
Monday 26 September 2016

Cold shoulder top + lace bodycon skirt (Zaful & H&M)

ENG: Hi guys! Today I have another outfit post for you and I'd like to share with you one of my fave outfits of the moment! Since the weather here in Italy is still warm, sunny and summery, I'm still able to wear my summer clothes :-)
Cold shoulders tops and dresses were super popular this past season, and of course, I also have added a few in my wardrobe! One of my favourite was this one by Zaful. I actually saw a very similar one at H&M, but it got sold out so quickly and they never re-stocked it, so I was so happy when I spotted almost the exactly same model at Zaful web store!
I paired it with my lace bodycon skirt by H&M (in my second trimester of pregnancy, I'm still able to wear it without feeling too uncomfortable, because this skirt actually has an elasticated waistband), and with my fave Mango sandals :-)

How do you like this outfit?

And yes, you often ask me about the locations where I shoot my outfit posts...These photos were taken in Italy, at the place Casale Sul Sile, and the river you see is called Sile :-)

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Danas za vas imam jedan novi outfit post! Ovo je jedna od mojih trenutno omiljenih outfit kombinacija! Buduci da je vrijeme u Italiji jos uvijek lijepo, suncano i ljetno, mogu nositi laganiju odjecu :-)
Ovakav model topica i haljinica golih ramena bio je vrlo popularan ovog ljeta, tako da se i u mom ormaru pronaslo par takvih krpica! Jedan od omiljenih topica bio je ovaj kojega sam narucila sa Zaful web stranice. Vrlo slican model imali su u H&M-u, ali se tako brzo rasprodao da ga nisam uspjela nabaviti, a nikada ga nisu ponovno dobili u ponudi! Bila sam bas sretna kada sam ga gotovo identican model naisla na Zaful web ducanu!
Danas ga nosim uz ovu cipkastu suknjicu iz H&M-a (iako sam u drugom tromjesecju trudnoce, jos ju mogu nositi buduci da ima elastican struk, tako da mi nije preneudobna. Ali uskoro cu morati preci da odjecu sa trudnickog odjela- barem sto se donjeg dijela tice! ha!). Moje omiljene Mango sandalice upotpunile su outfit! 

Kako se vama svidja?

I da, cesto me pitate za lokacije gdje snimamo outfit postove, tako da cu vam reci da je ovo fotkano u Italiji, mjesto se zove Casale Sul Sile, bas po rijeci Sile koja kroz njega prolazi :-)

Cold shoulders top: Zaful here
Necklaces: Mikey London and Infinitine 
Bag: H&M
Charm bracelet: Soufeel
Skirt: H&M
Sandals: Mango
Sunglasses: Mango
Wooden watch: Jord, mod. "Sully in Natural Green"

At the end of my post, I want to recommend you an amazing online wedding and prom dress store.

Red Bridesmaid Dresses


  1. Jako lep oufit,draga! <3 <------------- novi post

  2. Predivan outfit draga i čestitke na divnom stanju u kome si sada! xox
    Vesna - Home Chic Club

  3. Very beautiful outfit; I like the cool colors and the pretty shoes.

  4. Darling I absolutely love your outfit!It's amazing :)
    I just opened my new blog.
    I am following you.Could you retur the favor?

  5. you look beautiful:)
    The most I like your blouse;)

  6. Predivan outfit. A mjesto je idealno za odmor ^_^ :*

  7. You look absolutely lovely Sonia! I love the skirt and blouse, and the way you've accessorised the look. It's such a feminine and chic look, which is very becoming on you and flattering to your figure. The location is stunning too, and your images are beautiful!

    Love Saba xx

  8. You look so beautiful. amazing photos.


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