
Sunday 30 October 2016

L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss Glossy Blondes #801 Review | DIY BLONDE ROOTS TOUCH UP!

I decided to colour my hair at home! My roots needed some urgent touch up, and my hairdresser is in Croatia! As I didn't have patience to wait for my next trip to Croatia, I finally gathered the courage to touch up my roots at home! Prior to deciding which colour should i opt for, I did my research and finally I picked up the L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss Glossy Blondes in #801, and ...I was actually super pleased with the result! 
Considering the fact that this colour doesn't contain ammonia, this "experiment" of mine turned out to be a success! This box hair dye managed to lighten my roots quite nicely, without them turning out scary orange, or weird yellow!
As I'm pregnant, it was very important to me to use a product that doesn't contain any harsh chemicals. 

My hair is naturally way darker, as you can see from the "before" picture, so that's why I was super nervous with this first time application! I didn't film a demo, but I do have a video review where I'm talking you through the whole process of me colouring my hair at home for the very first time!
Now that I've "broken the ice" and saw that the results were quite nice, I might try to film the whole process of colouring my hair at home the next time!

You can check out this video review where I explain to you more about the whole colouring process:

I coloured my lengths too, but  as they've already been highlighted, I only left the colour in for less than 10 min, just to freshen it up!

Next time, I might go a shade lighter, which is supposed to work well if you already have highlighted hair and your highlights need to be freshen up and revived!  I'll let you know more about how that goes, and possibly even film a tutorial!

Have you ever tried L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss Glossy Blondes and if so, which shade did you opt for? Were you satisfied with the results?

Check out my article for Glam Express where I talk more about this experience!

Tuesday 25 October 2016

OOTD: Oviesse Lace Dress & Adidas Superstar Sneakers Sporty Chic Look ♥

Today's outfit post is all about combining some unexpected pieces together! This look is a mixture of romantic, feminine, and sporty, casual. I paired my beloved lace dress by Oviesse, with Adidas Superstar trainers and oversized denim vest by Zara. I loved the result! This dress I was looking to buy ever since I spotted it at Oviesse stores, I think it's awesome piece to wear even for everyday, and besides with the trainers, I'd also like to wear it with black leather booties, for that rocker chic/ edgy look! The price was around € 60, but I managed to grab it when they're having sales, for only € 20!
I said to my hubby we need to photograph it ASAP, whilst I can still fit in it, as this dress too, will have to wait for the next year to be worn again, as my pregnancy belly is getting bigger and bigger!

Danasnji outfit post kombinacija je nekih neocekivanih detalja, poput ove romanticne cipkane haljine, te Adidas Superstar tenisica! U dnevnim varijantama ja sam uvijek za taj sportski, casual look, sa ponekim detaljima koji ce cijeli look uciniti vise chic i trendy.
Omiljenu cipkastu haljinu pronasla sam u Oviesse ducanu, zapazila sam ju jos na punoj cijeni (€ 60), da bih ju ipak na kraju uspijela uloviti za samo € 20! Osim uz tenisice, nosila bih ju i uz crne kozne cizmice za taj dnevni, rocker chic look. Ove fotke pozurili smo se napraviti, dok jos u haljinicu stanem, jer i ona ce morati pricekati iducu godinu, buduci da moj trbuscic raste i raste sve veci svakim danom :-))

BAG: Zara
SNEAKERS: Adidas Superstar
BROOCH: Vintage

Monday 24 October 2016

OOTD: Black Jumpsuit & Studded Gladiators by Sibba shoes

Today's outfit post features this old, black jumpsuit by H&M, that I've had in my closet for years now, but I haven't worn it very often! This turned out to be great piece to wear during my second trimester of pregnancy, when my bump was starting to get more noticeable and when all I really wanted to wear were comfy clothes! I paired it with my fave Zara denim vest and leather bag, and those Sibba gladiators I already featured in this post! I stored them away now, for the next year, as it's getting colder here in Italy, and these photos were actually taken a few weeks ago!
I also have a fun weekend vlog that we filmed around that period, that is already on my youtube channel, so I'll link it bellow!

Danasnji outfit post vrti se oko ovog crnog H&M kombinezona koji definitivno nije novi komad odjece u mom ormaru! Vec dugo godina ga imam, ali ne nosim ga bas cesto! Ipak, pokazao se idealnim kroz drugo tromjesecje moje trudnoce, kada mi je trbuscic postajao sve zamjetniji, a sve sto sam ja zeljela obuci bila je komotna odjeca! Iskombinirala sam ga uz omiljeni Zara denim prsluk i koznu torbicu od koje se ne odvajam! Gladijatorice su branda Sibba i vec sam vam ih pokazala u ovom outfit postu! Sada su vec spremljene za iducu sezonu, jer u Italiji postaje sve hladnije i hladnije, a ove fotkice smo radili prije par tjedana!
Negdje u isto vrijeme snimila sam i mali vikend vlog koji je vec na kanalu, pa ako vas zanima i zeljni ste malo razbibrige, ostaviti cu vam linkic dolje!

