
Wednesday 10 May 2017

Lace shorts OOTD

ENG: Hi guys! I'm sorry that I've been a bit MIA when it comes to my blog. I always loved creating new fashion posts and taking OOTD photos, but, to be honest with you, since I became a Mum, this has been much more difficult! I simply don't have time.
I'm currently fully dedicated to my little son (he'll be 4 months old on April, 20th.). Time flies really quickly, and I just want to soak in every single moment of him being a little baby! They grow so fast, I don't want to miss any of these moments. Sadly for my blog, this means that I don't have such a quality content to provide at the moment, at least not as I used to.
But, this is a temporary thing. I do love posting and I'm sure that I'll have more occasion to post, in the future. My son may even become my little helper (who knows, he might develop a passion for photography, just like his Dad and Grandfather...)

Today I managed to squeeze in this quick outfit post :-) I hope that you like it!

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Zao mi je sto u zadnje vrijeme ne postam bas cesto, cinjenica je da jednostavno nemam vremena! Uvijek sam voljela osmisljavati outfite i slikati razlicite odjevne kombinacije za blog, ali od kada sam mama (sincic mi 20.04. puni 4 mjeseca!), za takvu vrstu postova nemam bas puno vremena. Ne volim raditi takve fotke na brzinu, pa sve onda ispadne nekako "zbrda zdola", i krajnjim rezultatom nisam zadovoljna. Zbog toga sam svjesna da ce takvi postovi jos morati malo pricekati.
Ne zalim se, jer uzivam u ovoj novoj zivotnoj ulozi, zaista sam sretna kao nikada prije. Vrijeme leti, a ja se trenutno zelim posvetiti 100% mojem djetescu. Buduci da volim bloganje, znam da je samo stvar vremena, kada cemo imati vise prilike za realizaciju kvalitetnijeg sadrzaja. Do tada sam smirena i sretna, ispunjena nekim drugim zadacama koje donose veliko zadovoljstvo :-)

Ipak, danas sam uspjela ubaciti ovaj mali outfit post! Nadam se da vam se svidja!

Top: Sammydress
Lace shorts: H&M
Necklace: Zara
Bag: local boutique in Italy
Wooden watch: Jord, "Sully" in Natural Green
Ballet flats: local boutique in Italy


  1. I definitely think it's important that you are there and present for the big and little moments with your son! Your outfit is gorgeous. I love the shorts :)

  2. Što se tiče autfita predivan je, ali nisam sigurna da li sam propustila negdje post ili ga nisi ni radila, no mene zanima kako si uspjela održati tako vitku liniju? Ja ne bih mogla reći da si ni bila trudna (msm znam da jesi, ali tako dobro izgledaš, a samo 4mjeseca su prošla). Sve pohvale!

    Moj mali kutak

  3. What a great style! I love the blouse, short and the bag. The bag is amazing :-*

    Melanie /


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