
Tuesday 27 December 2016


Hi guys!

I went thrifting...again! :-)
And as I found so many exciting things and real hidden gems, I wanted to share this haul with you!
You already know all about my passion for thrifting and giving new life to second hand clothes...this time I found some amazing designer items, and also, vintage, handmade quality pieces, and I stayed within my € 20 budget! How amazing is that??

Pozdrav ljudi!

Opet sam otisla u lov na second hand stvarcice! :-)
Pronasla sam toliko super stvari, pravog skrivenog blaga, da sam odlucila podijeliti ovaj haul sa vama!
Vi sigurno vec znate za moju veliku strast prema second hand ducanima, pronalazenju bas tog posebnog, unikatnog predmeta i davanju novog zivota i stila, vec second hand odjevnim taj nacin najbolje se nekako kreira taj vlastiti unikatni stil, a bez velikog troska!
Ovaj puta, pronasla sam i dizajnerske stvarcice, a i neke vrijedne i kvalitetne rucno radjene vintage predmete i uza sve to uspjela ostati unutar svog budgeta od cca 150 kn! Nevjerojatno, zar ne? Probajte i vi! ;-)

Click on the video to watch my entire haul! Klik na video kako biste pogledali sto sam sve kupila!

As you can see, I got so many nice shirts, and some cool and on trend accessories! Let me know which one is your favourite item from this haul?

I hope you're having a great holiday season! Things are a bit hectic for me right now, as I'm getting closer to my due date, but I'm trying to spend these holidays at home relaxing, chilling and gathering strength and positive vibes for the upcoming labour that awaits me in 2017.!

I'm wishing you all lots of joy and happiness, and amazing holiday season ♥

Kao sto mozete vidjeti, naisla sam na puno odlicnih kosulja i neke stvarno cool i trendy aseasoare!
Javite mi u komentarima, koji je vas omiljen predmet od svega ovoga?

Nadam se da ugodno provodite ove blagdane! Ja sam u nekom cudnom filmu, jer datum mog poroda se blizi, ali nastojim ove dane provesti u ugodnoj blagdanskoj atmosferi, miru i pozitivnim emocijama. Puno spavam i prikupljam snagu za neizbjezno u 2017., najveci dogadaj u mom zivotu!

Zelim vam svima puno ljubavi i srece i zaista, najbolje blagdane! ♥

Wednesday 21 December 2016


Hi guys! I talked about Christmas gift guide 2016. in  my Vlogmas video day 15.
In this video I presented you some cool gift ideas for her. I'm recommending you some of my favourite fashion, beauty, make up items and stocking fillers. I hope this video brings you some good gift ideas, as I covered gifts starting from only 2.50 € and up! 
These are inexpensive christmas gift ideas, that you might find helpful if you're shopping on a budget, but trying to give the best possible gifts to your loved ones! All the items shown in this video / post were purchased by my own money, nothing is sponsored, these are my genuine recommendations for the best products out there!
I hope you find this post helpful if you're doing some last minute Christmas shopping this week!

Interested in seeing what did I recommend last year as Christmas gift ideas?



Pozdrav svima dragi ljudi! Kako ste mi i kako provodite ovo blagdansko vrijeme?
Ja sam u sklopu Vlogmasa kojeg radim na engleskom youtube kanalu, napravila i mali vodic za darove/ ideje, sto pokloniti vasim voljenima ovog Bozica!
U tom videu preporucam vam neke od poklon setova koji su mene osobno odusevili! Ukoliko jos niste vidjeli video, obavezno ga pogledajte jer sigurna sam da ce vam biti koristan ukoliko i vi odgadjate Bozicni shopping za zadnji trenutak i obavljate kupovinu Bozicnih poklona ovaj tjedan!
Preporucila sam stvarcice za svaciji budget, pocevsi sa poklonima koje mozete kupiti za samo 20-tak kn, do onih malo skupljih, za nekog vrlo posebnog u vasem zivotu. ;-)
Nista od ovoga nije placena reklama, dakle sve ove stvarcice moje su iskrene preporuke i kupljene vlastitim novcem, jer zaista smatram da su medju najboljim poklon idejama trenutno na trzistu!

