
Wednesday 5 July 2017

Yellow blouse

ENG: Hi guys! I have a new outfit post for you :-) Just a quick one, a few photos, as these days it's quite hard to find time for an actual photo session!
We took these few shots past weekend, when we were returning home from baby store (we got some cute baby clothes on sale and a few books for kids! I love reading to my little one!)

I wore casual but kind of a dressy outfit (ripped skinny jeans with adidas sneakers, and my new yellow top from
This top comes in white, black, pink and neon yellow colour and is inspired by Selena Gomez style.
I picked it in yellow because I wanted to try out something different from what I usually go to!
I rarely wear yellow because I'm very pale so I don't think this colour suits me that well, but as this top retails at only $ 3.83, I was willing to experiment a bit!

My hubby actually likes how it looks on me, I guess that's what matters ;-)

You can also check out other web store run by Tosave, where you'll find all hair & beauty related:

HR: Pozdrav dragi ljudi! Uspjela sam za vas pripremiti jedan brzinski outfit post! Znate da mi u ovom razdoblju nije bas lako odvojiti vremena za pravi photo session, ali ovih par slicica uspjeli smo napraviti prosli vikend kada smo se vracali iz male kupovine stvarcica za naseg sincica.

Vlogic je na hrvatskom kanalu, mozete ga pogledati ovdje:

Ovaj outfit prilagodjen je komotnom "mama" stilu, ali mislim da sam ga sa par detaljica uspjela uciniti i malo "chic"! Ova zuta bluzica stigla mi je sa web ducana. Narucila sam ju u ovoj ludoj neon zutoj boji, koju inace ne nosim cesto zbog blijede puti, ali ovaj put bila sam spremna isprobati nesto novo! Buduci da joj je cijena samo $ 3.83, nije mi bilo tesko odluciti se za takav "eksperiment". Isti model mozete naruciti i u klasicnoj crnoj, bijeloj te "girly pink" varijanti.
Uz nju cete dobiti i remencic, koji ja ovom prilikom nisam htjela staviti jer mi je ogrlica sama po sebi bila dovoljan detalj.

Mom muzicu se svidjelo kako mi stoji ova boja (nisam to ocekivala, on je vise za "klasiku"), a to je ono bitno, zar ne? ;-)

Yellow blouse: here
Wooden watch: Jord (model Sully in Natural Green)
Jeans: H&M
Sneakers: Adidas superstar
Backpack: Promod


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