Vlog video:

BAG: Zara
GLADIATOR SANDALS: Sibba, link here

Thursday 20 October 2016


Let me present you one of my all time favourite liquid foundations: Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum! And in my today's post I'm going to tell you exactly why I love it so much! I used to use the Bourjois Healthy Mix Radiance Reveal foundation, and I loved it; as a matter of fact, I loved all of the Bourjois foundations and concealers that I tried out! I heard great reviews about the Healthy Mix Serum version, so I was eager to try this one out too! I finally managed to get my hands on it in Muller drugstore in Croatia, when I was visiting my family :-)
I picked the shade #52 Vanilla (which was the lightest shade they had in their offer, but I heard that in some countries, they have even lighter shade, #51). I'm very pale, but the shade #52 works well for me, I could even purchase the shade #53 and mix them together, for even more perfect result, and for an additional hint of colour, as in winter time, I tend to become even too pale!

Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum is a foundation that simply glides on your face and blends in perfectly! It leaves you with a very fresh feeling, and because of its gel- cream version, it is so lightweight on your face, you don't even feel like you're wearing make up on your face.

It leaves you with a very natural looking skin, only perfected! It has got a semi-matt finish and it's ineed a very long lasting foundation (tested during a long car ride from Croatia to Italy).

Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation will basically boost your skin's radiance and will have that awesome anti-age effect, as it contains vitamin-rich fruit complex (lychee, goji berries and pomegranate). Its texture is, as I've mentioned, ultra fresh and light, so it will provide you an instant anti- fatigue effect!

Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum has quickly become one of my favourite liquid foundations and I know it's a product I'll keep repurchasing for the years to come. 

It doesn't have a super thick coverage, so you might want to use your heavy- duty concealer in case you need to cover up some problematic spots on your face.
I'd compare it to Chanel's Vitalumiere Aqua foundation, which I used in the past, and also loved! In fact, Bourjois products are very similar to Chanel' must be because they're owned by the same company! The only difference is in the price (Bourjois is much more affordable, drugstore price range), and the packaging, which might be less posh, but it's still quite cute and well thought!

Here is how this foundation acts on my face (I'm enclosing a non-photoshoped, no-filter close up photo, so you can better see the results of Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum on my face):

As you can tell, it gives a very natural looking, even finish and revived complexion. My skin is currently normal, with dry tendency, so I need a good hydrating products that will help to lock in the much needed moisture, but even though this foundation will give you radiance and a healthy glow, it definitely won't make your skin look oily or greasy.
If you have more oily skin, you can always set it with a mattifying compact or loose powder, as a finishing touch!

I find that Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum delivered all that it promised, and it certainly exceeded my expectations!

# 52 Vanilla

You can get more info on this foundation in my review video and also see a quick demo of me applying my foundation, and the finished look:

Also, you can check out my article on Glam Express on this product!
In case you're interested to see how it compares to Chanel Vitalumier Aqua, here is my review on youtube that I filmed a couple of years ago:

Have you ever used any of Bourjois foundations and how did you like them? Which one was your favourite? Have you ever tried the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum?

I hope this review was helpful! If you have any questions regarding this foundation, don't hesitate to leave me your comments!
Also, I wanted to mention, from now on, I'll try to include more beauty related posts on my blog too! I love posting outfit photos on my blog, but the original idea for this blog was to cover all the variety of topics, ranging from beauty, fashion, to lifestyle, so these are exactly the topics I'm going to try and post more about in the future!

Wednesday 19 October 2016

How to layer clothes in fall? Transitioning outfits from summer into fall!

Today I'm going to show you how I easily transformed my summer look into a ready for fall look! Fall is definitely a season that gives me possibility to play with my wardrobe, layer clothes and be creative! That's why I love the fall season, when it's still nice, sunny and warm and you can just add a few layers to your fave summer dress, and keep wearing it!
Yesterday I showed you my summer look wearing this H&M dress, and today I'm showing you in more details, the fall version of it! Also, I now have a lookbook video live on my youtube channel, so make sure to check it out and let me know how do you like the locations where we filmed, and the editing! :-)

Danas cu vam pokazati kako sam brzo i jednostavno pretvorila ovaj ljetni look, u outfit spreman za jesenje dane! Jesen je godisnje doba koje mi daje mogucnost kreativnosti i igranja sa svojom garderobom, a slojevito oblacenje je najbolji trik kako cete vasu ljetnu garderobu moci iskoristiti i kroz nesto hladnije godisnje doba! Ukoliko je rana jesen topla i suncana, nema potrebe vec spakirati ljetnu robu za iducu godinu! 
Jucer sam vam pokazala ljetni look sa ovom H&M haljinicom, a u danasnjem postu pogledajte jesenju verziju! Lookbook video, o kojem sam vam dala nagovijestiti u jucerasnjem postu, danas je vec na kanalu, pa ga pogledajte! Javite mi kako vam se svidaju lokacije na kojima smo snimali ove outfite i isto tako, sto mislite o editingu? :-)

JACKET: Pull & Bear
BAG: Zara
VELVET CHOKER NECKLACE: DIY project, watch the video tutorial here!