Pogledajte i sto sam vam preporucala prosle godine, mozda vas inspirira:


Christmas Gift Guide 2016.

Yves Rocher: Beauty products ranging from 2.50 € - 10 € and lots of complimentary gifts with purchase!

Malizia Profumo d'Intesa: Gift set including perfumed deo spray, body cream and trendy bracelet, for 4.90 €

L'Oreal : Nail polish gift set 5.90 €

Maybelline gift set: Lash sensational mascara, black eye pencil & cute beauty bag, 7.90 €

Vintage Garden gift set available at Drogerie Markt drugstores 

Gliss Schwarzkopf gift set 9.90 €

The set contains: Rose gold beauty pouch, Supreme Repair Shampoo, Supreme Repair Conditioner and Gliss Oil Elixir

Burberry Body eau de parfum, 35 ml currently in promotion for only 34.90 € at Tigotà profumerie, Italia

Caudalie  gift ideas ranging from 6 € - 35 €

Cool & warm winter accessories are always great gift ideas! Winter hats starting from 6 €

H&M and Zara have some awesome winter sweaters in their offer, great gift ideas starting from 10 €- 30 €

Monday 12 December 2016

Pregnancy outfit ideas: Flare jeans

Hi guys! I'm back with a new outfit post! This is one of the pregnancy outfit ideas, as I know it can be challenging dressing your baby bump in the cold winter days, especially as you stepped in your third trimester and your belly is expanding and getting bigger day by day!
I wore these flare jeans from H&M Mama, my suede wedge booties, warm burgundy sweater over my denim shirt (yeay, I can still fit in this shirt), and a wool cape on top to keep me warm.

How do you like this look?

I'm sorry for the lack of outfit posts lately, I do have some outfit photos ready to upload, but I've been super busy filming and editing Vlogmas 2016. on my youtube channel! However, I promise I'll try to find more time for my blog too! I love posting :-)

How are you guys liking my Vlogmas so far? Your feedback is always greatly appreciated!

Pozdrav ljudi! Evo me natrag sa novim outfit postom! I ovo je jedan od outfit ideja za trudnice (ali naravno, ne iskljucivo za trudnice, jer od svih ovih odjevnih predmeta, samo su traperice kupljene na trudnickom odjelu!). Dakle, u trecem tromjesecju trudnoce, a kada vani bijesni zima, sve je veci izazov obuci trudnicki trbuscic! Koji svakim danom postaje sve veci! Sve vas nesto steze, koza zateze, imate osijecaj kao da cete eksplodirati...zadnja stvar koju zelite jest slojevito se oblaciti (mogu li dobiti natrag ljeto, molim? I ostatak trudnoce provesti u kupacem kostimu?), ali opet, prioritet jest utopliti se, ne zelite zaraditi neku virozu, ili prehladu :-/
Dakle, nije lako!

Evo, ja sam se ovdje odlucila na traperice model "Flare" sa trudnickog odjela H&M-a (isti model mozete kupiti i u normalnoj, ne trudnickoj verziji!), traper kosulju (u koju jos uvijek stanem, jeeej!), toplu pletenu majicu bordo boje (bas volim ovu boju za jesen/ zimu!) i vunenu jaknicu/kaputic.

Kako vam se svidja ovaj outfit?

