
Wednesday 20 April 2016

New In: Irresistible Me DIAMOND Professional Styling Iron ♥

ENG: Hi guys! Today I'd like to present you my new hair styling tool: This amazing flat iron by Irresistible Me, an on-line web store that sells hair extensions and hair styling tools.
From their offer, I picked out this fantastic hair straightener, that is a next- generation smart iron.
This ceramic straightener is equipped with a top-of-the-line microprocessor and it will automatically adjust to supplied voltage, so you can take it with you anywhere.

The iron will automatically change the temperature display mode into Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on the supplied voltage.

Dynamic Alignment System is an advanced design feature that self-adjusts the plate pair to provide perfect contact between your hair and plates, eliminating any damaging pressure points, so that your iron can work through the hair smoothly, without pulling.

This styling iron has been manufactured to the highest standards and latest technology, featuring the unique Diamond NANO Hi- Tech. The diamond coated plate enhances its durability and heat transfer, unlike conventional ceramic irons.

It looks like I picked the top product when it comes to flat irons! I'm very excited to try it out and film a review/ tutorial with it! As I always use a hair straightener after blow drying my hair, I need the best quality product that will help me get rid of frizzy hair, yet preserve its health and make it shiny and beautiful looking. These are my requests when it comes to hair straighteners, and I really believe that this product can deliver that!

The straightener looks absolutely fab, and it's so lightweight, great even for travelling, as it won't be an extra weight in your luggage!
You can use it to straighten your hair, but also to create romantic loose curls.

This is just a sneak peak as I literally just got this product in the mail! I'm very eager to do a follow up on it and tell you all about my first stay tuned! :-)

HR: Bok ljudi! U danasnjem postu zelim vam predstaviti moju novu peglu za kosu, branda Irresistible Me, koji je specijaliziran za prodaju ekstenzija i top uredaja za styling kose.
Iz njihove ponude odabrala sam si Diamond peglu za kosu koja je radjena po najnovijoj NANO Hi_ Tech Diamond tehnologiji!

Na prvi pogled, pegla se zaista cini top proizvodom odlicne kvalitete, a mojoj kosi upravo tako nesto i treba. Buduci da ja peglam kosu nakon svakog pranja, trebam peglu koja ce dati odlicne rezultate bez da dugorocno osteti kosu. Mislim da pegle koje funkcioniraju na ovoj novijoj tehnologiji to mogu i ostvariti.

Svidja mi se jako i sam dizajn, djeluje fantasticno, privlacne crvene boja, a izuzetno lagana. Zbog toga je idealna i za putovanja, zaista vam nece biti dodatni teret u koferu!
Sa njom naravno mozete ispeglati kosu, ali isto tako odlicna je i za kreiranje romanticnih kovrci!

Ja sam tek dobila ovu peglu, stigla je postom iz USA. Jako sam znatizeljna i jedva ju cekam isprobati kako bih vam mogla ponuditi tutorijal i recenziju o njoj i reci sve o mojim prvim dojmovima! Ovo je sada samo mali sneak peak, a ja se bacam na trazenje adaptera kako bi peglu mogla koristiti sa talijanskim / europskim uticnicama!

Monday 18 April 2016


ENG: I have a new GRWM video & Spring OOTD ready for you!
I filmed a collab video with beautiful Lo from LifeWithLo youtube channel. I truly enjoy filming collab videos because this is a great way of promotion between youtubbers, and also, it's great to meet lovely girls and women from all over the world, who, like me, like to share beauty & fashion tips on-line!

For my today's outfit I decided to play a bit with denim trend that is very much in style this season. I added another layer as it was still pretty chilly. I'm in love with my new pink & grey aztec print, waterfall cardigan. It's the perfect clothing item for Spring! :-)

HR: Imam novi GRWM video i proljetni OOTD spreman za vas!
To je jos jedan u nizu collab videa na mom engleskom youtube kanalu, a napravljen je u suradnji sa prelijepom Lo sa LifeWithLo youtube kanala. Ja zaista uzivam snimati collab videe, to je odlican nacin promocije izmedju nas youtubera, a isto tako, divno je moci upoznati djevojke i zene iz cijelog svijeta, koje, kao i ja, vole dijeliti svoje male savjete o modi i ljepoti on -line!

