
Thursday 12 November 2015

Wild. Free.

ENG: This week has been so busy for me and I can't even say  I'm glad that the weekend is coming, because, hey, hey, I'm going to be super busy this weekend too!
I have taken some extra hours in my shift, and also, I was running, doing some health exams and check-ups...It's been pretty hectic and the fog wasn't making it any easier! We've had fog for days now, and I hate driving at night through the fog: I can't see anything! Luckily, today finally the sun came up!

I found a moment free to post this outfit...I love this cool location that we found, it's an abandoned hotel in my hometown in Croatia...
I remember when I was buying this H&M's colleagues were making fun of me, asking me if I'm going to be a meccanic! And I replied that they don't know the first thing about fashion, and that I was going to use it for gardening! lol
But, seriously talking, this is such a cool jumpsuit, I love having it in my wardrobe! I love to wear it with some fun & bold accessories and killer heels! I think it looks great! :-)

I picked this gorgeous statement necklace from Happiness Boutique! It's super sparkly and it'll definitely make your outfit stand out!

HR: Ovaj tjedan bila sam jako zaposlena, a ne mogu cak ni reci da se radujem sto nam se blizi vikend, zbog toga sto, hej, hej, ja ovaj vikend opet radim punom parom!
Ovaj tjedan odradila sam neke prekovremene sate (blize se blagdani, malo extra sitnisa dobro ce doci! ;-) ), obavljala neke ljecnicke preglede i kontrole...a magla mi nije olaksavala situaciju! 
Vec danima imamo gustu maglu, a ja mrzim voziti nocu u magli...nista se ne vidi! U Rijeci magla nije cesta pojava, tako da se jos uvijek nisam priviknula na ove maglovite periode...niti necu!
Na srecu, danas nam se ipak pokazalo sunceko!

Pronasla sam slobodan trenutak da vam ubacim ovaj post...super mi je lokacija na kojoj smo snimali ovaj outfit, to je kod napustenog hotela Panorama kod Preluka...
Kada sam kupovala ovaj kombinezon u H&M-u, kolegice su me zezale da cu se dat' u mehanicare! A ja sam im odgovorila da one nemaju pojma o modi i da kombinezon namjeravam nositi za vrtlarenje! haha
Salu na stranu, mislim da je ovaj kombinezon bas cool i drago mi je da ga imam u svom ormaru! Obozavam ga nositi uz neki dobar asesoar i vrtoglave stikle! Mislim da kombinacija fantasticno izgleda! :-)

Ogrlica je pravi "statement piece", blistava i divna! Narucila sam ju sa Happiness Boutique ducana.
Takva ogrlica uciniti ce vam svaki outfit posebnim!

Jumpsuit: H&M
Bag: H&M
Shoes: Stradivarius
Necklace: Happiness Boutique
Watch: Jord, mod. "Sully" in Natural Green 


  1. Lovely Outfit; I like the jumpsuit.

  2. Those colours are amazing! Love this outfit:)

  3. Oh definitely sounds like your life has been totally hectic and crazy. I hope it slows down soon! You look gorgeous. This outfit is absolutely stunning. I love that jumpsuit and the necklace you paired with it. Perfection!

  4. I love your outfit, you look gorgeous!

  5. What an amazing jumpsuit you effortlessly pulled off! wow


  6. Wow, this look is unexpected, but really cool)

  7. Great post!

  8. I love how you can pull off that outfit & still wear those awesome heels<3:)

  9. amazing look!!

  10. Nice jumpsuit!

  11. Perfect Style

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