U zadnje vrijeme je bilo manje outfit postova, a razlog tome jest Vlogmas 2016. na mom youtube kanalu!  Kao sto vec vjerojatno znate, tijekom ovog mjeseca snimam i uploadam videe na kanal svakodnevno, a buduci da ne radim samo vlogove, vec nastojim osmisliti i kvalitetne tematske videe, posla je preko glave! Imam vec neke nove outfite koje bih trebala uploadati na blog, ali eto, jedva pronalazim vremena! No, obecajem da necu zapostaviti blog- ipak previse volim postati! :-)

Kako vam se svidja moj Vlogmas za sada? Ocekujem vase komentare, vasa misljenja su mi dragocijena!

JEANS: H&M Mama (mod. Flare)
WEDGE BOOTIES: Stradivarius
BAG: Zara

Saturday 10 December 2016


Hello lovelies! As a part of my Vlogmas 2016. video series, today on my youtube channel I have a Christmas make up tutorial + festive outfit idea!
I used one of my favourite eyeshadow palettes of the moment, Maybelline The Blushed Nudes, to create this lovely festive look. I'm also in love with the YSL Rouge Volupte lipstick in # 12. I bought it a few seasons ago, but I always rediscover it in autumn and winter time. The colour is so rich and pigmented and the texture is so creamy, on lips it feels super luxurious.

I have another beauty must- have in my winter skin care and make up routine: It's Caudalie Beauty Elixir, a true cult product and the one that is definitely worth the hype! It's very versatile as you can use it to set your make up, or as a part of your skin care (as a toner), it will instantly refresh your skin and boost it with energy, moisture and radiance! What an awesome product!

As far as my Christmas 2016. outfit idea, I went for something glam, sparkly and on trend! This dark blue velvet dress that I chose to wear, isn't a new purchase, actually it's rather "ancient", as I bought it when I was still in high school (at 16, 17 years of age!). I wore it once or twice, and I'm pretty sure I never actually had the occasion to wear it outside! But velvet was a huge trend back then, as it is now (choker necklaces, velvet, oversized denim jackets...'90.-ies trends are still experiencing a huge comeback!), and I'm now very happy that I kept this dress in my closet all these years. Except for the baby bump being slightly "in the way", it still fits perfectly!

I paired this dress with my super sparkly Zara jacket, Zara necklace, vintage Fendi bag and burgundy suede Promod booties (you can see the whole outfit and how it looks on me, in my video!)

I already filmed another tutorial with Maybelline The Blushed Nudes palette, and in that video I also did a more in debth review of the palette! I created a soft, true rose gold, lovely make up look! I'll leave you the link to that video too, but soon I'll be doing a separate post on this palette!

Here are some beauty bits that I used to complete my festive look (some of these are my new in's, and some are already very well loved must haves!)

These P2 Sand Style polishes are my new discoveries, they're absolutely fantastic and simply gorgeous! I picked two shades: #110 Classy and # 070 Pretty. Both are ideal for festive season. They retail for only 2.99 € and I bought them at Oviesse store, Italy.

Here is the full list of all the products used in this tutorial:

- YSL Top Secrets Pore Refining Skincare Brush - Maybelline Instant Anti- age Concealer - Rimmel London Lasting Finish 25 hour foundation - Benefit Ka- Brow! cream- gel color with brush # 03 - Chanel Illusion d'ombre # 86 Ebloui - Maybelline The Blushed Nudes eyeshadow palette - Chanel eyelash curler - L'Oreal Voluminous mascara - Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara - Kiko Milano Glamorous eye pencil #404 - Rimmel Natural Bronzer with minerals #021 Sun Light - Too Faced Sweethearts bronzer in "Sweet Tea" - Max Factor Creme Puff Blush # 15 Seductive Pink - Red Earth Secret Potion Radiant Skin in a Flash in "Thriller" - MAC mineralize skinfinish Soft & Gentle - Catrice Camouflage Cream Concealer # 010 Ivory - Kiko Milano Smart Lip pencil # 710 - YSL Rouge Volupte # 12 - Catrice Prime And Fine Mattifying Powder Transparent - Caudalie Beauty Elixir

Let me know how do you like my complete Christmas 2016. look and styling?