Pri stvaranju mog danasnjeg outfita odlucila sam se poigrati denim trendom koji je ponovno vrlo in ove sezone. Buduci da je dan bio prohladan, obukla sam se slojevito, a ovaj dugi, rozo- sivi kardigan aztec printa bas je savrsen proljetni novitet u mom ormaru!

Aztec print cardigan: gift // Denim shirt: H&M // Black skinny jeans: H&M // Boots: Zara // Backpack: Handmade in Croatia // Earcuff: H&M // Wooden watch: Jord, mod. "Sully" in "Natural Green"

Watch my Spring GRWM here // Pogledajte moj proljetni "spremi se sa mnom" video ovdje:

Thursday 14 April 2016


ENG: Spring is finally here and so is my pollen allergy :-/ Haven't been feeling that well lately and I just want to skip these following two months when everything is in bloom! Ugh, I hate myself for saying that, because I used to love the nature awakening, but the last three years have been pretty hard and because of these allergies I feel quite miserable during the whole Spring period!

Lately, I've been trying to save up some money to invest in my blog/ youtube! As you might already know, at the beginning of this year, I treated myself with a new macbook pro and just recently I got a new vlogging camera: Panasonic Lumix DMC- TZ55 (flip screen, full HD), and next on my wish list is a beauty light ring that I need to improve the quality of my videos! So, everything that I earn from my blog/ youtube, goes for that :-) I really want to give the best possible content to you guys!

Here's my Spring OOTD, cargo pants are a must for a casual look, and this silver clutch is my new entry: so cute and goes great for dressing up an outfit but I wear it even with my casual looks.
This striped cardigan is a gift from an on-line web store that I model for :-) It's a part of their new spring collection!

HR: Proljece se konacno osjeca u zraku, a samim time stigla je i moja alergija na pelud! :-/
Nisam dobro i zeljela bih preskociti iduca dva mjeseca kada sve cvijeta! Uh, tako mi je zao to reci, jer nekad sam obozavala promatrati prirodu koja se budi, ali prethodne tri godine bile su pravi pakao i uvijek zavrsim na antihistaminima!

U zadnje vrijeme, stedim za novu opremu koja ce poboljsati moj sadrzaj na blogu/ youtube kanalu! Kao sto vjerojatno vec znate, sa pocetkom godine pocastila sam se novim macbook pro racunalom, a nedavno sam kupila i novu kameru za vloganje: Izabrala sam Panasonic Lumix DMC- TZ55 (sa flip ekranom i full HD), a iduce na mojoj listi zelja jest profi beauty light rasvjeta koja ce poboljsati kvalitetu mojih videa! Odlucila sam, sve sto zaradim od bloga / youtube-a, ide u moju "kasicu prasicu" za daljnji razvoj i napredak bloga :-) Zaista vam zelim ponuditi sto bolji i kvalitetniji sadrzaj!

Ovo je moj proljetni look, cargo hlace must su za jedan "casual" look, a ova mala srebrna torbica je "new entry" iz Zare. Volim ju za svecane kombinacije, ali isto tako, bez bada ju nosim i za casual varijante. Kardigan je dio nove proljetne kolekcije jednog on-line ducana sa kojim vec dugo suradujem!

CARDIGAN: On-line gift
SHOES: Stradivarius
BAG: Zara
WOODEN WATCH: Jord, mod. Sully in Natural Green
LEATHER CUFF: H&M (men's dept.)
ARROW NECKLACE: Infinitine Jewellery

Want luscious, long hair? Get it from Besthairbuy!

Are you dreaming of a long, luscious, beautiful hair?
Letting your hair grow can be quite challenging because we often apply too much heat on our hair and we treat it with chemicals, often bleach it/ dye it, so all that takes its toll on our hair's health! :-/

Great way to switch up your everyday look and experiment with different hairstyles is by adding hair extensions!

This model has the most gorgeous, thick, shiny and voluminous hair! It's thanks to virgin hair from Besthairbuy! This web store is specialized in selling hair extensions and wigs.

They offer a variety of different hair, based on your preference! If you want to change your hair only occasionally and create voluminous braids for special occasions, then clip in hair extensions are the right answer for you.
Otherwise you can choose the popular tape extensions, or pre bonded, or remy weave...

