
Monday 24 October 2016

OOTD: Black Jumpsuit & Studded Gladiators by Sibba shoes

Today's outfit post features this old, black jumpsuit by H&M, that I've had in my closet for years now, but I haven't worn it very often! This turned out to be great piece to wear during my second trimester of pregnancy, when my bump was starting to get more noticeable and when all I really wanted to wear were comfy clothes! I paired it with my fave Zara denim vest and leather bag, and those Sibba gladiators I already featured in this post! I stored them away now, for the next year, as it's getting colder here in Italy, and these photos were actually taken a few weeks ago!
I also have a fun weekend vlog that we filmed around that period, that is already on my youtube channel, so I'll link it bellow!

Danasnji outfit post vrti se oko ovog crnog H&M kombinezona koji definitivno nije novi komad odjece u mom ormaru! Vec dugo godina ga imam, ali ne nosim ga bas cesto! Ipak, pokazao se idealnim kroz drugo tromjesecje moje trudnoce, kada mi je trbuscic postajao sve zamjetniji, a sve sto sam ja zeljela obuci bila je komotna odjeca! Iskombinirala sam ga uz omiljeni Zara denim prsluk i koznu torbicu od koje se ne odvajam! Gladijatorice su branda Sibba i vec sam vam ih pokazala u ovom outfit postu! Sada su vec spremljene za iducu sezonu, jer u Italiji postaje sve hladnije i hladnije, a ove fotkice smo radili prije par tjedana!
Negdje u isto vrijeme snimila sam i mali vikend vlog koji je vec na kanalu, pa ako vas zanima i zeljni ste malo razbibrige, ostaviti cu vam linkic dolje!

Vlog video:

BAG: Zara
GLADIATOR SANDALS: Sibba, link here


  1. beautiful photos :)
    You look great in this set :)

  2. So beautiful, love your look

  3. Love those sandals, what a great look. The weather here is getting chilly so no more summer clothes here.

  4. Wow such a lovely outfit :)

  5. fantastična kombinacija....jako mi se sviđa taj kombinezon u kombinaciji s prslukom od trapera.


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