
Tuesday 27 December 2016


Hi guys!

I went thrifting...again! :-)
And as I found so many exciting things and real hidden gems, I wanted to share this haul with you!
You already know all about my passion for thrifting and giving new life to second hand clothes...this time I found some amazing designer items, and also, vintage, handmade quality pieces, and I stayed within my € 20 budget! How amazing is that??

Pozdrav ljudi!

Opet sam otisla u lov na second hand stvarcice! :-)
Pronasla sam toliko super stvari, pravog skrivenog blaga, da sam odlucila podijeliti ovaj haul sa vama!
Vi sigurno vec znate za moju veliku strast prema second hand ducanima, pronalazenju bas tog posebnog, unikatnog predmeta i davanju novog zivota i stila, vec second hand odjevnim taj nacin najbolje se nekako kreira taj vlastiti unikatni stil, a bez velikog troska!
Ovaj puta, pronasla sam i dizajnerske stvarcice, a i neke vrijedne i kvalitetne rucno radjene vintage predmete i uza sve to uspjela ostati unutar svog budgeta od cca 150 kn! Nevjerojatno, zar ne? Probajte i vi! ;-)

Click on the video to watch my entire haul! Klik na video kako biste pogledali sto sam sve kupila!

As you can see, I got so many nice shirts, and some cool and on trend accessories! Let me know which one is your favourite item from this haul?

I hope you're having a great holiday season! Things are a bit hectic for me right now, as I'm getting closer to my due date, but I'm trying to spend these holidays at home relaxing, chilling and gathering strength and positive vibes for the upcoming labour that awaits me in 2017.!

I'm wishing you all lots of joy and happiness, and amazing holiday season ♥

Kao sto mozete vidjeti, naisla sam na puno odlicnih kosulja i neke stvarno cool i trendy aseasoare!
Javite mi u komentarima, koji je vas omiljen predmet od svega ovoga?

Nadam se da ugodno provodite ove blagdane! Ja sam u nekom cudnom filmu, jer datum mog poroda se blizi, ali nastojim ove dane provesti u ugodnoj blagdanskoj atmosferi, miru i pozitivnim emocijama. Puno spavam i prikupljam snagu za neizbjezno u 2017., najveci dogadaj u mom zivotu!

Zelim vam svima puno ljubavi i srece i zaista, najbolje blagdane! ♥


  1. Great stuff ;)

  2. Najljepse su mi kosulje od Tommy Hilfigera. Ostalo mi se vise-manje svida. Nije sve bas u mom stilu, ali ovo je svakako i vise nego odlican ulov :)

    MMara moj blog


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