
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Purple Winter OOTD

ENG: Hi guys, how are you all doing?
I hope everything's fine! I've been a bit MIA because I had a lot of work to do for my youtube channels, I have lots of exciting collaborations coming up, so I'm really looking forward to that!
Also, this week I'm off work, so I have more time free to write my articles for Glam Express, and I'm also planning a little weekend getaway to the italian mountains!

This morning, I was browsing through some old videos on my youtube channel SoniaVerardo BeautyBlog and I came across this video that I found to be hillarious! My hubby and I both had a good laugh whilst watching it, and I noticed how many sincere comments I received back then! People were genuinely interested in my content on youtube, and were really engaged with my channel. Nowdays I feel it's all sub 4 sub, and loads of fake compliments from people who saw maybe 30 sec of my video (the time they took to actually write the comment), trying to draw attention to their own channels. I definitely dislike where this youtube game is heading, but I keep playing it, because I want to show that there are still people who genuinely enjoy creating content, and not all of us are money or fame drawn!
I'm talking about a video that I published in 2010., and it was sort of a Q&A type of video. I filmed it outdoors, in the italian hills, the scenery was beautiful. I was exactly one year and a half into creating youtube videos, and I wanted to give you guys a little insight into my life and help you to get to know me and my personality a bit better.

As this upcoming weekend I'm going to the mountains, I thought I'd do a little "response", or "update" video, to my video from 2010.!

If you have any questions for me that you'd like me to answer in my upcoming video, ask away! I'd love to engage you in creating of this video and give shoutouts to all of you who ask me a question!You can leave all your questions in the comment's section bellow this post!

Until I film my new video, maybe you'd like to check out the video from 2010. that I was telling you about, and have a good laugh :-)

HR: Bok ljudi! Kako ste mi?
Nadam se da ste svi super! Ja sam bila malo "odsutna" od bloga, jer sam vise vremena posvetila obvezama na youtube-u. Imam planirane neke zanimljive suradnje, tako da se bas veselim tome!
Ovaj tjedan sam na godisnjem, tako da imam vise vremena za pisanje clanaka za Glam Express, a ovaj vikend planiram i kratki put u talijanske planine!

Za doruckom sam prelistavala svoje stare videe na youtube kanalu SoniaVerardo BeautyBlog i naisla na ovaj video iz 2010. god. koji je mene i muzica nasmijao do suza!
(Video mozete pogledati gore, stisnite play na thumbnail slicici).
Video mi je jednostavno presmjesan i smijem se sama sebi dok ga gledam, ali isto tako je iskren i spontan i zbog toga ga necu skinuti u pokusaju brendiranja svog kanala i izgradnje imagea...
Da, jer branding i image je sve o cemu se danas prica i o cemu blogeri/youtuberi razmisljaju, zar ne?
Iskreno me dotaklo do srca kada sam shvatila koliko sam iskrenih komentara tada dobila na taj video! Ljudi su zaista zeljeli podijeliti sa mnom svoje dojmove i reakcije na sam video. Danas, imam dojam, sve se vrti oko sub 4 sub, follow 4 follw. Ljudi ostavljaju puno laskavih komentara (iako su pogledali mozda samo 30 sek vaseg videa, bas onoliko koliko im je trebalo da napisu taj komentar), u pokusaju privlacenja paznje na svoj kanal. U ovoj youtube zajednici koja se u zadnje vrijeme vrti oko slave, novca, pohlepe i nezdrave konkurencije/ nadmetanja, meni osobno ponekad je tesko naci motivaciju.
I dalje sam ovdje jer zelim pokazati da nas jos ima: Iskrenih i jednostavnih, obicnih ljudi, kojima je ovo hobby i zabava i koji zaista zele komunicirati sa vlastitom "publikom" i cijene sve do i jednog citatelja/ gledatelja. Ima nas jos koji smo ovdje vodjeni strascu za modom i ljepotom i djeljenjem malih zenskih savjeta, a ne vodjeni idejom popularnosti i karijere.
Biti bloger danas je IN, zar ne? 

Video koji sam snimila 2010. bio je jedna forma Q & A videa, htjela sam vam na zanimljiv i originalan nacin predstaviti dijelic svog zivota i dati vam priliku da me malo bolje upoznate. Snimila sam ga u talijanskim brdima Vittorio Veneto, krajolici su fantasticni, a tocno godinu dana i sest mjeseci od pokretanja svog prvog youtube kanala.

Buduci da ovaj vikend putujem u Cortinu, htjela sam snimiti jedan takav format videa: Nesto tipa odgovor na moj video iz 2010. : 6 godina poslije!Ukoliko imate koje pitanje za mene, sada je prava prilika da mi ga postavite dolje u komentarima!Na njih cu odgovoriti u iducem videu iz Cortine i dajem shoutout svakom tko mi postavi pitanje!

Pa pitajte, pitajte, pitajte!

A do tada evo vam i jedan zimski outfit post :-)

SWEATER: Italian open market

JEANS: Oviesse
BOOTS: bought in Italy
BAG: bought in Italy
NECKLACE: Pull & Bear
HAT: Borsallino
WATCH: Jord, mod. Sully in Natural Green


  1. El sombrero te queda genial!

  2. A lovely look! I really like it! :)

    Visit and follow:


  4. Wow great look and I love love love your boots, shame you don't know the shop, in Italy they have really nice shoes, I also bought a pair of boots too in one of my trips there :)

  5. You look so fab dear! I love the entire outfit and the layers are such a beauty. Keep rockin' Sonia. Always great choice and mix of outfits. :)

    Keeping in touch,

    Jong | Summerglee |

  6. Your outfit is always perfect!

  7. Predivan post, draga! Slike su odlične, te je bilo zanimljivo pogledati tvoj stari video! :)

    NEW POST --->
    NEW POST --->

  8. U potpunosti se slazem s tobom! Danas svi misle da mogu biti blogeri i youtuberi. Samo se reklamiraju, postove uopce ne citaju niti gledaju videe do kraja. Svi gledaju samo sebe sto je tuzno, jer uopce ne pokazuju interes za to da vide ili procitaju ista novo. Outfit mi se bas dopada, tamne hlace su pun pogodak, kaput ti odlicno stoji a torbica je vrh. Fotke izgledaju odlicno!
    Novi post kod mene:

  9. Nyc post, looking lovely =)

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC? If yes just let me know once done and I'll follow back =))

  10. Amazing Outfit! :)

    Please check my Blog!! :)

    Alessa Bernal :)


Hello lovely people ♥
Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my blog & to comment!
I truly appreciate it!
If you'd like to follow me, I'd be more than happy to follow back, I believe that we should all support eachother.
Just let me know in the comments that you followed me, and I'll make sure to follow you back as soon as I can! xo from Italy ♥♥