
Wednesday 20 July 2016

My Avon Nail Polish Collection ♥♥

ENG: Hello loves! Today's post is beauty themed :-) I know, I write mostly about fashion & style, but I do like to throw in an occasional beauty post, as that's my passion too!
I discuss more beauty topics every month in my articles for Glam Express, so make sure to check them out if you haven't yet!
I love Avon and I've been an Avon Lady myself for almost 15 years now! I only was starting to learn about make up when I was introduced to the colorful beauty world of Avon and I immediately fell in love with the brand!

I wanted to show you my small Avon nail polish collection (as I was sorting out my nail polish collection the other day, I realized how long lasting and durable in time these nail polish are!). I guess I have all the seasons covered here, with these colours, ranging from neutrals, to pretty pastels, to more vibrant, summery colours and then darker shades for colder season!

Which one is your favourite?

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Danasnji post je na "beauty" temu :-) Znam, u zadnje vrijeme na blogu cesce pisem o modi i stilu, ali znate mene, volim i taj "beauty" dio, tako da vas ne cudi ako s vremena na vrijeme ubacim i koji takav post!
Vise clanaka na temu ljepote i makeupa dijelim sa vama na Glam Expressu, pa svratite ukoliko jos niste :-)
Ja bas volim Avon i Avon Lady sam vec gotovo 15 godina! Tek sam se pocinjala sminkati i otkrivati taj svijet kozmetike, kada mi je Avon predstavljen i od tada je nastala ljubav!

Htjela sam vam pokazati moju malu kolekciju Avon lakova za nokte (nedavno sam sredjivala svoju kolekciju lakova za nokte i Avonovi su mi se pokazali izuzetno dobre kvalitete i dugotrajni!). U ovoj maloj kolekciji imam bojice za svako doba godine: Od neutralnih nijansi za svaku priliku, lijepih pastelnih, do zescih ljetnih boja i tamnijih prikladnih za hladnije doba godine!

O ovome sam snimila i video na hrvatskom jeziku, a mozete ga pogledati ovdje:


"Painted Peony "

"Seduce Me Strawberry"

"Vintage Blue"

"Luxe Lavender"

"Blue Flare"


  1. Avon nailpolishes are always amazing. I use them as well.
    ✨ ✨ -new post :)

  2. I love Blue flare

  3. Super post. Volim Avon proizvode ali moram priznati da ih odavno nisam koristila ni kupovala. Morat ću pogledati ima li išta novo ili kupiti par ovakvih lakova :) :*

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  4. I love Avon ♥

  5. That is so awesome that you love Avon so much! I love it too. My mom has always ordered from it...even when I was little. So Avon was my first introduction to makeup. (I used to dig through her makeup collection and play with the Avon lipsticks!) You have an amazing polish collection. Those shades are stunning.

  6. Hi Sonia,
    you told me that you would follow me back, but I cant see you in my followers :/
    hope you return this message,
    thank you!

  7. Beautiful collection and great colors:)

  8. Pretty collection and love how you did the post :)

  9. Nie lubie lakierów od nich :(

    Zapraszam Odpowiadam na każdą obsrwację :)

  10. Very nice colors :)


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