponovno snimanje. Nastojati cu snimati jednu vrst vlogmasa (tjedni, ne dnevni jer jednostavno nemam vremena! #busymomlife !)

U gornjem tekstu na engleskom jeziku spomenula sam jos kako volim kupovati u Zari na snizenjima jer se zaista isplati (barem u Italiji!)
Inace su njihove stvarcice malo precijenjene, dok se na snizenjima da kupiti toliko toga za malo para :-) Evo cijeli ovaj outfit je iz Zare, a na njega nisam potrosila vise od 20€! Zamislite! 
Ove godine malo sam kupovala za sebe, ali Zarina snizenja ipak nisam propustila: ljetos sam napravila mali on-line shopping tijekom snizenja, a o tome sam snimila i video (mozete ga pogledati, gore je prilozen!).

Toliko od mene za ovaj post! Nadam se da vam se outfit svidja, iako je sada ipak vec prehladno za tako neku "obleku"!

Total look Zara (jumpsuit, sweater, shoes)
Sunglasses: Mango
Bag: Fendi
Wooden watch: Jord (mod. "Sully" in Natural Green)


  1. Mnogo mi se dopada ovaj outfit post i jako je zanimljivo kako može sve da se kombinuju kombinezoni ❤️❤️❤️

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  2. Oh my gosh, I absolutely LOVE this outfit! The combination of colours is perfection. And the stripes look fabulous on you!

  3. Outfit je predivan kao i ti sama :D Odličan post kao i uvijek.

  4. Nice post!! Your blog is interesting!!
    Great pictures!Love the outfit!
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  5. Outfit je predivan kao i ti sama :D Odličan post kao i uvijek.
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