
Wednesday 8 June 2016

Day at the beach VLOG ♥ Croatia ♥ Bakar ♥ Kraljevica ♥ Uvala Scott

ENG: Hello guys! Sorry I was MIA a bit this past week, but I'm busy taking care of my granny! She's been staying here with me for the past 10 days, and as she's 84 and recovering from a serious heart attack she suffered at the beginning of this year, she needs a lot of my time and attention!
But I love being able to give her my love and support! When she was in the hospital, and in a critical condition, I was praying that she survives so I can pamper her  and let her know how much I care about her! So I sort of took these 10 days off to be able to dedicate myself to my granny! This Friday we're bringing her back home to Croatia and I hope she'll be more energised and strong :-)

In this post I'd like to show you a few photos that we took when we were in Croatia at the beach, 10 days ago, when we went there to pick up my granny and had some time free to enjoy ourselves at the nearby beaches! My clothes were super casual, this is all actually my old stuff I found at my closet in Croatia! I didn't bring anything super casual and lightweight in my suitcase, and as the day turned out to be very hot and sunny, I didn't want to wear anything that I brought with me from Italy, but I found these old & casual clothes :-)

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Moram vam se ispricati sto me vec vise od tjedan dana nema na blogu, ali imam dobar razlog za to! Uzela sam si mali "godisnji", ajmo se tako izraziti...Ovdje u Italiji ugostila sam moju baku i tu je vec 10 dana. Buduci da ona ima 84.god i da je pocetkom ove godine pretrpila tezak srcani infarkt, iziskuje veliku njegu i skrb, tako da nemam puno slobodnog vremena. Ali, sretna sam! Dok je baka bila u bolnici i kriticno, molila sam se da mi ozdravi pa da ju mogu uzeti kod sebe na neko vrijeme i pokazati joj koliko ju volim i koliko mi je do nje stalo! Uskoro se vracamo u Hrvatsku, a ja se nadam da ce moja bakica nakon ovog boravka u Italiji biti snaznija i napunjena pozitivnom energijom za dalje :-)

Htjela sam vam ipak ubaciti ovaj brzinski post; imam samo par slicica (ali i vlogic!!!) 
Fotkice su nastale prije desetak dana kada smo isli po baku u Hrvatsku, a imali smo i malo slobodnog vremena za uzivanciju i opustanje na moru! Outfit je super casual jer odjecu sam izvukla iz svog ormara u Hrvatskoj! Ono sto sam si spakirala za put nista nije odgovaralo za vruc ljetni dan, tako da mi je ova stara odjeca ipak dobro posluzila :-)

Ukoliko zelite pogledati ovaj vlogic, kliknite ovdje!

Outfit info:

T-SHIRT: H&M (Young girl's dept.)
JEANS: Koan (thrifted)
BALLET FLATS: Carrefour supermaket
WOODEN WATCH: Jord, mod. Sully in Natural Green


  1. love your outfit! great pictures :)

  2. You look so classy. Love the bag! Have a great day! xx

  3. Hi dear! It's very beautiful!!!
    New post for you on my blog :)

  4. I really like Your outfit and I love the sunnies! ❤️

  5. Sweet smile :D

  6. Tak toto je hodně silné šlápnutí vedle...Nevkusný outfit :/

    1. It's clear you haven't read the text, so next time make sure to have a courtesy of doing that before leaving a negative comment!

  7. I love the look, and jeans are great
    I hope in Bajoelsombrerodesusan

  8. Pretty outfit! :)


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