
Thursday 14 April 2016


ENG: Spring is finally here and so is my pollen allergy :-/ Haven't been feeling that well lately and I just want to skip these following two months when everything is in bloom! Ugh, I hate myself for saying that, because I used to love the nature awakening, but the last three years have been pretty hard and because of these allergies I feel quite miserable during the whole Spring period!

Lately, I've been trying to save up some money to invest in my blog/ youtube! As you might already know, at the beginning of this year, I treated myself with a new macbook pro and just recently I got a new vlogging camera: Panasonic Lumix DMC- TZ55 (flip screen, full HD), and next on my wish list is a beauty light ring that I need to improve the quality of my videos! So, everything that I earn from my blog/ youtube, goes for that :-) I really want to give the best possible content to you guys!

Here's my Spring OOTD, cargo pants are a must for a casual look, and this silver clutch is my new entry: so cute and goes great for dressing up an outfit but I wear it even with my casual looks.
This striped cardigan is a gift from an on-line web store that I model for :-) It's a part of their new spring collection!

HR: Proljece se konacno osjeca u zraku, a samim time stigla je i moja alergija na pelud! :-/
Nisam dobro i zeljela bih preskociti iduca dva mjeseca kada sve cvijeta! Uh, tako mi je zao to reci, jer nekad sam obozavala promatrati prirodu koja se budi, ali prethodne tri godine bile su pravi pakao i uvijek zavrsim na antihistaminima!

U zadnje vrijeme, stedim za novu opremu koja ce poboljsati moj sadrzaj na blogu/ youtube kanalu! Kao sto vjerojatno vec znate, sa pocetkom godine pocastila sam se novim macbook pro racunalom, a nedavno sam kupila i novu kameru za vloganje: Izabrala sam Panasonic Lumix DMC- TZ55 (sa flip ekranom i full HD), a iduce na mojoj listi zelja jest profi beauty light rasvjeta koja ce poboljsati kvalitetu mojih videa! Odlucila sam, sve sto zaradim od bloga / youtube-a, ide u moju "kasicu prasicu" za daljnji razvoj i napredak bloga :-) Zaista vam zelim ponuditi sto bolji i kvalitetniji sadrzaj!

Ovo je moj proljetni look, cargo hlace must su za jedan "casual" look, a ova mala srebrna torbica je "new entry" iz Zare. Volim ju za svecane kombinacije, ali isto tako, bez bada ju nosim i za casual varijante. Kardigan je dio nove proljetne kolekcije jednog on-line ducana sa kojim vec dugo suradujem!

CARDIGAN: On-line gift
SHOES: Stradivarius
BAG: Zara
WOODEN WATCH: Jord, mod. Sully in Natural Green
LEATHER CUFF: H&M (men's dept.)
ARROW NECKLACE: Infinitine Jewellery


  1. You look so classy. Love the bag!

  2. Great look! I love your multicolour cardigan!


  3. Oh no! I am sorry to hear about your allergies. My mom suffers from that as well and I always feel awful for her during the spring months. I hope they aren't too bad this year. <3 Love this outfit by the way. That cardigan is super pretty!

  4. Cute pants
    Have a good day

  5. Great look!!


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