Brazilian hair bundles are always popular are highly requested, as the hair is supreme quality, very thick and voluminous.

Virgin brazilian hair is indeed, very highly requested hair, and it'll blend in perfectly with your hair to give you a new, more beautiful look and that gorgeous, shiny hair you always dreamt of!

7 A Brazilian hair is something very special in Besthairbuy's offer! Have you ever heard of their Diamond collection? There you can find super shiny, glossy and gorgeous hair and pick the hair structure you prefer: From straight to wavy, or super curly hair, they have it all!

Once you've picked your perfect hair extensions set, it's important to properly take care of them to ensure they'll last you for a long time!

Lastly, I'd like to give you some tips on how to style hair extensions...

1. Use a special brush available in beauty stores to ensure your extensions don't get damaged.

2. Before going to bed, braid your hair into one large loose braid at the back of the neck.

3. After waking up, undo the braid and comb through, beginning at the ends, working your way up to your roots.

4. Use a gentle shampoo and rinse under cold water to avoid tangles. Dilute it in some warm water and sponge it into the hair. Do not massage. Rinse thoroughly and apply conditioner and comb your hair, starting with the ends. Let the extensions air- dry.

5. Avoid excessive usage of styling aids, such as mousse, gel and hairspray. If possible opt for alcohol-free products.

Follow Besthairbuy → Home | Facebook | Youtube | Pinterest | Instagram 

* sponsored post

Tuesday 12 April 2016


ENG: Hey guys! I have a new video up on my youtube channel, and it's about Sephora eye masks, which I love using! Those masks will boost your undereye skin's radiance, hydrate it and keep it very fresh & young looking! I'll also show you a little demo on how I use these masks and share with you my favourite four!
This video is also a collab video with my lovely youtube friend Hina, from DefiningGlamour youtube channel. She's so sweet and beautiful and I hope you'll all check her out & show her your support by subscribing :-)
She reviewed her favourite Camilla lipstick and lipgloss that she received in her Lip Monthly Bag for March.

HR: Pozdrav ljudi! Danas za vas imam novi video na engleskom youtube kanalu, a radi se o recenziji Sephorinih maskica za podrucje okolo ociju. Ja te maskice doslovno obozavam, jer vracaju delikatnom okoloocnom podrucju energiju, hidrataciju i njegovan, svjez i mladenacki izgled! U videu vam pokazujem i malu demonstraciju kako ja nanosim te maskice te vam otkrivam koje su moje omiljene cetiri, iz bogatog Sephorinog repertoara.
Ovaj video je ujedno i suradnja sa mojom dragom youtube prijateljicom Hinom sa DefiningGlamour youtube kanala. Ona je jedna slatka i draga osoba i nadam se da cete svi svratiti do njezinog kanala i dati joj podrsku pretplatom :-)
U svom videu ona je recenzirala Camilla ruz i sjajilo za usne koje je dobila u Lip Monthly Bag, za mjesec ozujak.

My favourite four / Moje omiljene cetiri!

My video/ Moj video:

Hina's video/ Hinin video:

Wednesday 6 April 2016


ENG: I was in Croatia around Easter holidays and even though the weather wasn't treating us well, I wanted to play a bit with my spring wardrobe :-)
I wore my new watercolor T-shirt and Hollister fringe jacket, paired with a simple pair of Zara skinny jeans. Also, I added my bright neon floral necklace and instantly, I felt the Spring is here :-)

HR: Za uskrsnje blagdane provela sam par dana u Hrvatskoj. Vrijeme nas nije sluzilo, ali svejedno zeljela sam se poigrati sa svojom proljetnom garderobom :-)
Ovaj sareni T-shirt novi je "entry" u mom ormaru, a iskombinirala sam ga sa Hollisterovom jaknicom na rese i jednostavnim skinny trapericama iz Zare. Outfit sam ukrasila H&M-ovom ogrlicom i upotpunila ovaj proljetni styling!

WATERCOLOR T-SHIRT: Gift from on-line web store
JACKET: Hollister
SHOES: Stradivarius
BACKPACK: Handmade in Croatia by a local brand
WOODEN WATCH: Jord, mod. Sully in Natural Green

Watch my OOTD video feat. this outfit: