
Thursday 21 July 2016

Zaful Haul / New In ♥

ENG: Hi guys! Today I'd like to present you some new bits that I recently got in the mail! I ordered them from Zaful web store and the shipping was really fast and went smoothly.
This summer I'm all about ethnic style, so I ordered this gorgeous cotton dress with embroideries :-)
I got it in a size M and it's a bit too big for me, so here's one tip for you if you're ordering that same dress: It fits true to size! Order it in the size you usually wear. I tend to go for a size up when ordering from asian websites (I'm usually XS/S), but this time, I should have just gotten it in my size!
Anyway, I'll still be able to make it work, so soon you'll see outfit post with this dress :-)

Also, I picked some accessories (as you guys know, I like to accessorize my outfits); these two in particular stood out to me:

They're trendy summer necklaces, and the prices were extremely affordable (a couple of dollars for each!). Oh, btw, and the dress is now on sale from the market price of $ 131.60 to only $ 26.32, so that's a bargain, really!

Here are all the links that you might need:

DRESS: here

Overall, my shopping experience at Zaful was a positive one, and I'm very pleased with the quality of the items I ordered.

HR: Pozdrav drustvo! Danas sa vama dijelim mali haul; paketic mi je nedavno stigao sa Zaful web ducana!
Buduci da ovo ljeto volim taj etnicki trend, odlucila sam se naruciti ovu prekrasnu pamucnu haljinu sa uvezenim cvjetnim detaljima. Haljina mi je nazalost malo prevelika! Iako inace sa azijskih stranica narucujem velicinu vecu nego sto inace nosim, ovoga puta pokazalo se da bi bilo bolje da sam ju narucila u svojoj velicini. To vam je mali savjet ukoliko i vi mislite naruciti ovu haljinu: Narucite ju u velicini u kojoj ste inace, jer haljina odgovara nasim standardima i proporcijama. Meni je ova haljina u vel. M prevelika jer inace nosim XS/S.
Ipak, uspjeti cu je prilagoditi na nacin da cete uskoro moci vidjeti outfit fotke ovdje na blogu :-)

Osim haljine, odlucila sam se i za dvije trendy ljetne ogrlice jer jako volim asesoar!

Prva je opet tog etnickog/ boho stila, a mozete ju naruciti ovdje! Druga je isto bas po mom gustu, jednostavna, a opet, lijepo upotpuni obican outfit! Link za nju vam je ovdje!

Sve u svemu, zadovoljna sam stvarcicama koje su mi pristigle sa Zafula. Shipping je bio vrlo brz i sve je proteklo glatko! Stvarcice su i odlicne kvalitete, a posebno pamucna haljina.

Zaful sada ima dobra snizenja, haljina je snizena sa trzisne cijene od $ 131.60 na samo $ 26.32, a ogrlice kostaju par dolara svaka, puno manje nego sto biste platili u nekom nasem ducanu asesoara!
Buduci da mi je haljina malo prevelika, ukoliko je ne suzim i ja cu je prodati putem blog sale-a, pa ukoliko ste vec za nju zainteresirani, ostavite mi vas komentar i kontaktirati cu vas sto prije!


  1. WAUW! I love the first necklace! Great post :)


  2. Awesome!! I love the dress!! Great selection! <3

  3. The pieces you ordered are so beautiful! I LOVE that dress. The embroidery is gorgeous.

  4. ooo wooow I love this dress!

  5. Great post dear! Kiss :)
    New post on my blog:

  6. Wow such a beautiful dress :)

  7. Great haul :)

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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