
Friday 6 January 2017

Pregnancy outfit ideas for colder weather: Grey Sweaterdress

Finally, an outfit of the day post where you can clearly see that I'm pregnant! Up until my third trimester, I wasn't really showing, and, in some outfits, even though I was wearing maternity clothes, I didn't even look pregnant! But now, my bump has definitely grown, especially as I'm heading towards my due date!
I'd love to shoot some more pregnancy outfit ideas, for this last trimester of pregnancy (I did film a pregnancy fashion haul that will be up on my youtube channel soon!), but lately I've been feeling quite tired, outside it's very cold, and it's just more difficult right now for me to get things done.
Sometimes I feel frustrated about this, because I have so many ideas and projects in my head, but I have to remind myself that I'm supposed to deliver my baby in less than 15 days, so I guess I'm excused when it comes to "not being able to get all things done" regarding my blog and youtube channel.

I love this grey sweaterdress by H&M! This is going to be a great item to wear even after my pregnancy. It's very versatile and it's like a basic piece you need to have in your wardrobe. You can create so many different stylings around it, and that's why I love it so much.

Konacno, outfit post u kojem je jasno i primjetno da sam trudna! Sve do treceg tromjesecja, skoro da se nije ni primjecivalo, iako sam nosila udobniju odjecu dizajniranu za trudnice, nisam bas izgledala trudno! Sada, trbuscic je postao prava velika lubenica i nema vise sumnje, a termin mi se opasno priblizava!
Voljela bih jos moci snimiti par outfita - ideja za trece tromjesecje, (snimila sam trudnicki fashion haul koji ce uskoro biti na mojem youtube kanalu!), ali iskreno, ne znam hocu li biti u mogucnosti: U zadnje vrijeme sam umornija, vani je jako hladno i jednostavno mi je teze obavljati neke poslove.
Ponekad me to zna dobro isfrustrirati, jer imam toliko ideja, projekata i planova, ali, moram si racionalizirati i prihvatiti cinjenicu da do termina fali jos manje od 15 dana i da je sasvim normalno ne uspjeti obaviti bas sve sto sam si zacrtala u vezi bloga i youtube kanala.

Evo, ovu sivu haljinu iz H&M-a volim jer mi je bila odlicna u trudnoci, a super ce izgledati i nakon poroda. Mozete ju nositi na puno razlicitih nacina i ukombinirati u razlicite stylinge pa se ona moze smatrati gotovo kao "basic" u ormaru (neophodan odjevni predmet, rekli bismo!). 

White overcoat: ZARA
Leather jacket: STRADIVARIUS
Grey sweaterdress: H&M
Tights: KIABI (maternity)
Choker necklace: LIGHT IN THE BOX
Leather backpack: Bought in Rijeka, Croatia, many years ago

With the special appearance of my doggy Lancia! ♥


  1. Teraz kobiety mogą znaleźć ładne ubrania na okres ciąży. W tym okresie trzeba szczególnie ładnie wyglądać.

    1. I agree, it's much easier these days to find nice clothes designed for pregnancy :-) Thanks for your comment!

  2. You look beautiful :) Cool jacket :)

  3. Love your hair! <3

  4. Outfit is veri nice :)
    You are so pretty :)

  5. Predivan post zaista <3
    pratim te molim te uzvrati

  6. Predivan post zaista <3
    pratim te molim te uzvrati

  7. Love the outftit! So cool!
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